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Confused snm Supporters consider Ethiopia a friend in deed and trustworthy ally.

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Somalilanders consider Ethiopia a friend in deed and trustworthy ally.


Somaliland ought to reassess its relations with Ethiopia



Earlier, Ethiopia supported SNM and sheltered Somaliland refuges that fled from Somali Army bombings in 1988, this event reshaped Somaliland public view towards Ethiopia. Somalilanders consider Ethiopia a friend in deed and trustworthy ally. Somaliland National Movement (SNM) with mainstream of Somalilanders fought against Siyad Barre to liberate their territory and lastly formed Republic of Somaliland. Until today, Ethiopians are treated as Brothers.


Its first time of Abyssinian History to have reliable friends in horn of African territory, besides its straining relations with Eritrea and Djibouti. Somaliland provides service and security facilities to Ethiopian, including high stable border security and Berbera port services. Berbera Port is major Ethiopian sea access point to international community. Ethiopian commercial goods pass through Somaliland peacefully with full scale protection.


Unfortunately, this warm relationship is about to end due to continues military supplies and support of Ethiopian regime to Somaliland rival TGS President Abdullah Yousuf. Ethiopia expressed its unwillingness to recognize Somaliland until and unless TGS President Abdullah Yousuf accepts as an independent nation. This may lead Somaliland to search recognition in unfavorable destinations to Ethiopia like President ISAIAS Afworki of Eritrea.


Ethiopia's relation with Somaliland is increasingly being jeopardized especially after continuous Ethiopian unparalleled and unbalanced support to the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia without comparative support to Somaliland, Ethiopia is unconsciously building the muscle of the TFG whose subject of exercise would most probably be Somaliland. Earlier, Ethiopia supplied ammunition to Puntland during Somaliland-Punt armed conflict over eastern states of Somaliland.


PM Meles Zenawi was quoted as saying in a press conference that the case of Somaliland’s recognition should be done through dialogue among Somalis only. This puts Somaliland in position to discuss their sovereignty with long-term rival Abdullah Yousif and his alliance, who will never ever accept Somaliland democracy because it is threat to his dictatorship and killing in Mogadishu. Ethiopia considers Somaliland independence case as an internal affair of Somalia.


Meles Zenawi should understand Somaliland Case is just like that of Western Sahara who received their independence without agreement of Morocco and until today, Morocco doesn’t accept Western Sahara as independent. Somaliland should be considered as same as that of East Timor who got their sovereignty without consulting to Indonesia. Both Meles Zenawi and Abdullah-yey know that African Union (AU) considers old boundaries made by European colonizers. Meles Zenawi and his lapdog (Abdullah-yey) know that Somaliland fulfilled terms and conditions of statehood according United Nation (UN) charters.


Ethiopia should consider entire above mentions similar cases to that of Somaliland and break-the-ice of lifting diplomatic embargo on Somaliland.


Many Somalilanders consider current Ethiopian political stance on Somaliland as an insult to Somaliland sovereignty, because Zenawis’s regime still believes that Somaliland is an integral part of Somalia. Such Ethiopian expression, leads Somaliland freethinkers to reconsider Ethiopian relations, which they see as impractical.


A Somali proverb says, “He who supports your enemies is your enemy”. This puts Somaliland-Ethiopian relations into very bad position, which may force the UDUB led government in Somaliland to reconsider its relation with Ethiopia or get replaced in next Somaliland Presidential election. The UDUB led government should change its diplomatic ties with Ethiopia if Ethiopians don’t change their position.


In a surprise development, there is growing redirection in Somaliland diplomacy towards Eritrea after 16 years of close ties with Ethiopia. Such redirection will harm Ethiopian interest in Somaliland, and this may convert a dependable and strategic friend of Ethiopia into rival enemy.


Ethiopia should know that Somaliland’s independence cannot be negotiated. The reality is, any nation that recognizes Somaliland will be considered as a friend indeed by Somaliland history. Diplomatic recognition to Somaliland is very important to Somaliland-Ethiopian Relations. Ethiopian Foreign Policy regulators should understand that Somaliland independence is for sure, and there will be no way back to a failed unity with Somalia again.


Ethiopia has million reasons to recognize Somaliland, including political, economical and security. Ethiopians may establish Somaliland as save heaven for their commercial activities and sea connections to international community.


The border between Somaliland and Ethiopia is open, where Ethiopian citizens have free access to Somaliland territory, where they travel from Addis Ababa to Hargiesa without Passport, only Identity Card is required to ensure Ethiopian identity and vice versa.


Ethiopia and Somalia went into war twice from 1960, where its border with Northern Part of Somalia (Known today, Somaliland) was hotbed for Somali infiltration into Ethiopia, and Ethiopia lost a lot of its soldiers due to infiltrating Somali Forces from northern parts of Somalia.


Let us compare abovementioned war situation with current relationship with Somaliland, Ethiopians should thank God for having Somaliland as their new neighbor and accept Somaliland as God’s Gift. Ethiopia diplomatic support to Somaliland will boost bilateral relationship with Somaliland.


Allah Bless Somaliland..We all stand united


By Abdirahman Ahmed Ali


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Originally posted by -Nomadique-:

Garaad, did it ever occur to you that one could have been a supporter of the SNM without being a secessionist?

..or a secessionist without being an snm supporter?

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