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Ciidama Sharifka ee Sida Raha u Booda

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Originally posted by NinaNC:

Dhalinyaradan dhiigooda ayey diyaar u yihiin iney wadankooda u daadiyaan, marka kuwiinan caga jugleynta kuwada oo casiirka ka dhergey oo wax ma tara yaasha ah are the last people oo wax ka sheegi kara dhalinyaradan. Waxyaabo aadan weligiin arkin ayey soo arkeen oo t.v-ga ka daawan jirteen marka ilama ahan iney AS raaci doonaan ama qabiil u sacbatumi doonaan.

I see disciplined, determined young men and women who are willing and ready to defend their great country from the enemy within. Also, I would like to add that they look healthy, and well fed (wey nuuraayaan) marka, please take your idiotic comments to Ethiopia.


Wax walba qosol qosol ayaa loo moodaa, passport-ka shisheeye ayaa been idin sheegey wallee. Ayagoo support siinaaya dadkooda lama arko marnaba, bax soo iibsada karti iyo dadnimo oo caqli hogaaminaayo.


p.s. this is not directed at Xiin by any means.


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Originally posted by Jabhad_no1:

war dadkan somali ma aha, waa ugandan...Cidama ugandeese oo shaadhkii tfg loo xidhay.yaa laga dhaadhicin raggan waa Somali?


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Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte:




Originally posted by xiinfaniin:



I must admit the Uganda country backdrop is just beautiful.


As for the boys, one can read "Stop this madness. Give us a lunch break" written all over their faces.

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Dark thoughts rise up

Deep in your mind

The killing of hope

The end has begun


The locked psycho-door breaks down

The beast breathes freedom and fire

Blows bloody thoughts into your mind

Demons whisper: "COMMIT SUICIDE!"


Weak is your body,

Helpless your soul,

The beast destroyed your will

Left nothing but an empty shell


Dark thoughts rise up

Deep in your mind

The killing of hope

The end has begun


Self-destruction leads its way

Your weapons turn against yourself

Cutting through, killing you

A downward spiral, the shadowbeast has won


The shadowbeast calls

A vulture of life

Your worst enemy dwells

From within


Weak is your body,

Helpless your soul,

The beast destroyed your will

Left nothing but an empty shell


The shadowbeast calls

A vulture of life

Your worst enemy dwells

From within

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Originally posted by NASSIR:

quote:Originally posted by Jabhad_no1:

war dadkan somali ma aha, waa ugandan...Cidama ugandeese oo shaadhkii tfg loo xidhay.yaa laga dhaadhicin raggan waa Somali?



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Originally posted by Wiil Cusub:

Oday reer hargeysa ah oo sea-man ahaa ayaa lixdankii laga sheegay markuu wadanka ku soo noqday "Koonfur maqlaye Sawahilno maynu la midownay" waa markuu aariboodhka Hargeisa ay ku qaabileen askar dhako xun ah oo koonfur laga soo badalay.

Ma imikaydun Yugandhiiskii iyo Somalidii kala garan waydeen.

...Aw Xasan Sheekh Cismaan Nuur(AHN) ayaa beri lixdanandii gaadhi u raacay Xamar dabadeed isagoo gaadhigii ku dul seexday ayuumbuu gaadhigii joogsaday tuule. Aw Xasan baa soo kacay. dadkii buu garan waayay siday u ekaayeen. markaasuu yidhi. "Waar maxaa ii toosin weydeen intaanu gaadhigu xuduudda Kenya inala gelin miyaydaan Ilaahay ka yaabayn, nooli aan ku noqdaba ma hayee?" Daljire

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Originally posted by The Zack:

I see racist jokes all over this thread. Is thi the time when some Somalis think they ain't Africans?

:D:D I wonder 2!

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^ Just your inferiority complex Zack, that’s all. If looking like a Ugandan is an insult or to be described as such is being “racist” in your opinion, that’s your flipping problem.

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