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Hubka lagu dhex wato magaalada Baydhabo ee sii yaraanaya


Baydhabo - 23.June.2006 Hubkii sida sharci darrada ah ay malleyshiyaadku ugu dhex sidan jireen magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta gobolka Baay ayaa si weyn

u sii yaraanaya amaba isu dhimaya.


Tallaabadan ayaa ka dambeysey kadib markii uu fuley amarkii dawladda iyo guddiga nabadgelyada gobolka Baay kaas oo ahaa in ciidamada malleyshiyaadka iyo hubkoodaba laga saaro gudaha magaalada Baydhabo iyaga oo la geynayo xeryo gaar ah.


Xerada Mannaas oo qiyaastii 38km u jirta magaalada Baydhabo waxaa ku xeraysan boqollaal ciidamo ah kuwaas oo isugu jira malleyshiyaad laga ururiyey magaalada Baydhabo iyo qaar kamid ah ciidankii xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed.


Dhinaca kale, degmada Berdaale ayaa waxaa haatan ku sugan ciidamo ka baxay magaalada Baydhabo kuwaas oo ay taliyayaashoodu ay sheegeen in ay qayb ka tahay fulinta amarka dawladda ee ah in ciidamado beeledyada laga saaro magaalada Baydhabo, hase yeeshee ciidankaas ayaa dawladda uga fadhiya tababarro iyo mushaharooyin.


Magaalada Baydhabo oo tobankii qof ee socdaba shan kamid ah ay hubaysnaayeen ayaa waxaa haatan adag in aad aragto dad hub ku dhex wada gudaha magaalada Baydhabo.


Cabdullaahi Soomaali

SBC Baydhabo

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yo! this place is toast! can u feel it!! loool!

kissed it good bye homie!! there is a new sheriff in town! looooool...! gd! c/ is gone bro!


u gotta a ciymaamad that i can borrow!! we gotta come up with new outfit!! :confused:

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u see thats the problem! only one device can talk to a system! whatever the system is! so how can 2 devices talk to the same system at the same time n have a successful output!! its beyond logic!! :confused:

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lol. The courts have recognised the TFG as the sole government of Somalia. Like other entites and regions in the state. They are speaking for a particular clan and area. Thats all...

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damn! so u dismiss that that tgf n the courts are in the same boat dispressing others!! yo! homie how come u never understand the whole picture!! wazzup! u hate us that much!! lord have mercy!! we there man! u cant dismiss us the rest!! holla!! peace.... :confused:

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^^^^ loool, Duke also forgot that the TFG also recognised the Courts, he left that out so you can say it in return smile.gif

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