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Quraan Readers Club

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Originally posted by Nur:



If you have signed up for the Quraan Reading Club, please report your progress, in terms of success and failure, remember walaal, by documenting your failure, you are actually heloing others, getting a reward for it, technically, you have changed failure to success.

Assalamu Calaykum Nur


I for one have been a bit busy with this world that I forgot about the hereafter. Indeed I will admit that I have not read any quaraan this whole week and dhugzi is tomorrow. :mad: Allah help me to learn the quaraan easily and quick. But from now on I will be up-to-date with it. Inshallah. To make up for my failure I will inshallah today read three hours of quraan or more until I learn my cashar. Inahallah.

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Nameless Sheikha


Three hours of reading Quraan would be ideal if you are Xaafidatul Quraan, as you can easily read at the brisk pace of 15 minures/Juzz, to easily read 12 Juzz in a 3 hour expedition of lost wisdom.


If you are a novice, an hour a day would be viable, so you can grasp the meaning, Tajweed, and the wisdpm ( Tadabbur). Lets us know how its goiing.




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I h've read somewhere long ago that, at his time some people asked Sheekh Ibn al-Qayyim,"What made you so Zaahid Yaa Sheekh?", in otherwords "what is all this Zuhd yaa Imam?", he said simply, "three Ayyah in the book of Allah, made me realise this world is not for me,(am paraphrasing here - cannot remember the exact words),and then he recited those ayyahs:


Ø£ÙŽÙَرَأَيْتَ Ø¥ÙÙ† مَّتَّعْنَاهÙمْ سÙÙ†Ùينَ


26:205 But hast thou ever considered [this]: If We do allow them to enjoy [this life] for some years,


Ø«Ùمَّ جَاءهÙÙ… مَّا كَانÙوا ÙŠÙوعَدÙونَ


26:206 and thereupon that [chastisement] which they were promised befalls them –


مَا أَغْنَى عَنْهÙÙ… مَّا كَانÙوا ÙŠÙمَتَّعÙونَ


26:207 of what avail to them will be all their past enjoyments?


As I was reading the other day Surat Hud when I stopped over this Ayyat(Reminding me the Hadith which Abu Bakr asked the Prophet of mercy,"O Messenger of Allah! I see you getting older?" He (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) replied, "What made me old are Surah Hud and its sister surahs." Al-Daraqutni says,

*** where that sister surahs are: Haqqah,Qiyaamah,Qar'ah and those narrating about the day of Judgment.


It's truely a landmark which is immediatley grabing your attention when you recite the following Ayaahs:


ÙَاسْتَقÙمْ كَمَا Ø£ÙÙ…Ùرْتَ ÙˆÙŽÙ…ÙŽÙ† تَابَ مَعَكَ وَلاَ تَطْغَوْاْ Ø¥Ùنَّه٠بÙمَا تَعْمَلÙونَ بَصÙيرٌ


11:113 And do not incline towards, nor rely upon, those who are bent on evildoing [142] lest the fire [of the hereafter] touch you: for [then] you would have none to protect you from God, nor would you ever be succoured [by Him].


[143]وَلاَ تَرْكَنÙواْ Ø¥ÙÙ„ÙŽÙ‰ الَّذÙينَ ظَلَمÙواْ ÙَتَمَسَّكÙم٠النَّار٠وَمَا Ù„ÙŽÙƒÙÙ… مّÙÙ† دÙون٠اللّه٠مÙنْ أَوْلÙيَاء Ø«Ùمَّ لاَ تÙنصَرÙونَ


11:114 And be constant in praying at the beginning and the end [144] of the day, as well as during the early watches of the night: [145] for, verily, good deeds drive away evil deeds: this is a reminder to all who bear [God] in mind.


ÙˆÙŽØ£ÙŽÙ‚Ùم٠الصَّلاَةَ طَرَÙَي٠النَّهَار٠وَزÙÙ„ÙŽÙًا مّÙÙ†ÙŽ اللَّيْل٠إÙنَّ الْحَسَنَات٠يÙذْهÙبْنَ السَّـيّÙئَات٠ذَلÙÙƒÙŽ Ø°Ùكْرَى Ù„ÙلذَّاكÙرÙينَ


11:115 And be patient in adversity: for, verily,. God does not fail to requite the doers of good!ÙŽ


اصْبÙرْ ÙÙŽØ¥Ùنَّ اللّهَ لاَ ÙŠÙضÙيع٠أَجْرَ الْمÙحْسÙÙ†Ùينَ


11:116 BUT, ALAS, among those generations [whom We destroyed] before your time there were no people endowed with any virtue [146] - [people] who would speak out against the [spread of] corruption on earth -except the few of them whom We saved [because of their righteousness], whereas those who were bent on evildoing only pursued pleasures which corrupted their whole being, [147] and so lost themselves in sinning.


Ùَلَوْلاَ كَانَ Ù…ÙÙ†ÙŽ الْقÙرÙون٠مÙÙ† قَبْلÙÙƒÙمْ Ø£ÙوْلÙواْ بَقÙيَّة٠يَنْهَوْنَ عَن٠الْÙَسَاد٠ÙÙÙŠ الأَرْض٠إÙلاَّ Ù‚ÙŽÙ„Ùيلاً مّÙمَّنْ أَنجَيْنَا Ù…ÙنْهÙمْ وَاتَّبَعَ الَّذÙينَ ظَلَمÙواْ مَا Ø£ÙتْرÙÙÙواْ ÙÙيه٠وَكَانÙواْ Ù…ÙجْرÙÙ…Ùينَ


11:117 For, never would thy Sustainer destroy a community [148] for wrong [beliefs alone] so long as its people behave righteously [towards one another].

[149]وَمَا كَانَ رَبّÙÙƒÙŽ Ù„ÙÙŠÙهْلÙÙƒÙŽ الْقÙرَى بÙظÙلْم٠وَأَهْلÙهَا Ù…ÙصْلÙØ­Ùونَ


May Allah shower us with his love and mercy

(Wa Ma Daalika Calal Allahi Bi Casiis)

Wa Salaam

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Jazakallah Kheiran Jumcaale bro, that was a heart mover recitation, great selection of verses, , the duaa at the end was the final icing on the recitation.



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Where are all those who pledged to read Quraan?


Change your failures to success!


Tell us your failures to learn from and for it Allah will give you rewards?




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Originally posted by Nur:



Where are all those who pledged to read Quraan?


Change your failures to success!


Tell us your failures to learn from and for it Allah will give you rewards?




JZK for reviving my all-time favorite topic. Too many failures to report walaal regarding how to effectively manage time to read that page or two that I tell myself I will read every day. I resolved to not focus on that and just read as much or as little as I can everyday but definately read. Hope to share what I can on the other thread

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Hodman sis


The real challenge is consistency, once the habit settles in, it becomes a second nature.


When Quraan reading becomes part of your daily schedule, its like a roadmap on your palm, telling you where you are, wher you are going and your performance quality of your relationship with Allah SWT.


Just like stuff in our houses, if each thing has its place, our houses become neat, likewise, if every task, like reading of Quraan has its slot in our daily schedule, then our outlook becomes bright.




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Al Quran is trully a continuous stream of inspiration, if we focus deeply on Quraan's hidden treasures that are found only by those who seek it through ( Camal) active involvement, such was my experience few days back when a verse hit me like a lightening bolt.


The verse in Surah Talaaq 2-3, reads:


.......And whosoever keepeth his duty to Allah, Allah will (surely) appoint a way out ( of a dilemma) for him"



The Insight:


As we carry on with our daily duties to satisfy our commitments toward Allah SWT, and as we make our routine rounds for our livelihood, at times, we come to a point of conflict between our declared beliefs and aspired worldly opportunities, so if we obey Allah SWT, we willingly take the risk to forego preciuos valuables, such as a financial opportunity we feel to be good for us, or to accept and endure a disheartening hardship we dislike.


So, by observing Allah's commandments we forego a reachable value we know where to get, thus as a counter value reward, Allah promises the believers that they will reap a better deal than what they have sacrificed. A replacement reward from where WE HAVE NEVER CONSIDERED/EXPECTED OR EVEN OCCURED TO US.


In conclusion ( in Somali):


Qofkii Allah ka baqa, wuxuu waayaa wuxuu filanayo, meeshuu ka filanayo, sidaa darteed,


Allah wuxuu qofkaas wax ka siiyaa meelusan wax ka filaneyn.



Meaning : An observing Beleiver risks loss of valuables that he has or knows how/where to get, so Allah SWT rewards him to get replacement value from a source he/she does not anticipate.




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^I was reflecting on the the same verse couple of days back myself; it's a beatiful reminder of Allah's mercy for the believers, esp at times of difficulty.


It used to be that I read the Qur'an every night before sleep to keep my connection with Allah, the Exalted. A routine I took pride in as it helped me stay grounded and focused on my purpose in life. A beautiful dose of heart-softener! As of late, that routine has been disturbed for various reasons I am well aware of, and I take least pleaure in. I saw myself slowly drift away, beguiled by worldy charms, and yearning to excel in endeavours that I know very well will be of no benefit to me except with the pleaure of Allah subxanahu watacala.


I've become occupied from the nurture and care of my heart; who am I becoming?


Yesterday, as I was cooking and listening to Shaikh Shuraim read a beautiful Surah, came this aayah where Allah asks:


"Has not the time yet come for the believers that their hearts should be humble for the remembrance of Allah"


It struck me deep. He continued, then Allah summed it up for me, I heard what I direly needed to be reminded of in that moment:


"Know that the life of this world is only play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting among you, and rivalry in respect of wealth and children. (It is) like a rain (Ghayth), thereof the growth is pleasing to the tiller; afterwards it dries up and you see it turning yellow; then it becomes straw. But in the Hereafter (there is) a severe torment, and (there is) forgiveness from Allah and (His) pleasure. And the life of this world is only a deceiving enjoyment."


Indeed, like a vegetation that dries up after its appointed time is up. Amazing are the parables Allah puts forth for us, but little do we reflect.

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Allah caza wajal said, "Or shall man have what he wishes?" In other words, he won't be granted all that he wishes for.


And His Prophet salalahu calayhi wasalam said, "When one of you wishes for something, let him be careful with what he wishes for, because he does not know what part of his wish will be written for him."


What's our goal? What are we striving to achieve?

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there is a very good website called


its ideal for people like me who do not understand the quran in its original format.


i recommend it to any of you struggling, the website is very motivating, and the lessons are completely relevant to the quran, may Allah swt reward those who put the lessons online.

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Month of Quran is upon us, lets take dust iff our MAHJOOR Quraan, and begin connecting with Allah.


Q: What is mahjoor? Yaa Nur?


A: Its in Quraan!




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