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Ceyroow's second tape

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I am not in mood to argue. But to simply put he is somali, this is somalia. His country has been illegaly been invaded. His people either killed, raped or sent to exile from their own country.


The enemy of Islam and Muslims is united, why can't we?


How come we seem to be turning blind eye to those forces of evil who have combine against us, how come we keep making excuses that the ICU made mistkas instead of ignoring all that and focusing the big issue at hand, illegal occupation of a whole nation.

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Divisive, uninitiated, and suicidal fool

That's what they said about Sayyid Maxamed Abdullahi Xasan. That's what they said about Omar Muktar. Nothing new here, as expected lee.


But if Mujaahid Ceyrow is a suicidal fool, who could be a brilliant strategist and wise leader ? Let's see:

Originally posted by Baashi:

Col. Yussuf rode roughshod over warlords from Benadir. He has just
them. Totally!

Ah! the brave Colonel! Title-ka la sheeganaayo aaba ii dilay, lol. Apparently when 'killing' and 'riding roughshod' is done by the Colonel, it's 'leadership'. When done by others, it's 'suicidal madness'. Gotta love the logic :D


You know, when Oodweyne skewers you like Sheesh kebaab, it's quotes like this, that give his depiction credence and weight. There's only so many times a person can claim to be 'misunderstood'.


Amxaaro u dhaaray, Ugandeskana u caga juglee, war ninku xoog badnaa

Friday, maxaa rabtay inuu sameeyo ? Inoo oohin iyo cabaad la fadheesto ? Mase inoo baryatamo ?


There is a certain amount of tact missing and there are parts where he is plain wrong, but overall these are the words of a Lion. And Lions never know how to bark or bray.


They only roar.

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^Gotta love Kelligii Muslims of this world. Awoowe Mr. Oodweyne's flimsy and hypocritical nonsense has been dealt with. Quit being a cheerleader to those who practice rendition and serve the junta in Addis in diff capacity.


Military rank is just that, a rank. It doesn’t imply leadership nor does it bestow valor on the title holders. Inna Yussuf is colonel and for you to take an issue with my calling him colonel instead of president speaks volumes of your biases.


As to Ceyrow's divisiveness (he broke ranks with UIC leadership), his inexperience in geopolitical game (arguably he has no clue about the forces he is up against), and his suicidal tendencies (hits and runs, kills one Tigre and exposes thousands of civilians for the their wrath) -- all these are shortcomings. His preoccupation of far away conflicts in Afghanistan, his tactics at home, awoowe all these are open for discussion.


Likewise if you feel to talk about Inna Yussuf and the TFG he heads go ahead and initiate another thread. I will be there. Pointing finger at me and nitpicking quotes made elsewhere, out of context, are not a substitute for an argument.

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nothing is more dangerous then a motivated iidiot.

Shaikh Usama kulaha. anyone who put s an value on these suicidal lunatics who want a civilizational wars are not no better then the lunatics who speak.

If there is a single reason why gitmo should still exist, it should to keep maniacs like this one in it. I hope troops in Somalia practice water boarding on people like this guy.

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^^How does his actions any diffirent from what western armies do in the Muslim. Violence begets violence. The actions of these men is warranted by the injustices visited upon their people by the west and their lackeys.

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They call the Muslims terrorists, lunatics, uncivilized, arogant, violent while blatenly making the Quran as one that teaches Muslims to be 'violent'.


If I am not mistaken, Muslims have not gone into a country of not their own and invaded it, forcing the local population to leave. They haven't killed thousands and thousands across the globe just so they could secure their 'interests'.



Muslims are being considered as oppressors even the child that throws stones against the oncoming Isreali tanks is supposedly a 'terrorist' and violent.


Muslims are not oppressors nor violent, they are as anyone would trying to resist of occupation being impossed on them by way of force. They are being invaded in their own country, killed, raped, and still considered as the ones at fault.


These are injustices, but as Muslims we already know that Allah doesn't allow injustice to forever prevail. Let them have their field day, sooner or later the forces of evil that have combine against us and their daba-dhilifs will crample down like a cookie in jar of milk.


Til that day comes, sure we can remain so to be the 'terrorists, oppressors, the violent, the arogant etc'...and whatever other terms they use.

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alla maxa iska waashen! Terrorist of any kind is never the answer because even though it is debatable how effective on those to be terrorized, it will certainly destroy the terrorist. Sane people should always avoid conflict but to suggest a global religious wars is insane to say the least. characterizing conflicts in religious terms is always dangerous, instead, we should say what these conflicts are: Local and ethnic more then anything else. Israelis vs. Palestinians, Pakis and hindis, Russians and Chechens, Tibetans and the Chinese. Could be wrong on this but isn't religion the cause of more wars then anything else, can we really afford to divide us and the west as Muslims vs. Christians? does the secular nature of Western governments mean nothing?

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Cidina cid inay kuduusho maaha. Taasba sheekadu mataagna. Sheekadu waxay tagan tahay. Hadii laguu soo weeraro oo wadankaagii lagaa qabsado in aan dagaalanto miyeyna xaq ahayn?


If someone is invaded, then supressed and his community threatened he has the God given right to defend it by anymeans.


What suprises me is those so call Muslims using the lines of 'terrorists' etc...they are the worst of all.

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it is what it is red, lets not fight wards, a terrorist is a terrorist, what would you have us call. Two things, for me, self defense is not only a right but a duty. with ceyroow and other terroist, however, i do not see the connection between them and freedom fighters. terrorism is not self defense, usauly involves blowing innocent civilians up.

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I agree that some of Mujaahid Ceyrow's comments were unwise and uncalled for (on the strategic level). Calling for the deaths of innocents in Addis Ababa is plain wrong and there can be no explanation for that. So in theory, we're on the same page. The rest of tape, however, was an exemplary and inspiring insight into the Resistance. Something that unfortunately flew over your head.


What I object to, and will not let stand, is the condescending, borderline insulting tone that you take when discussing the Muqaawama and the men fighting for your freedom and the freedom of your children, so that they can one day have a place to call home instead of Qaxootis like you and me. Were it not for Mujaahid Ceyrow and the thoroughbreds of the Resistance, you would be staring at your feet, head bowed, anytime an Ethiopian looked at you. Marka, hadee aa tahay nin deen iyo dhaqan leh, be grateful and be thankful, abti, and honour and respect those who lay down their lives in defense of everything that is holy.


As for Abdullahi Amxaar, how come you don't give him that frank, calling-a-spade-a-spade treatment ? I mean, if Mujaahid Ceyrow can be a 'suicidal fool', what does that make 'Col' Yey ? I was just pointing that discrepancy out.

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