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General Duke

Baidoa: lean cabinet announced 15 ministers...5 deputies

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Thats nice to know, I am happy to see you take such interest in the Somali Federal level it is your country after all. ;)


I on the other hand do not know the secessionist cabinet nor can one hold such emotions as "happy" towards it. Because how can one be happy or sad at something [somaliland cabinet] that does not exist? :D

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As long as we have our citizen's happiness we don't need another country's ,,,,,, you never happy to yourself let alone another country like Somaliland. :D



Yes i'm interested in the Somalia politics coz i can see they're taking the right path towards Somaliland.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Axmed Cabdi Salaan Ra'iisul Wasaare xigeen, ahna Wasiirka Warfaafinta.


-Horn Afrik media site founder.

Wasn't he on your hate list before? used to call him and his coalleagues names...what has changed now? And where is adeer Yey?

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^Atheer people change, the guy renounced violence and supports peace, joined the ranks of TFG and is ready to serve his nation as a minister of the government, who are you to say No?


Move forward, better pose a good question... It's Mr Salaan that's part of the TFG today and not Duke that's joined the looters inc.

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Originally posted by Emperor:

^Atheer people change, the guy renounced violence and supports peace, joined the ranks of TFG and is ready to serve his nation as a minister of the government, who are you to say No?


Move forward, better pose a good question... It's Mr Salaan that's part of the TFG today and not Duke that's joined the looters inc.

Emperor? Ma iska hadlaynaa? I thought waxaan oo dhanba inay kugu cusbaayeen...? You were just saying that you don't know him. When did you listen to this comment of him denouncing of this voilence you are talking about? Waa la iska hadaaqayaa. Saaxiib ha iiga sheekayn wax aadan ogeyn amaba aan kaa ogahay.


Aren't the looters kuwa maraakiibta dadka u wada cuntada kuwa dekadaha ka xirtay oo ku khudbaynaya kii caasha dheeraa ee Maraykanka ahaa car Marka cunto ha geeyo. oh no, dadka bacaha deggan baa ah looters and yes people like Maadey Suufi oo carruurtiisii qoyskiisii oo dhan madfac ku habsaday oo isaga keliya uu ka haray? and those victims are to blame for their suffering because they are from so and so clan? Oh yeah adeer Darwiish and Yey are not looters because isku postcode baan nahay.


Emperor maanta calan qabiil baa kuu babanaya waan u jeedaa laakiin marka godka la is geliyo oo qof walba camalkiisa la hor keeno bal halla arko waxa calankaasi taro!



I bet you are one of those meelaha la wareega safaaradda Chechnya or Myanmar baa la ii magacaabay!

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^Abwaan you do amuse me more than I can Imagine Saaxib, Yes, My knowledge of Mr Salaan is very limited but by joing the ranks of the TFG is a great sign of giving up earlier tactics, a big sign.. conceading earlier strategy and perhaps trying for another, different form, becoming part of the system may be a good reason for a change...


Midda kale adiga iyo Xoogsada markasta waxaad rabtaan in Diinta aan ka doodno ama muranno meesha dhibka kajironna waa khillaafka Somalida dhaxyaala.... tas lasoco dhiinta wax cimaamad la iska gashado ama qor intereste-giisa ilaalisa kuwa kale dushooda ma ahan aad bay uga qaymo badan tahay, marka waxba waqti yaanaan ku dhumin danbina wuu naga soo gaari... Mid kale hadaan kuugu daro aniga meel la ii magacaabayo majirto, hadii la imagacaabona ceeb ma ahan Somali ayaan ahay oo adiga Abwaan ah xataa waa laguu magacaabi karaa, Abdi Salaanba wasiir ayaa loo magacaabay taasi ceeb ma ahan, qofkasta ee TFGida taageersanna macneeda ma ahan inuu interest kuwato ama rabo in meel loo magacaabo.

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Abwan, adeer you seem mistaken, if I love or "hate" matters not its the government that chooses who to give a position to. Not Duke, all I provide is news, not policy.


Mr Abdisalaan proves that all these people want is position and not fighting for the interest of religion, nation or even clan.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Abwan, adeer you seem mistaken, if I love or "hate" matters not its the government that chooses who to give a position to. Not Duke, all I provide is news, not policy.


Mr Abdisalaan proves that all these people want is position and not fighting for the interest of religion, nation or even clan.

lol...Duke adiga awalba inaad garqaadato kaama sugeyn. Meeqo jeer baan arkay iyadoo halkaan hadal aad hore u tiri oo is khilaafsan inta lagu soo qoray aad indho adayg dartiis damacday inaad qariso kala hadalkaaga.


Anyway, you must be mucaarad inside and Muxaafid on the top this week kale adigu buuxso I don't want inaan halkaan ku soo qoree.................

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^^^ Adeer you are telling us of only how you would feel. Others are cut from a different cloth, lool. :D


This is about the state, and we all must rise above our differences to support the restoration of the state.


The TFG is moving ahead.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^ Adeer you are telling us of only how you would feel. Others are cut from a different cloth, lool.


This is about the state, and we all must rise above our differences to support the restoration of the state.


The TFG is moving ahead.

lol@moving this what you call moving ahead? It has gone back to Baidao because it couldnt work on the Bakara Market despite looting business and civilians, making sure that no food aid reaches those who fled the city. I asked xaraaradda kulaylkaagu intee maraysaa and you know what I am talking about cause......



Anyway, for you even a statue moves as long as it is what you want to see. Listen sxb...Abu Mansur baa xitaa Baydhabo kulaalaya ee xaggee la aadaa tolow?

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^^^Abwan, dear lad, I think you are deeply confused with these issues. the media hype is getting to you. Abu Mansuur exists on the internet, where is Cayrow?, Ahmed Diriye and his group? Where is the clan-liberation? Its over maaan. :D


As for Mogadishu its secure, the cabinet is moving there and the old man's staff live in Villa Somalia.


Progress is here, and governance has arrived.

Go demonstrate and curse in London, for in Somalia you can do nothing.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Abwan, dear lad, I think you are deeply confused with these issues. the media hype is getting to you. Abu Mansuur exists on the internet, where is Cayrow?, Ahmed Diriye and his group? Where is the clan-liberation? Its over maaan.


As for Mogadishu its secure, the cabinet is moving there and the old man's staff live in Villa Somalia.


Progress is here, and governance has arrived.

Go demonstrate and curse in London, for in Somalia you can do nothing.

lol...Adduunyo waa is bedeshay...Ayrow Died, MANSUR IS IN BAIDAO...and Axmed Diriye is more famous than Yusuf is now!!!

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