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Djibouti: we recognise TFG we dont support late?

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JABUUTI: Dowladda Jabuuti oo sheegtay inaysan la safnayn Maxkamadaha ayna aqoonsan tahay Dowladda FKS

Posted to the Web Dec 20, 07:26



Jabuuti (PP) - Dowladda Jabuuti ayaa waxay daboolka ka qaaday in ay aqoonsan tahay dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya isla markaana aysan u janjeerini dhanka Maxkamadaha Midoobay ee Muqdisho saldhigoodu yahay.


Sarkaal u hadlay wasaaradda Arrimaha dibadda ee Jabuuti ayaa daboolka ka qaaday warkaan, waxaana uu sheegay in warkaan uu jawaab u yahay hadal uu dhawaan Ra'iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya Prof. Cali Maxamed Geeddi ka jeediyay Magaalada Baydhabo ee Xarunta Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya.


"Dowladda Jabuuti waxay qiraysaa inaysan la safnayn dhanka Maxkamadaha, balse ay aqoonsan tahay dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, mana doonayso dowladda Jabuuti inay la safato dhinac ka mid ah dhinacyada isku haya amuuraha dalka Soomaaliya" ayuu yiri sarkaalkaan oo magaciisa aan la shaacin una warramayay wakaaladaha wararka caalamka.


Sidoo kale sarkaalkan ayaa daboolka ka qaaday in dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ay tahay dowladda sharciga ah ee ka jirta Soomaaliya, taasoo dunida oo dhanna ay aqoonsan tahay, mana jirto sabab aan annagu uga weecanno dariiqa dunida ee ah aqoonsiga Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya.


Dowladda Jabuuti ayaa waxay sidoo kale sheegtay in aysan doonayn in dalka la geeyo ciidammo nabad ilaalin ah oo ka socda Afrika iyo caalamka intaba, waxaana uu sarkaalkaan u hadlay dowladda Jabuuti sheegay in ay wanaagsan tahay inay isku afgartaan labada dhinac ciidammo keenista Somalia.


Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile

Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Mogadishu


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Too late in deed. Our friends playing games like the swiss got caught. ICU gave up on Djibuti and went to Yemen, the result was even more disappointing for ICU.


Here is the empty talk Djibuti tried and was shot down by TFG. The Yemeni are no nonesense folks:


Yemen has the answer for you. When ICU asked Yemen to help negotiations with TFG, Yemen asked the following to ICU:

1. Are you a parallel government for all Somalia and you want us to help in negotiations with TFG wether to share 50/50 60/40 75/25 of power?

2. Are You regional government of more than one from the 4.5 formula TNG started and you want to have 2X or 3X that of Puntland or Bay and Bakool in the federation?

3. Are you government of one state but you want to have more say than other states in the federal government?

4. How do we know you represent the areas you want to negotiate on their behalf. Are you sure no body from Central Somalia or South of Mugadishu will not come tomorrow to us and tell us that the ICU do not represent them?



No answer.

As a result Yemen told them it cannot call president Abdullahi Yusuf without any negotiable proposals. It would be utterly meaningless and disrespectful of Yemen to engage in something to no where.

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