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Somalis demand cleric's release

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The Islamist group which controls most of southern Somalia has demanded that the self-declared republic of Somaliland free a Muslim cleric.

"We will forcefully free Sheikh Mohamed [ismail] from Somaliland if it does not release him immediately," an Islamist commander said.


Sheikh Mohamed was arrested last year, accused of links to terrorist acts.


Somaliland has been mostly peaceful and stable since it declared independence, while war raged in the rest of Somalia.


Its independence has not been internationally recognised.


Correspondents say that clashes between the Union of Islamic Courts and Somaliland would mark a major escalation of the unrest in Somalia, which has not had a functioning national government for 15 years.





Somaliland profile

Islamist commander Sheikh Hassan Turki also demanded the release of other Muslim clerics held in Somaliland.


But Sheikh Mohamed is seen as the most influential, with a strong following in Somaliland's second city of Burao.


The Somaliland authorities have denied claims that Sheikh Mohamed has been tortured, after the release of a video allegedly showing his injuries.


Earlier this week, Muslim groups held a demonstration in Burao, calling for the cleric's release.


The Union of Islamic Courts have made rapid progress across southern Somalia, since taking the capital, Mogadishu, in June.


They deny US accusations that they have links to al-Qaeda



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