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Buhoodle: Puntland Drought Response For Nomads

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Waxaa Maanta Magaalaad Buuhoodle ee Xarunta gobolka Cayn kulan Balaadhan ku Yeeshay Ururka Dhalinyarada ee ByVa oo ah ururka kaliya ee ka howlga Gudaha magaalada Buuhoodle


Waxaana kulankaasi Maanta Dhexmaray Maayarka magaalada Buuhoodle Ururka dhalinyarad looga hadlayey Sidii Wax loogu Qaban lahaa dadka biyo la,aantu kuhaysato Gudaha magaalada Buuhoodle kadibna Markii arintaasi Siwayn loo Qaadaa dhigay Waxaa Maayarka iyo Ururka byVa Magaalaad buuhoodle ka Bilaa Been olole Balaadhan oo biyo Xaafada magaalada loogu Qaybinayo Biyahaasi oo ay Bixisay ha,yada NCA oo kamid ah ha,yada ka Howlga Deegaanada Puntland


Maayarka Buuhoodle oo Maanta Sheegay in Ururkani yahay ururka Kaliya ee ka Howlgala Gudaha magaalada Buuhoodle oo ay Ka Maamul ahaan la shaqaynayaan Soona Dhawaynayaa


Waxaana Halkaasi Sidoo kale Maanta ka Hadlay Gudoomiyaha Ururka Dhalinyarad ee BYVA yUUSUF ****** oo mahad Celin u Jeediyey Maamulka degmada iyo kan gobolkaba Waxaana uu Sheegay inay la shaqaynahaa madaxda degmada iyo Maamulka gobolkaba Waxaana uu sheegay oo kali in byva tahay Ururka kaliya ee Buuhoodle ka jira

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Yeah it's water for their livestock. Can't you read the banner where it says "widh-widh pastoral".


Puntland is doing a response action to all regions of puntland affected by the drought. The regions to be assisted first will be done on a priority basis. The widh-widh community are hardest hit by the drought and therefore deserve to be attended to first.


These measures are temporary fixes of water-trucking to barakhads in pastoral communities so their livestock have water to drink.


Long-term objectives are definitely going to need to be looked at such as cloud-seeding project over the future.


I've already told a few uncles of mine garowe to speak to the government and call for fund-rasier appeal to bring about this ground-breaking technology into the regions of puntland.


It costs about $500 000 which will cover the basic capital needed to purchase the technology. And over the year maintenance probably to dubai.


If we all pitch in i am sure the diaspora can raise the funds required for this technology and the benefits are just out-standing especially taking into consideration the technology is created for a desert-semi arid environment.

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Mr. Somalia wells and boreholes have been tried for thousands of years and it is obviously not working sxb. If it was then we wouldn't be hearing of droughts every year for the past 2000 years.


Alternative technology needs to be scoped. The days of digging wells are old school sxb, when cloud-seeding can generate rain from the sky.

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after taking pictures of their banner and providing urine looking water to the local population they ran before somaliland troops got there. buuhoodle is Somaliland saxib, noting in this worl is taken because of clan, there are clear international borders.

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