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Somali Ethiopian: The present dynamics

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Let me start with the whole issue reduced to its simplest form, but before I do that let me explain the most important parts of the ethiopian constitution that is 10 years old now and the somali ethiopian was one of the main architects:


1. Any nation, nationality or peoples in ethiopia has the right to self determination up to and including secession.

2. The said peoples elect in their government (kilil state or zone) with the clear intention and stated intention of excercising their right of self determination. This in a nutshell means that the party, front or organization advocating for self determination has to have campaigned in an election with this issue and won the election. It shows the intent of the people.

3. Upon winning an election and forming state parliament, the said state or zone will present the house of federation (senate and body with ultimate say on constitutional matters) with the items of disatisfaction of the peoples with the current state of affairs.

4. The federation has 3 years to answer the complaints to the satisfaction of the agrieved peoples. The said state or zone in 3 years will have a referendum.


The self determination side should win by 66.6% of the vote.


In the case of somali ethiopians:

If its someone from Mugadishu raising the issue, its just someone trying to grab land from ethiopia and except with the force of arms there is no system or structure the mugadishu group can use to speak on behalf of the somali ethiopian. You only need to read the decades old quarels between Mugadishu and WSLF to see the mistake of this strategy. Most officials in the somali state government or the ethiopian federal government who are somali are past cadre, fighters, leadership of WSLF and other organizations with the same objectives.


The only one that has the right and the power as well as legitimate structures and means to self determination is the somali ethiopian.


If any party front or group convinces 66.6% of the somali ethiopian, its farewell to what ever the somali ethiopian chose to do with his right.


You may say the 66.6% is too high, but would you determine future of a people with less than that? Would you allow a group of people deciding the future of 5-6 million somalis that will have changed the horn of africa, if not africa and depending on what the somali ethiopian chose to do with his future.


I wouldn't. Win hearts and minds of 66.6% of the people, show clearly your intent and ask for their support and the 33% will accept gladly if it was a clear question voted upon.


Otherwise if there is any cheating, or misleading intentions shown the 33.3% will have the capacity to make your life miserable along with theirs.



What do you think?

BTW there is ONLF who, atleast accepts the structure and formula, but is afraid will not succeed in convincing 66.6% somali, so is trying the armed fight short cut.

The OLF for Oromo is also in the same boat. They are sure they cannot win 66.6% of the Oromo, so the only way they see is find outside friends and do away with ethiopia.

OLF also clearly and repeatedly stated that they accept the constituion.


This constituion and the states is opposed by past regime supporters, but those have a lot of reasons for being against it. These people are centralists and do not accept for peoples to have their own self government, speak their language and preserve and develop their culture.

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Originally posted by Lieutenant Xalane:

Somali friend,in short,would u agree with the Legend Revolutiuonary ,Who said,''Liberators do not exist,pple liberate themselves'..Is that what u are trying to raise in ur post?

Thank you putting it all in one concise description.


As an ethiopian, its very easy for me to swallow if my fellow ethiopian in Jijiga told me that, there is no reason for him to share one country with me, he is disatisfied and he doen't see things getting better, so lets part ways.


On the other hand if Colonel Awetye from far away seat in Mugadishu tells me that he will take the land and the reason is somalis leive there and I want it under my control and my rule, that I cannot swallow.

In addition to it when I ask my friend who is ethiopian somali and he tells me I don't like that mugadishu system or call, It makes it even harder to contemplate me saying to colonel aweye here you can have it take it.


T also find it very disenginous for any people including the ethnic I come from to be friends with far away peoples, but be enemies with immediate neighbors.

Let me give you an example from somalia:

If Somaliland wants to be friends with Mugadishu, but not with Puntland or somali state ethiopia or Djibuti..its an indication that there is a problem and that friendship is fake.

If the O part of somali state ethiopia wants to be dear friends with mugadishu but not with Bay and Bakool or Puntland or Somaliland...I think there is something wrong with that. Its never long lasting and is mischivious. Thats the way I see it.


But you stated something, I couldn't have said it any better. The somali ethiopian is an important block now. He can speak for himself without some mugadishu hot head spoiling the road. The somali doesn't have enemies now in ethiopia, from the federal to the states. The biggest enemy is poverty and technological backwardness. That is being tackled and the results so far are beyond any expectation.

All ethiopia "the superpower kkk" had 200MW electricity until 1991, now is closing in 2.2GW, There is nothing worthy therse days that can be done without electricity. imagine what level the country must have been.

All the areas that were rebel areas are the ones that fared the worst..the Afar, Tigray, Somali..were lands of rebellious people and now have relative peace and are making progress starting from minus.

The ethiopian empire had only one university in addis there are 9 and with 4 that are in construction will be 13. One of them is in somali state. Afar did not have a high school until the current government came, now they have 8 and this 5 year plan will have 20.


The somali ethiopian is the only one who legally, morally, constitutionally and by force if necessary that can excercise his right, his wishes and expectations. Everyone else is secondary and maybe just supportive role.

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Soomaali Galbeed is an occupied part of Soomaaliya. It will be freed one day, be it by force or whatever other means, regardless whatever bogus document a Tigrey/Amxaar writes for him/herself.


We don't care; we only want our land back that cost real blood, resources and naf. If you thought the past wars was vain, think, deeply, again.


We told you before and will tell you again to stop deluding yourself: There is no "Soomaali-Amxaar/Tigreey." It never was and never will be.


Sanaawi "freed" his people by using force against the Xabash Mengiste, so will Soomaalis in Soomaali Galbeed. Qori caaradiis ayaa taqaniin, and you will soon see it, if not come to realize.


Sanaawi -- with all his shaky, rickety, wobbly pandhandler so-called "nation" ku nool tuugsi from handouts of international community -- prays the Soomaalis to remain in this current conundrum for the foreseeable future using damiirlaawiyaal, dalkooda waxba uga galin.


We, the majority Soomaalis, however, won't. The status quo won't last forever.


Soomaalis -- whether they are wadaad or waranle or in between -- will unite and liberate Soomaali Galbeed, regardless how you deceive yourself telling otherwise or not. It is better for yourself to be ready as Sanaawi, a former quudato kusoo koray Soomaali taxpayers' money, knows better.


Soomaali Galbeed is already more Soomaaliya region than an Amxaar/Tigreey one since it uses Soomaali shilin, uses Soomaali language in its schools and the fake "border" everybody can cross. What it requires is an official designation being part of Soomaaliya.

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Please read this, before you get all worked up about the somali ethiopian. If you want some historical background read the Walwal conference and if you want recent facts read the conflict between Mugadishu and WSLF.

But for current situation read this news:



Jijjiga, November 26, 2006 (WIC) – The inhabitants of Somali State firmly stand by the government as the jihad declared against Ethiopia by the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) mainly targets the people of the state, Muslim clerics of the state underscored.


Imams,representatives of sharia courts,Islamic affairs offices and mosques as well as elders drawn from the state said the war declared by the UIC against the country would above all victimize the people of Somali State.


Somali State Sharia Courts President, Sherif Mohammed Sherif Abdi-Seid,said the war declared by Hassen Tahir Aweys and his cliques,former communists who fought hard to destroy Islam,is aimed at impeding the development of the inhabitants of the Somali State and undermine their peace.


The declaration of the extremists to seize Somali State and reign on the people of the State whose constitutional rights have been respected is shameful,the President said, further calling on the brotherly people of Somalia to rise up against these forces.


Islamic Affairs Office Head,Sheik Omar Farah Mohammed,said on his part that declaring jihad against Ethiopia,the country that welcomed Islam first and foremost,is illegal and unacceptable by the religion.


Sheirf Abdulahi Sherif Aden Nur said though the extremist group led by Hassen Tahir Aweys failed to inflict serious damages during the past 15 years due to lack of capacity,it has been attacking Ethiopia and the people of Somali State in particular by blowing up hotels,recreation centers and killing civilians.


He also stressed that the group which has declared war against Ethiopia taking advantage of the support of some countries should be contained once and for all before it causes serious damage.


He further urged the state government and the muslim community in the state to stand by the government and repulse the invasion to preserve their unity and dignity.

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Somalifriend,but its the pple of that occupied land who are fighting ur government.Doesn't the fact that they have been fighting and carrying out successful battle grounds against Ethiopia lead u to the conclusion that ,basically its the pple who are backing the ONLF? i can understand ur statement '' If its someone from Mugadishu raising the issue, its just someone trying to grab land from ethiopia and except with the force of arms there is no system or structure the mugadishu group can use to speak on behalf of the somali ethiopian.,However,this time its not the folks from Mogadishu or basically somalia that is fighting against Ethiopia but the ''occupied somalians''.They want to be free from Ethiopia and they are paying the price of their Freedom.Thats how i see it,do u?Maybe? But that is not important,what is important is their thought of freedom,and i honestly do dearly salute them,for they are way much better than the so called Kenyan Somalis who are dormant and ignorant inregards to nationalism.All things come to an end,and eventually,in one way or the other,so long as they are fighting,they will win their glory and freedom.There is no doubt in that.

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Lieutenant Xalane,


You have good points, but the way the situation in the somali state stands right now is quite different from the past or the future as seen from ONLF viewpoint.

Does ONLF has the support of the majority in the area that it is interested in seceeding from ethiopia? Why ONLF did not want to speak or fight for all the somali ethiopian?

I think the answer to these questions can give you as to the prevailing situation in somali state.

Somali ethiopians are not a small population. Its about 6 million. The most important strategic interest they consider at this time is building a strong state and infrastructure for whatever eventuality that comes. Wether the ethiopian somali remains part of ethiopia, joins somalia, or both somalia and ethiopia are changed and the whole horn of africa is for most somali ethiopians is not the immediate concern. That is what I read and thats what I hear as a non somali myself.


Come to think of it, it makes a lot of sense. If one is weak and disorganized, he/she will always be victim of others. If one is strong and organized, at the very minimum he/she can bargain.


What do you think now will make the somali ethiopian accept Mugadishu lordship which was always the main contention with the liberation fronts. ONLF is now in the same boat.

There was a central committee memeber of ONLF who changed his views and became a federalist, recently. The accusations and blame he had for his ex-comrades in ONLF were very similar to what WSLF had decades ago.


Please realize that in today's ethiopia there is no will or power to stop or keep a small (in number) ethnic peoples, let alone the somali who is bigger and more powerful than a lot of african countries, against his/her wish.

Thats the new reality.


There is also another reality. War is very destructive process, thus it always should be done very quickly. This directionless and not result oriented destruction only creates doubters and opponents. Thats what ONLF is facing and is constantly forced to declare ceasefire on its own, because the people fall victim either to draught or the elders decide that this or that project cannot be touched. I think ONLF sees that with every building thats erected the war option becomes less and less attractive, but on the other hand it cannot destroy a school or a clinic and hope that the people will stand with it.


The point seems to be that, let our children choose what to do with it, but lets lay the infrastracture in political institutions or transport construction to enable them to choose with strength.

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Well put somali friend,i bluntly agree with u on ONLF's stand,however,corrections can always be made and strategies adjusted.Years and years of fighting with a Stronger Adversary and Resisting them by all means still haven't diluted their will of freedom,now that is something one could count on it as of having faith in them.They couldn't have done that all with out the will of the pple.All the same,its their choice and with their stubborn will,they will eventually be victors.There is nothing painful than an un-healing wound,the same applies to frequent and un ending rebellions,for it almost becomes like a cancer to the state,it weakens them and eventually,the state is left with no alternative but to let go.

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Somali_Friend and Lieutenant Xalane...If lieutenant sounds a lot like Somali-Friend, that’s no coincidence. Because 'Lieutenant' is, in fact, Somali_Friend..

Don't hide awoowe. smile.gif :)Keep up your effort and show us more lab dancing for your uncles master.

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Duuliye,Thanks for putting it so,it just shows how simple minded u are.How will i be logged on from two places at the same time?Thanks for thinking that am too rich to afford two pc's but all the same,i feel honored by being compared to Somali friend,Unlike u,atleast he is a man who can reason with another man and accept his short comings.

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Lieutenant Xalane,


Let me ask you a question if I amy. Lets say you are a somali in somali state ethiopia. You look to your east your kins in Dgibuti are building their lives regardless of what comes tomorrow, wether they stay as a country with the Afar, because they are not the only choosers. You look still to the east of you and your kins are building their state and leaving the majority minority for now seem to be wanting to be a country of their own.

Still keep looking to east and maybe move your gaze a bit south and you see your other kins are building a strong state, doing what they can to revive somalia, but if all else fails they are ready and capable to keep on their own.

You visit Bay and Bakool and you realize that your kins there want to be just like Puntland, united somalia to be reinstituted, but each governing themselves with a negotiated mechanism.


Yet you have the best rare opportunity to do the same. Build your state or call it enclave or whatever name, but build it in everything possible and with everything you can lay your hands at. Now is not the time for war, because that war has the possibility of bringing chaos which no one can even guess the end possibilities.

What if the war brings more fructuring in somalia republic instead of unity that includes everybody? There is time for everything.


What would you have chosen to do at this time?


Please also consider that if you have strong institutional infrastructure you can be the leader of all somalis, but if you remain weak and backward, the mugadishu guy will always try to give you orders and will never take you as his equal.


I think at the moment thats the prevailing reality.

If the somali ethiopian one day decides to revive the greater somalia project, he can do so from a position of strength not only in ethiopia, but also with his kins in other countries now including somalia republic. He can easily be equal to puntland or Somaliland. That can be achieved easily and very soon without much fuss or the need for arms.


What do you think?

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As of what i think,I would first regain my freedom,build my institutions and infrastructure for first things first.Freedom first.No man can go around trying to do progress when he ain't free.Why did those pple chooce to fight and be burried in some unmarked graves some where in the savannah?Surely there are reasons why they chose their life and had they had freedom,i believe that they would all be concentrating rather on their developments.No one likes war,and no one likes to be deprived off their freedom.Puntland and somaliland are two self governing provinces,for now that is,but soon we gonna have a Government ,A somalia, and puntland and somali land will be part of Somalia,as they once were.Somaliland might try to oppose joining her sister provinces,thats what the secessionists are in to,but that won't work and willingly or un willingly Somalia will regain all her lost elements.As of the Occupied lands,those that want to join us,they will,but first let them get their freedom,the choice to do what they want to do after their freedom is totally theirs,we can try to persuade them,help them if they need our help,militarily,economically and even politically.Eritrea fought and earned her Glory,the same will happen to these ones too if they keep on resisting and Rebelling.Again,as of what i think,i think i would want freedom than progress,but times and tides have changed,Ethiopia got to realize that,the last thing she needs is a rebellion.I think ONLF have somewhat won half of their Glory already for having resisted that too long.The rest are un important,for now,its their Freedom that is important to them,to us and to Ethiopia itself.

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Pitty Amharas and the Tigre's historic memories starts after Western Somalia was signed away to Abyssinia. They seem to possess a partial memory of how this Somali land was given to successive Abyssinian kings by European powers concerned with 'fresh meat and vegitables' procurement to the colonizing soldiers. Meneliks beggings and childlike cries for help and handouts have made the Europeans to give him what is now Western Somalia. The abyssinians have a legendry reputation for effective begging. From the kings to the laymen, they still continue to beg.


Just few days ago Zenawi declared his readiness to engage the UIC in war, yet days after that decleration, he is on record begging the international community for aid! This is the sought of individual that we are dealing with here. A thief as a begger!

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