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Is bad press good for Puntland?

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Originally posted by S*S:

"Any Publicity is good publicity"? Sheikh Sharif


"I don't care what they say about me as long as they spell my name right." Riyaale


"Allah curse the ones who publicise - but there's no such thing as bad publicity". Al-Shabaab & Aweys


"There is only one thing worse than being talked about and that is NOT being talked about." Faroole



"there's a sucker born every minute," somali people

interessting, quotations :D

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Faroole's speech in Minnesota in every way hinted his desire to use Puntland governorship as a stepping stone to Somali presidency, following of course Abdullahi Yusuf's decades long footsteps. If he still harbors this desire I must say he has dropped the ball with respect to the "political face" he desired to represent in that speech.

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Lots fellow nomads really thought that Faroole could be one of the best presidents ever. But then he started to do the opposite of what he said and people feel a little disapointed. It's a shame that he will never live up to his potential.

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