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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland: Laasqoray nationlink hostages released

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Odayaal Iyo Waxgarad Ku Guulaystay Sii Daynta Shan Nin Oo Afduub Loogu Haystay Degaanka Buuralayda Bariga Sanaag (Dhageyso Warbixin Iyo Wareysi Ku Saabsan ).



Burco(Ramaas) Okt.09, 2010 – Odayaal iyo waxgarad ka tirsan bariga gobolka Sanaag ayaa ku guulaystay sii daynta shan nin oo dhawaan lagu afduubay degaankaas, shanta oo markii la afduubay ku gudo jiray hawl shaqo oo ay u hayeen shirkad ka mid ah kuwa isgaadhsiinta ee ka hawlgala degaanka.



Haddaba, odayaasha iyo raggii afduubka laga soo daayey oo maraya meel wax yar uun u jirta buurtii afduubka loogu haystay ayaa waxa wareystay weriyaha BBCda ee Burco Xusseen Awjaamac Jibriil Xagar, waxaanu wareysigu u dhacay sidan ee dhageysi wacan:

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If you khat people want to be independent so bad, why do you consider yourselves part of Somalia's political problems, why do you keep posting articles from Somalia and few from your khat state?

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Originally posted by Timur:

If you khat people want to be independent so bad, why do you consider yourselves part of Somalia's political problems, why do you keep posting articles from Somalia and few from your khat state?

Maxaad tidhi timiray maxaad qaadka journaal u dul saartan maad tidhi :D

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Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

quote:Originally posted by Timur:

If you khat people want to be independent so bad, why do you consider yourselves part of Somalia's political problems, why do you keep posting articles from Somalia and few from your khat state?

Maxaad tidhi timiray maxaad qaadka journaal u dul saartan maad tidhi

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