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ONLF Threats Against Puntland. Another Fabrication

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Digniinta ****** ka Timid Ma Dhaba ?


November 2, 2009


Waxa Wax lagu Qoslo ah in Warbaahinta Somalida Qeybtood Maalmahan dambe Dhaqan iyo Caado ka dhigteen, Wax aan jirin sheeg, arrimaha oo la dhahi karo waxa sabab weyn ka ah Burburka dhanka Maskaxda iyo Weliba Jahliga heysata Ummada


Saxaafadu waa Alaad aad u weyn loona isticmaali karo dhinacii la doono, Haddaba dadka qeybtii ee saxaafaddii maanta ka dhigtay mid u shaqeysa Dhinaca Xumaanta oo Diiday Samaan ka talisku, Mar kale waxay isku dayeen Bal in aay Eegan Arrin Cusub, oo ah in Beelaha Walaalaha ah ee Isku Isirka ah ee ****** Iyo ***** la iskaga horkeeno Dagaal, Iyada oo la leyahay ****** Meel u joogaba Waxa u weerar ku yahay Qofkii ***** ah, Ama Xiita Puntland sheegta Wuxuu doono ha noqde


Arrinka marka aan qiimeyn weyn ku sameynay Aana la xiriirnay qaar ka tirsan ragga beenta laga sheegay waxa cadaatay In Arrintu Tahay Been Abuur Cad oo loo wada jeedo, Waxa kale oo la soo Ogaday in Beelaha ****** aysan Marnaba Hadalka ka soo bixin


Qaar ka mid ah xiita dadka Magacyadooda la qortay ayaa ah kuwa Dhintay, Sidaa aay xaqiijiyeen dad Ehel la ah, Arrimaha ayaa noqon mid Xadgudub ah oo weyn


Haddaba Maxa dadka arrinka Faafin, ugu jira ?


Waxa ugu jira waa in Dadka Puntland dhab u maleyaan arrinka, Sidoo kale Wax ma garadka Dhanka ****** iyaguna Sidaa oo kale dhab moodan hadalka micno darada ah oo halkaasi oo ka yimaado dagaal Ehli Ah, iyo Is Ugaarsi taasina Waa Natiijada ugu weyn ee dadka Wax ma garadka ah


Haddaba Maxa la gudboon Shacabka Walaalaha Ah ?


Waxa la Gudboon inay indho dheer yeeshan oo arrimaha sii Foojigan isaga fiirashan, Ayna ogadan in aay yahiin Dad walaalo Ah oo Leh hal cadow Meel kasta ha jooge


Ma Dhaba In Ugaden dad ah la xirxiray ?



Markii aan Baritaano dheer ku sameynay Arrimaha waxa la soo Ogaday in aay jiran dad lagu xirxiray Bosaso, Kuwas oo ka harsana dad dhowr Iyo Sagaashan qof ka badan oo loo qabtay Fal dil aha oo dhacay Bishii Hore, haddaba dadka xir xiran ayaa la sheegay in Dhamaantood lagu hayo Xabsiga Bosaso, aysana jirin Meel loo gudbiyey, In kasta oo hadii lagu helo Dambi aay noqon doonto in loo Musaafuriyo Dalkooda Hooyo ee Ethiopia, Taasina Waa Sharci


Dilalka Degaanada Puntland ka dhaca Ee Dadka Ugaden-ka ?


Waa dhab oo waa la dila dad ka soo jeeda Ugaden, Balse la isma weydiin Horta dadkaasi Yaa Dila ??? Waxa la soo Ogaday in aay dilan dadka dad u dhashay Ugaden oo ka kala socda Labada dhinac ee Ethiopia, Iyo Jabhda ONLF, kuwas oo Dhamaantood ku sugan Puntland dhexdoodana Is Ugaarsi Xoog leh isku haya


Fariinta Fitno Abuurka


Waxan Leyahay kuwa Dhibaato Abuurka ah, Dadka Walaalaha Ah ee Kablalax ******* Ku wada Abtirsada Is Dili Maayan ee Meel kala ka doona kuwa aad isku dirtaan




Ugu Dambeyntii Waxan idiin Kula talin laha inaad Waxbarashada lagu adaalo


FG Qoraalka Lagu Been Abuurtay Beesha Sharafta Leh Iyo Weliba dad hintay Xili hore, Halkaan Ka Eeg


Sheekh Cumar Xagroone

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What I know is that the overwhleming feeling of the people of Somaligalbeed who are fighting for their freedom is that such Press Releases agaisnt Puntland must not be issued. The overwhelming belief of the people is that the Puntland people have reacted strongly to the injustices of their adminstration and that should be enough.


But I think the ONLF press release is genuine.

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Abtigiis, this artice was hosted on Horseed-media. It is well respected media outlet in somalia and internationally. Infact here is quote from their about us page.


Horseed Media, was selected to represent the Somali Media at the UN headquarter, during the 63rd session of the General Assembly.

I doubt very much so the united nations would be hosting this media to represent somalia media outlets in the international scene if they didn't have confidence in their reporting. After-all you don't exactly see daynille or the likes being hosted by anyone because their news-material is junk.


Another issue is I doubt Horseed media is willing to put it's reputation on the line over deny the onlf press release if it truly was true. However I could be wrong, but I doubt very much so.


Bro alot of people want to see a war between puntland and onlf, unfortunately their are still many hateful people in the somali community. However the cooler heads in puntland and onlf will resort to diplomacy not a gun at one another. So all the haters bite that.

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