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Extremists must not turn Somalia into a safe haven for terrorists!

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Originally posted by Meiji:




Those 4 teen have been maimed for life because the extremists accused them of crimes without proper court system and bringing forward credible evidence.

This is what happens when ignorant people like all-shabab come to power. All-shaydaan has adopted Khawaarij ideology, and are the ones who fool people with their emotional rhetoric and have no firm basis of the Qur,aan and Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (saw). They misinterpreted the Holly Qu,aan and the hadiths of Prophet Mohamed (PBUH), in order to achieve their selfish motives. These young people were not thieves as all-shabab claimed. Rather, as numerous witnesses affirmed, they were innocent people who either refused to join all-shaydan or who refused to take part in any activity that might support the war crimes committed by all-shaydan. Ignorant nonsense, like these groups should be eradicated from our planet, once and for all. :mad:

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Originally posted by Ms DD:

A muslim would never turn in another to muslim to gaallo. if he does, his aqeedah waxbaa si ka ah.

That's a very important point. And it is a point missed by Kaafirs of all stripes who are confronting Islamic Jihadism. In the eyes of the Muslims, a Muslim is always superior to a Kaafir even if that Muslim is a criminal. This is why Osama Bin Laden is still at large and why Muslims are mistrusted world over.

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More whining from our resident infidel. Is there some empty void in your life that makes you want to come here and whine about the big bad Muslims constantly?


How dare you try to pin the ineptness of the C.I.A for not catching the terrorist mastermind, OBL, on the Muslim people! And NO: Muslims do not think criminals are superior to anyone.


I wish life was as easy as your over simplified generalizations, but you need to get over yourself, bombastic toad!

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