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Galmudug Cautions Hizbul Islam Expansionism Into Harardheere

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Maamulka Galmudug oo Digniin u Diray Xisbul Islaam

May 4, 2010


Kadib markii ururka Xisbul Islaam uu qabsadey degmada Xarardheere ee Gobolka Mudug ayaa waxaa soo baxay warar sheegaya in ay doonayaan in ay isku balaariyaan dhamaan gobolka, waxaana diyaar garoow galay maamulka Galmudug.


Wasiir ku xigeenka warfaafinta Galmudug Axmed Maxamed Baasto, ayaa sheegay in ay jiraan dhaq-dhaqaaqyo ay wadaan Xisbul Islaam iyo kooxo kale kuwaas oo soo gaarey Xarardheere oo ka tirsan Gobolka Mudug, waxaa jira maamulo dadku samaystey oo ay ku kalsoon yihiin qofkasta oo colaad ka huriya meel nabad ah, waxa ay keenaysaa cawaaqib xumo. ayuu yiri wasiir ku xigeenku.


Axmed Baasto ayaa hoosta ka xariiqey in maamulku wado dhaqdhaqaaq isdifaac, waxaana uu ku tilmaamey in ay tahay waajib saaran., waxaana uu sheegay in Xisbul Islaam iyo cidkasta oo ku soo gardaroota ay iska difaacayaan.


Dhegayso Waraysiyo aan la yeelanay labada maamul ee Galmudug iyo Xisbul Islaam


Axmed Baasto ayaa sheegay in labaatan sano dagaal daba laga wadey sharaf iyo karaamo lagu gaarayna aysan jirin, waxaaana u sheegaynaa cidkasta oo damac uu naga soo kalo diyaar ayaan u nahay in aan iska celino.


Dhanka kale Xisbul Islaam ayaa sheegay in aysan u socon deegaano kale oo horleh oo ay qabsadaan, waxaana ay iska fogeeyeen in ay weerar ku yihiin meelaha ay ka taliyaan Galmudug, waxaana ay ku doodeen in Xarardheere looga yeertey, waxaana arintaas caddeyey Sarkaal ka tirsan Xisbul Islaam oo lagu magacaabo Maxamed Cismaan Caruus.


Horseed Media


You can listen to the audio here


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Currently The President of Galmudug is on governmen trip in the UK, he recieved nice welcoming at london heathrow, you can watch it here


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Cowke, you should admit you are from Galmudug, and support south Mudug. All this pretences are not helping your cause lad.


Thanks for the update, you always have inside info on Galmudug. :D

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Ma nimanka burcad badeedda ku dhici waayey, baa RAGGII eryaday u booteynaya?.


Aboow, kan yar iga celi, kan wayn .... :D

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Duke, Its in my interest everyone forms regional government that comes under the tfg. So yes I do support galmudug in that aspect, however on the issue of galkayo I don't


Ps: Bro I don't hate tribes I just am against certains tribe politics, if they change it then I will support them to at the end of the day if it's not federalism we will have no say whatsoever with the national politics decision-making if we have centralist based mamul all decision will be dictated by 1 city namely the capital!!!


Therefore whoever joins us in the federal policy sxb they are my friend as far as im concerned! as they realize if we want a nation every region of somalia must be stakeholder in the nations politics!!

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^^^Hot air adeer, how can Galmudug[south Galkacyu] join the federal union?


Should you not be supporting the establishment of South mudug, Galgaduud, Hiiraan, Middle Shabbele union?


Thats more realistic, other wise every single sub clan will claim to be a Mamul Goboleed.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Cowke, you should admit you are from Galmudug, and support south Mudug. All this pretences are not helping your cause lad.


Thanks for the update, you always have inside info on Galmudug.

looool, Duke one year on, you still doubt that Cowke is from Puntland?

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General, galmudug needs to be expanded definitely. But the federal charter of the tfg says you need "2 states" as bare minimum to form a state which galmudug has satified by including south mudug/galguduud. If they want to expand this even further is up to them however from constitutional aspect they have fulfilled the requirements!!!


For example when the RRA faction form a regional admin it will be only for bay and bakool not 5 regions. Regional administrations will not be identical to each other sxb but it will be tailor suited to the respective area and obviously will need to meet the guideline of the tfg charter!!!


By the way it's totally ridiculous for galmudug to be thinking of 5 regions when they can't even control the 2 regions they have signed as apart of the territory!!! Galmudug needs time to mature it's only a relative new admin since 2007.

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General, galmudug needs to be expanded definitely. But the federal charter of the tfg says you need "2 states" as bare minimum to form a state which galmudug has satified by including south mudug/galguduud. If they want to expand this even further is up to them however from constitutional aspect they have fulfilled the requirements!!!

Read what you wrote, South Mudug & parts of Galgaduud are not two whole states.

Also "Galmudug" do not control Xharadheere, Guriceel, Dhusa, Cabud Waq etc. Again try to explain your reasoning. Also "Galmudug" is a single sub clan entity, no one outside of Aydeed's clan is a member of their "admin".

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General Duke, Galmudug needs time to mature but they are heading the right direction!!! Rome wasn't built in a day either.


As for 2 states. Technically speaking the tfg charter doesn't say you need to rule 2 states 100%. You can have 1 city from a state and classify as your own.


For example the ssc community hardly reside in sanaag but they claim sanaag right? If they form administration technically speaking on paper it will say "SOOL SANAAG CAYN" not "5% of sanaag and 100% of Sool" maybe you should read the charter before you argue!!!


As for your last point, I already acknowledged galmudug doesn't control the territories it claims to be in their border I actually refuted you with it by saying "how can they think about 5 states" when they can barely control 2 states?


The administration needs time to mature, it's only 3 years administration as for the diversity of clan within state that is not necessary because federalism is based on states not tribal makeup!!! Your confusing yourself with ethiopia ethnic federalism which is totally not what is being implemented in somalia, You just seem not to have a clue what your arguing for and against and making yourself look silly as usual lol

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lool. You have no point adeer, the charter states a minimum of two states. As for your comparison of the SSC, which is an identity of a specefic sub clan and not a legal body is laughable.


I am in favour of a central state, Galmudug as it is today is unworkable, and you my dear lad have not given us a good explanation.


Again, the charter, and the clan system you are referncing is at odds with what Galmudug is.

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General, where does the tfg charter say you need mixture of clans in regional administration? Please point at the article and section of the constitution.


Secondly as for the 2 states please show me where it says you must 100% of the state because that is ridiculous as no tribes own 100% of a state in somalia dadku way wada degan yahin everywhere.


Cough up Article and Section Please!!! No more debates, argument weight is based on the evidenc Provided!!!


Dont say I am silly or dont know anything u just concern yourself with bringing evidence and u will see who is right and wrong and everyone will see i am always right u only argue because u dont have evidence to back up anything you say sxb i your games and its weak!!!


So if in your next post u dont back up what u say with evidence you can be disqualifed as loser technical foul for not having evidence to backup what you say!!! So no evidence in your next post you lost and Im winner!!!

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General, where does the tfg charter say you need mixture of clans in regional administration? Please point at the article and section of the constitution.

lol. That proves beyond doubt what you represent, how on Earth can one sub clan claim to be a state? :D


Go away man you are a waste of time.

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1. The Transitional Federal Government of the Somali Republic shall have a decentralised system of administration based on federalism.


2. The Somali Republic shall comprise of :-


a) The Transitional federal Government.

b) State Governments (Two or more regions federated, according to their free will)

c) Regional Administrations

d) District Administrations


3. The present Charter shall be the basis for the federal constitution.


a) While the new Constitution is being drafted, a National Census shall be undertaken simultaneously.


b) After which an internationally supervised National Referendum shall be undertaken to approve the new Constitution.


c) The Transitional Federal Government will request the International Community to provide both technical and financial support.


4. The Transitional Federal Government shall promote and develop the State Governments, Regional and District Administrations subject to the legislation and the guidelines of the Federal Constitutional Commission on the formation of the Transitional Federal Government.


5. The State Governments, Regional and District Administrations shall cover all the regions of Somalia.


6. The Council of Ministers of the Transitional Federal Government shall within 90 days of assuming office propose to the President names of persons to be appointed to an independent Federal Constitution Commission to ensure that a Federation is achieved within the time set out under this charter;


7. Parliament shall make laws relating to the mandate of the Commission and the qualifications and terms of service of its members;


8. Notwithstanding any other provisions in this Charter relating to the formation of government ministries, there shall be established a Ministry of Federal and Constitutional affairs that shall be charged with the task of implementing Constitutional and Federal affairs;


9. The Transitional Federal Government shall ensure that the process of federating Somalia shall take place within a period of two and a half years from the date that the commission is established;


10. In the event that the Transitional Federal Government is unable to complete the process of federalism all over Somalia within the prescribed period of two and half years, the Government shall request Parliament for a vote of confidence, failing which the Transitional Federal Parliament shall withdraw its support and anew Transitional Federal Government shall be formed in the manner set out in this charter;


11. The new Transitional Federal Government formed under Clause (8) herein shall undertake to complete the process of federalism all over Somalia within a period of one (1) year failing which the provisions of article 11(8) above shall apply.

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