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Abdi Gedi

What is our main problem?

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What is our main problem?


I am sure we all are agree that the Ethiopians presence in Somalia is not for the oil like Iraq or gold , it is very clear that the government has been treated by the radical elements. If you have a terminal ‘Cancer’, would you worry about your ‘Cold’, or would you spend your time energy to treat your ‘Cancer’.? Somalia’s ‘Cancer’ is peace, security and stability. I would encourage the people to concentrate on their high priority. Ethiopians will leave soon after taken care of business.


Most people here are missing the whole point, it is all about bringing peace and stability in Somalia, not a person like you who wages war. Let's come together and focus on peace and stability. Your concern is like wasting on your 'Cold' rather than focusing your 'Cancer'. If you don't take care of your 'Cancer' , it will vanish you from this world. On the other hand, 'Cold' can be treated with simple remedies. It is all about smart political calculation, being politically matured, rather than emotion. A strategic decision and well thought action. However, most of us are lack of this skill but driven by patriotic ambitions.


Ethiopia is the ONLY country which has accepted Somalia refugees without any proper documentation. Somalians are freely move, rent and do business across the country and nobody bothers them asking any legal paper. Where do you have seen this kind of treatment? The so-called Muslim country Yemen has opened fire on the refuges who are seeking shelter on their boat time, again and again. I was there and had good experience, even better treatment than North America.Ask anybody who have been in Ethiopia in the past. As a muslim we have to do the right thing. This hospitality even mentioned in holy Koran.

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^okay what has that got to do with the naked aggression by ethiopia against its neighbors.


Ethiopia is the only country that seems to have found us vonruble thus going about our country and our capital however they want.


If Ethiopia wants Somalia to be peaceful and good will neighbor,they must leave it alone and leave the situation for somalis to handle,after all Somalia is for somalis.


It doesnt' make sense,to come in to someone's home,kill the inhabitants,then later try to justify the fact that the owners weren't doing what you wanted to do.


No one is waging war on Ethiopia,but because they are occupying my land and bringing their troops without my consent,while insisting that they have no more than advisors to advise their puppet government for most part when it was evident that they have had thousands before the war even started.


If they want peace,they must leave my country alone,they must leave my people alone,they must leave our affairs to us,we will kill each other if we want to,its' non of their business,although I know Ethiopia isnt working for the interests of the somali people,but its own interest,hence bringing back the warlords that terrorize the civilians.


Every somali who isnt' blinding him/herself is aware of what Ethiopia is trying to do and its not for the better of the somali people,so in respect to you buddy,go entertain the animals with your nonsense.


The main problem:the naked aggression of Ethiopia,that is it,simple.You leave me alone,I will leave you alone.

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Excuse me Amina Gedi, but you spit hair.


What business are you talking about, putting every warlord back on his block, more isbaaros? Are they not the same warlords that chased us out, that oppressed the residents of Mogadishu? That caused all this commotion? :rolleyes:


What nonsense. Meles himself was a Somali refugee, he went around with Somalia Passport, studied in Mogadishu, lived in Mogadishu. Don’t preach to us about hospitality. Who was/is supporting the Warlords, is it not your so called ETs. Such hospitality coming from them yep we should thank them shouldn’t we Amina Gedi.


My problem isn’t really the ET’s it is individuals that are completely ignorant about politics and self-interest who are my main problem. NO one and I will repeat again, no one offers any goodwill for free. Ethiopia wants out ports Amina Gedi, try to catch-up. A united Somalia is not of their gain. And if we are to have a united Somalia it will/should come from us, due to our own free will. We will not be forced to give each other fake smiles, which will only fade away soon!


About the Somalis in Ethiopia, the Og*den are a living prove. We all know how they live, and what little support they receive. They aren’t treated that well, I have family members. Visiting a country and living in a country is two different things. Ethiopians are running away from Ethiopia and a Somali with little to no knowledge is spiting hair.


Get lost and save us the lecture. GO preach to the wall or tree, on second hand, spare them your ignorance. No being or thing should bear what you have to say. icon_razz.gif

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^Mystic,where to go,the truth is very simple and straight forward,you have superbly scripted it above.


tanag you abti macaan.


LOL@HOSPITALITY FROM ETHIOPIA.Maana waalan mise cadan ayaa laga heesayaa.



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I am proud Somali who happened to be born and raised in ******. My friend we Somalis are not so smart to live in peace and stability. We tend to live in clan oriented life. I firmly belive that the focus should be bringing Somalis together for peace and security. When you have assignment, you would prioritize your actions. Can you tell me that what is Somalia’s high priority? Is it Ethiopians presence or peace and stability?


As Ogadani, in Ethiopia there are over 82 ethnic groups including Somali and only few ethic groups were privilege to have basic access and it is not only Ogadani problem. To me , my priority is bringing peace and stability. After accomplishing this basic principle, we would have other actions. Without this basic principle, we cannot even discuss other topics. As far as port access to Ethiopia, do you know that Djibouti is a free access to Ethiopia? They pay only service of duty.

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If you are from there,then shouldnt' you be focusing more on that region.Since that region has been devastated by drought,hunger,yet Ethiopia fails to do anything about it although it considers as part of its country.


That to the side,did you not know that the people of those region face oppression from these people that are occupying the actual somali capital.You are one of few somalis who claims to be an Ethiopian while being a somali ethnic,very rare.


I lived in that region you mentioned,my granmother from my father side is also from there,I have seen how things are in first hand,so no need to mislead those you can't be misled from the facts,things arent' very good over there.


The area you mentioned lucks all the basic things you mentioned,they really do,once again speaking from experience.


our priority is to bring the areas that have no governance a real somali government that serves the best interests of somalis not those of Ethiopia,therefore as it stands now,Ethiopia is on the way of me having a good government based on the Sharica law,it would have been if it wasn't the invasion of Ethiopia,so yes our priority is now to deal with the enemy of Ethiopia,however long it takes,and I do hope that Addis Ababa will be in flames next Ciid Insha Allah.

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Amina Gedi


Apparently you are here to prove how unintelligent some of us Somalis happen to be. What gives you the idea that peace will come from those who have shattered it? I never lived in a clan slanting life, I don’t dwell in qabil. I judge a person by their merits not their tribe. I am not a person who is deemed to have tribal affiliations. I am a Somali and that is the only fact I linger on when it comes to my nation. I do acknowledge that tribe plays a significant part in Somali society and politics, but I will not put the entire burden on tribe, it is the individuals who hide behind tribe that is to be condemned, those who make excuses for their fellow tribes men. You shouldn’t generalize your fellow Somalis. However, you are hopeless in all aspects of life if you have accepted occupation. You are doomed to failure for relying on the enemy that is mainly to blame for the instability in Somalia. And to answer your meaningless question, which a three year old won’t even ask, yes we should be worried about Ethiopia’s presence in our country, if they were able to cause havoc in Somalia while they were in their country, imagine what kind of destruction they could bestow as upon when their soldiers are loose in our country. Stability will not come while Ethiopian troops are in our soil.


How do you suppose we accomplish this goal, you truly believe that the Ethiopians will bring peace and stability to Somali. Why are you ignoring the noteworthy fact that the warlords are back and are the ones which represent the government? We shall not forfeit our freedom and dignity to gain stability that is make-believe. I know we have suffered for 16 years, I am well aware of that, but if we are to ever rise again on our own feet, it should be one which is grass rooted, a firm one. One which will not break down in five or six years. I am also looking at the possibilities that the future holds. I don’t wish to be short-sighted. As for Djibouti we both know that it is the French who gets most of the benefit when it comes to the ports, Ethiopia isn’t that fortunate. They are looking for Somalia where they think they will get whatever they want, when they want it. Do you see any Somali making some scheme to use Ethiopia as a tool, well guess what Ethiopia doesn’t mind using Somalia as a tool.

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Siduu yiri walaalkeen Geeldoon plainly put it wonderfully:


"Do not fool yourselves; there is no way to make this what it is not. You cannot sugarcoat it; you cannot put a positive spin on it; you cannot sweet talk your way out of it. It is occupation, and an Ethiopian one at that. Put it in your pipe and smoke it."


And to add my words:


No matter how you slice it; no matter how you scapegoat it; no matter whoever you blame it; no matter who was the opponent; no matter how dire the country was in, which wasn't that bad -- the point and the very fact today is Xabashada dhulkeena ayee qabsatay, an invasion as it is oo Xamar iska dhaafee they are into their way into the deep jungles of Baraawe, Kuunyabaroow, Jilib iyo Jamaame.


Ethiopia is the ONLY country which has accepted Somalia refugees without any proper documentation.

You are factually wrong, wrong and dead wrong. Soomaalida uma qixin Itoobiya, oo dhulkooda ayee u qaxeen, Soomaali Galbeed. Those few found in Addis Ababa sharci beenaad ayee ku joogaan, as they are found in Neyroobi. In fact, Neyroobi has thousands more with sharci beenaad, all opening businesses and other interprises without an adequate sharci.


Also Sanaawi would have enforced Soomaalida inay sharci ku joogaan, but can't do a shuud about it because dal hormaray ma'aha, oo kama kala garan karo kii Soomaali Galbeed uu xoogga ku heysto ka imaaday iyo kii deeggaano kale ka yimid. Also know another fact: Itoobiyaan badan ayaa dalkeena deganaa, including your very own "dear leader Sanaawi" markuu nabada ahaa, mostly in Xamar without any sharci la weydiin jiray. I know because xaafadeena ayee degnayeen, that no body used to bother them.


Kaansarka aad ka hadleysay, we found it a long, long time ago. We also know its symptoms, its treatment, its diognosis: Waa virus qabyaalad caabudid eh, oo danta guud, danta dalka, danta dadka iyo danta diinta ka wada hormariyo dantooda tolka iyo jufada. Eebbe ayaa mahadleh only very few ayaa ku hartay today, oo Xabasho dhabta inay u koraan noqotay.


Qofkaan Cabdi Geedi la baxay, haddee Soomaalinimo dhab kaa tahay, oo hadaa tahay Soomaali [maadaama meeshaan kii iskeenaba isku sheegaayo Soomaali], jawaabtaada dambe Afsoomaali noogu soo qor, baliis.


NB.: Soomaalida Soomaali ayaa la dhahaa, ee "Somalian" wax la dhaho ma jiro. Dadka rabo inay Soomaali kala qeybiyaan ayaa saas u jecel inay na kala qeybiyaan, oo "somalian" ka wadaan the nationality of Soomaaliya and Soomaali ula jeedo Soomaalida kale. All Soomaalis are citizens and dhalulad of Soomaaliya, regardless which occupied land -- be it Soomaali Galbeed or Koonfur Galbeedka Soomaaliya [NFD] -- they were born in.

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