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Kismayo Fighting Renewed Between Hizbi Islam Shabab

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Somalia: Fighting re-news Between Al Shabab and Hizbul Islam (RBC NEWS)


Published on: October 10,2009 Garowe Time 12:23 pm








Reports from Kismayo, the port town in southern Somalia say that fighting between two rebel groups, Al Shabab and Hizbul Islam re- newed, RBC Radio reports.


Local residents say heavy fighting between the two sides erupted at Bulo-Haji, a small village 45-km west from Kismayo the capital region of Lower Juba.


The fighting erupted on Saturday night as Al Shabab insurgents from Kismayo launched an attack against Hizbul Islam main base in Bulo-Haji causing heavy gun battle between them.


There are no reports of casualties as the area has no any communication.


Senior officers from the two rebel groups confirmed the fighting while contacting RBC Radio correspondent in Mogadishu.


Spokesman for Hizbul Islam Sheikh Ismael Adow said they had been attacked by Al Shabab militia chasing some Hizbul Islam elements in the near villages, and he declined to speak about any loss.


There are no reports from Al Shabab officers, now running the port town of Kismayo where the two groups are struggling.


Locals in the area told RBC Radio more battle wagons with armed militias from the two sides were moving to the area, causing a fear of an other clashes.


The fighting comes days after the leaders of the two sides announced a cease fire agreement signed in Mogadishu this week.


Nearly twenty people had been killed and more than thirty others wounded when the two rebel groups confronted in Kismayo early this month.

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Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Kismaayo ayaa sheegay in weerarkii xalay ay qaadeen xoogaga Al-Shabaab ay ku soo jabeen waxaana ka dhaawacmay ilaa 4 askari oo uu ku jiro sarkaal ka tirsan Maamulka Kismaayo ee Al-Shabaab una qaabilsanaa arimaha Bulshada waxaana magaciisa la yiraahdaa Farxaan Daahir Warsame.


Farxaan Daahir Warsame ayaa waxaa uu dhaawacu ka gaaray feeraha waxaana loola soo cararay Isbitaalka magaalada Kismaayo isaga oo haatan lagu dabiibayo.


Xoogaga Al-Shabaab ayaa haatan waxay isku uruursanayaan meel u dhow Cabadala Biroole iyaga oo qorshaynaya in ay weerar ku qaadan fariisimaha Xisbul Islaam uu ku leeyahay Buula Xaaji.


Dhanka kale waxaa soo gaaray Buula Xaaji Ciidamo gurmad ah oo ka tirsan Xisbul Islaam kana yimid Buurdhuubo ,Ilaa haatan ma jiraan saansaan muuqata ee ku aadan in loo dhaga nuglaan doono baaqyada lagu joojinayo dagaalka u dhexeeya labada kooxood .

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War naga soo gaaray dhanka koonfur galbeed ee magaalada Kismaayo tuulada lagu magacaabo Buulo-Xaaji oo Kismaayo u jirta qiyaas ku dhow 45Km ayaa sheegaya in ciidamo Al-shabaab ahi ay weerareen Ciidamada Xizbul Islaam.



Ciidamada la weeraray ayaa la sheegay inay yihiin Kooxda Caanoole iyo Ciidamo deegaanka Joorey kuwaasoo hoostagta Xizbul Islaam kana mid ahaa kooxihii ku dagaalamay gudaha Kismaayo ee laga itaal roonaaday.



Dagaalkaas oo makhribnimadii dhacay ayaa la sheegay in ay is-difaaceen ciidamada Xizbul Islaam ee buulo Xaaji fadhigoodu yahay kana soo eryeen kooxdii Alshabaab oo la sheegay inay kusoo noqdeen dhanka Kismaayo.


Kooxaha Kaambooni iyo Caanoole ayaa ku mideysan magaca Xizbul Islaam waana laba kooxood oo ku mideysan aragtida siyaasadeed iyo maamul ee magaalada Kismaayo waxayna si wadajir ah ula wada dagaalameen Al-shabaab gudaha magalada Kismaayo inkastoo loo itaal sheegtay oo labada Kooxoodba laga saaray Kismaayo.

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Waxaa yaab ah Xamarna heshiis may ku yihiin, Kismaayona mallagu dagaashan yahay? Mise Xamar waa ku kala cabsanayaan?

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The Zack   

Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Something fishy about this HI Vs Alshabaab war ......

The war in Kismayo is all about money yo. Neither HI nor Shabaabs can claim they are fighting for "LI takuna kalimatALLAHU hiyal culyaa" like they do in Xamar. And if they attempt to make that claim they both know nobody is going to buy that crap.

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