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The Arabization of the Somalis

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Dear Somalis,


We are now in a very difficult time for all Somalis. I think the issue that concerns, all of us, right now, is why when the whole world is developing and growing their economies, we are so stuck behind the world.


It does not help that we have Islamists now in power, and who are hellbent on spreading their version of Islam, throughout the country through force if it will.

What vision of Somalia, do they have, will they share with us.

Their leader-Aweys, talks of returning, Somalia back to 7th century Arabia.

I ask why? Why must we Somalis, have to suffer under a system and culture that is so Arab, and is foreign to us. Look at Somali women, nearly all now, are covered head to toe, i dont see any Arabs today, even dressed like this. In Dubai, you can see their face, but our women, today are not educated, because they have been denied their rights and today they are at the mercy of men, and the consequences of that.


Why are we worshipping these Arabs at the stake of our nations development and strenght. Even in these boards, we have people saying, 'Are we Black or Arabs? We are so far down, we dont even know who we are, so other make their choice for us. Even the Arabs themselves, dont wish to go back to the stone ages, look at Dubai or Qatar, are they places of 7th century Arabia?


Why must we? Where is our wise leaders who will nurture education and economic development. Like Mahathir Mohammed of Malaysia.

The morally bankrupt Saudis can dream of this feudal culture, but they can afford it, they have oil and so can just sleep all day and not worry where the money will come from. We dont have oil, or at least not yet. We can't afford to think and behave like Arabs do, when they despise us and look down on us. We need to look at countries like Malaysia and Singapore that are successful for their people and country for examples of devlopment.


Instead, we worship at the feet of Arabs, who hates us, and use us.

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The man has some points. Soomaalida diinteena Islaamka maanta kuma cusbo. All these 'imports' from other cultures, la dhaho waa diinta Islaamka, on the expense of our own hidaha iyo dhaqanka, waxaas wax suurtoobi karto ma'aha.


Dirac, guntiino, gareys, hoosgundi, bulji, alindi, garan, go', garbasaar, sifaleeti, koofibarawaani, iwx, should stay here. Hate them or love them.


When a Soomaali man wearing the so-called 'surwaal qamiis' of reer Afgaanistaan iyo Bakistaan, believing inay kamid tahay diinta, well, that is a problem.


If you want admire another culture, be it Carab or Bakistaani, live with them. Don't import your admiration.

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Originally posted by peacenow:

Dear Somalis,


What vision of Somalia, do they have, will they share with us.

Their leader-Aweys, talks of returning, Somalia back to 7th century Arabia.

I ask why? Why must we Somalis, have to suffer under a system and culture that is so Arab, and is foreign to us. Look at Somali women, nearly all now, are covered head to toe, i dont see any Arabs today, even dressed like this. In Dubai, you can see their face, but our women, today are not educated, because they have been denied their rights and today they are at the mercy of men, and the consequences of that.


Instead, we worship at the feet of Arabs, who hates us, and use us.

I forwarded your posting link to a Sudanese friend who is from the Northern part.

His comment was "this is no arab, have you seen this in sudan, egypt" (examples that we both have seen)?


Pretty soon the imposter Hassan Tahir will declare himself the next Mahdi. Supreme Islamic leader or Ayatollah is too small for him.

The imposter accusation is not from a follower, but from a teacher.


Just compare the independence day celebration in somalia in the 60s and the gatherings in Mugadishu these days and there is in plain site what the ICU confuses Islam with clothing thats from other lands that adds discomfort, but none to the decent clothing, which is required.


It makes one wonder that for 1500 years horn of africa moslems were waiting for Al-Ithad under hassan tahir to make them moslems in a new mint.

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