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More death and destruction in Xamar from Xabasho and their waxmagarato slaves after 7 months of peace and prosperity.

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It's pathetic to see how all the Clown Courts supporters claim just out of empty air choose who they see as an insurgent and who they see as a mere anarchist/random TFG critic. Truth of the matter is that all the current fights are fuelled by the ICU and their remnants. They started it before anyone started to blame them by opening up the arms storages in the city when they fled the scene and it's taking more and more desperate forms for each day that goes. They will be ashes soon as the ppl they now have burned and then they will face their creator to be answered for their so called "jihad".

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^^The ordinary people have now turned against the Gaal Raac Govnt.


ps are you going to pray for the dead gaal?

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^Another************** mourn Xabasho death.


Xoogaga Shabaabka iyo dadweynaha Muqdisho oo kulaalaya Wasaaradda Gaashandhigga kadib markii Ciidamadda Itoobiyaanka laga qabsaday inta badan degaankaas.


Muqdisho ,Arbaco ,Marso ,21, 2007, Waagacusub Online






Xoogaga Shabaabka iyo qaar ka tirsan dadweynaha Muqdisho oo aad u hubeysan ayaa kulaalaya Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga oo ay ku aruureen Ciidamadda Itoobiyaanka oo rasaas xoogan ka soo furaya.


Dagaalka u dhaxeeya labada gaashaanbuur ee iska soo horjeeda ayaa biloowday salaadii subax ee xalay ,wuxuuna haatan u muuqdaa mid ay ku gacan sareeyaan dadka degaanka iyo Xoogaga Shabaabka oo iskaashanaya,iyadoo wadada dheer ee jidka Warshadaha la jiidjiidiyo markii ugu horeeysay Meydadka Ciidamo Itoobiyaana.


Inkastoo dagaalka ka soconaya Ex Wasaaradii Gaashaandhigga lagu riiqmay hadana,waxaa la sheegayaa in Ciidamo aad u hubaysan oo ku libisan dareeys aan hore loo arag oo tuutaa ay ka soo galeen dhinaca Oodweyne kuwaas oo dhegta dhiiga u diray Ciidamadii dowladda ee ku sugnaa degaanadaas,iyadoo la soo warinayo inay u baxsadeen dhinaca Dayniile.


Somali fara badan ayaa ku dhimatay dagaalka,walina wuxuu u soconayaa si xoowli ah sida uu ku soo waramayo Wariye Cabdi Risaq Black oo degan duleedka dambe ee Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga,waloow nasiib daro Wariyaha uu Isbitaal ula cararay Aaabahii oo ay xabad wiiftaa kula dhacday gurigiisa.


Dariiqyada dhaadheer ee jidka Warshadaha waa qof iyo qori waxaana Baasuukeyaal iyo BKM-yo la taagan kooxo wajigga u xiran yahay oo laga arkayo labada indhood.


Ciidamadda Itoobiyaanka ee rasaasta ka soo tuuraya Gaashaandhigga wali gurmad kama aysan helin dhinaca Madaxtooyadda iyo Garoonka,waxaana taas sabab looga dhigayaa wadooyinka Magaaladda oo inta badan ay dadweyne hubaysan xireen.


Kooxaha Shabaabka oo dagaalka socda u arko fursad dahabiya ayaa hoobiyaal aan kala go lahayn ku tuuraya dabaqa Gaashaandhigga ee ay ku jiraan Itoobiyaanka halka ay mararka qaarna u weecinayaan dhinaca Madaxtooyadda.


Muqdisho waxaa jooga sedexda Mas'uul ee ugu sareeysa dowlada kuwaas oo isugu aruuray dhismaha wayn ee Nabadsugidda kuna dhegan Gurigga Maama Khadiijo halkaas oo la sheegay inay tahay shub aan madaafiicda Karin.


Xeeldheerayaasha ayaa tilmaamaya inay dhici kareeyso duqeeymo dhinaca cirkaa,hadaba Warbixino iyo sawiro la xiriira sida ay wax u dhacayaan goor dhaw ayaad naga sugaysaan inshaa allaah

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^Somali fighters enter the famous Xabasho hiding place in Xamar.





Xabada oo haatan ka socota gudaha xarunta gaashaandhiga iyadoo xeradii Oodweyne-na ay la wareegeen xoogaga ka soo horjeeda dowlada.


Muqdisho ,Arbaco ,Marso ,21, 2007, Waagacusub Online



Waxaa haatan si aad ah u sii kululaanaya dagaalkii bilaawday aroornimadii saaka iyadoo marba marka ka danbeysana ay iska soo daba dhacayaan wararka, ayaa haatan waxaa la soo sheegayaa in ciidamadii dowlada KMG ahaa ee kaashanayay kuwa itoobiyaanka laga saaray xerada oodweyne oo ay saaka soo degeen.


Dhawaqa rasaasta iyo madaafiic cul culus ayaa haatan laga maqlayaa furinta hore ee dagaalka iyadoo dagaalkana uu yahay mid fool ka fool ah.


Dagaalkan oo saaka aroornimadii ka bilaawday wasaaradii gashaandhiga iyo waliba Shiirkole ayaa yimid kadib markii Saaka ay halkaa soo gaareen ciidamo ka socda Dowlada KMG ah oo ka soo tagay saldhig galbeed.


Waxaa saacado yar ka dib ciidankaas lagula dheelmaday rasaas xoogan iyadoo haatana la soo sheegayo in laga saaray halkaa ayna hada ku sugan yihiin xoogagii ka soo horjeeday dowlada.


Xabada ayaa haatan ka soconaysa gudaha wasaarada gaashaandhiga iyadoo farahana la iskula tagay.


Dagaalka ayaa haatan ka soconaya

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Northerner, dont focus so much on the "crying/praying" for gaals or whatnot. Focus on the fact that it is so called muslim mujahideens that are burning the bodies of dead people. That's the interesting part here, not the death of the soldiers but the exercise of their killers and their supposed claim of faith.


"A group calling itself the Brigades of Tawhid and Jihad in the Land of Somalia claimed responsibility on Tuesday for the mortar attacks. It said in a statement posted on the Web site of Somalia’s routed Islamic movement that it attacked several parts of the capital where ”infidels live.”"

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Originally posted by TheSomaliEconomist:

"A group calling itself the
Brigades of Tawhid and Jihad in the Land of Somalia claimed responsibility on Tuesday for the mortar attacks. It said in a statement posted on the Web site of Somalia’s routed Islamic movement that it attacked several parts of the capital where ”infidels live.”"


So what is your point duqa? They are responsible for killing and shelling the forces occupying their country - They are called freedom fighters.

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You supported/support the killing of muslims through your support for the Xabashis/TFG. What does that say about you?


Getting all 'Islamic' will only highlight your own shortcomings matey,,,,,,,


Shall we go there?


Northerner, dont focus so much on the "crying/praying" for gaals or whatnot. Focus on the fact that it is so called muslim mujahideens that are burning the bodies of dead people. That's the interesting part here, not the death of the soldiers but the exercise of their killers and their supposed claim of faith.

I will leave it for the ALMIGHTY to deal with them (if indeed it was them). After they have dealt with the gaalo first insha Allah.

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The Amxaar-luvvin Economist is futilely tryna link the ICU to the dragging and burning of the Tikrey soldiers. As a charter member of Duke's Delusional Retirement Home, he wants to believe that Xamar is coming along nicely and it's those terrorists that are causing problems to our ahem cough ahhh guests. Tee-hee. :D Reality Check: The ICU sure did the killing part, but it was the shacab that did the burning part, giving vent to the frustration they're feeling over this occupation.


Notice his tears here at the injury to an Tikrey soldier responsible for atrocities commited against Somali civillians and his nonchalant dismissal of the tragedy that happened to Sister Suuban. And you want us to sit down at a table with this dirt ? Keep on bending over for the Tikreys, Economist. Your anguish now make sense. Suga Daddy got whacked. My condolences.

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My wife have contacted her mother five minutes ago in suuqaxolah and she told her heavy fighting is going on there and she sow four dead ethiopians dragged in the streets, its not the same ones as in shiirkole.

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^Seems it is gena get darty, dadka Xamarse dhaqanka cawaanimada ah ee bini'aadamka lagubaayo kama caqlistaan miyaa... Ilaahow Umuddaada u gargaar

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