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Garowe: UN envoy Dr Mahiga impresed by the peace of Puntland: PICS

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Wakiilka Qaramada Midoobay ee Soomaaliya oo Booqasho Ku Tegay Magaalada Garoowe (Sawiro)

November 10, 20100 comments| leave your own! Share


Wakiilka Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan arimaha Soomaaliya Dr.Augustine Mahiga iyo wefdi u hogaaminaayo ayaa maanta kasoo degay magaalada Garoowe ee caasimada Puntland kadib markii kasoo duuleen magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya.


Masuuliyin ka tirsan Dawladda Puntland ayaa wefdiga kusoo dhoweeyey garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Garoowe,iyadoo si weyn maanta loo adkeeyey amniga guud ee magaalada.


Dr.Augustine Mahiga ayaa booqasho ku tegay goob la doonaayo in la dejiyo dadka barakacayaasha ah oo ay gacanta ku hayso Hay’ada Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan horumarinta ee UNDP intaan loo gelbin xarunta madaxtooyada Garoowe.



Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxmaan Faroole oo la hadlay saxaafada kadib markii ay kulan qaateen Wakiilka Qaramada Midoobay ayaa sheegay in ay tahay markii u horeysay uu degaanada Puntland soo gaaro kuna faraxsanyahay imaatinkiisa.


Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay in ay ka wada hadleen arimo khuseeya xaalada Soomaaliya iyo sidii nabad lagu soo dabaali karo waqtigan.


Sidoo kale wuxuu sheegay in Ergayga Qaramada Midoobay uu qirey in Puntland ay tahay meel degan oo ka jirta nabad isla markaana la xaliyey dhibaatada kale ee ka jirta Soomaaliya.


Dr.Faroole ayaa xusay in Mahiga uu sidoo kale ogolaaday in Puntland ay la dagaalanto Burcadbadeeda ayna sugtay amaanka guud iyadoo la dardar geliyey ganacsiga iyo dhaqaalaha.


Wakiilka Qaramada Midoobay ee Soomaaliya Dr.Augustine Mahiga ayaa sheegay in Puntland uu u yimid inuu la kulmo Madaxda Puntland isla markaana arko xaaladaha guud ee ka jira oo ay kamid tahay maamulka iyo amniga.


Wuxuu uga hambalyey Madaxweynaha Puntland sidii loo tixgeliyey sugida nabadgalyada guud oo uu maanta marqaati ka noqday.


Waa markii u horeysay Wakiilka Qaramada Midoobay ee Soomaaliya Dr.Augustine Mahiga uu socdaal kusoo gaaro degaanada Puntland iyadoo hore uu u tegay magaalada Muqdisho,waxaana ay dib ugu laabteen isla maanta magaalada Nairobi oo ay markii hore ka yimaadeen.


Maxamed Siciid Yuusuf


Wakiilka Horseed Media



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Ergiga u qaabilsan QM Somalia oo booqdey Puntland

10 Nov 10, 2010 - 4:13:34 AM


Ergiga Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan arimaha Somaliya Ambassador Augustine Mahinga ayaa maanta 10.11.2010 markii u horeysay socdaal ku yimid magaalo madaxda Puntland ee Garowe, waxaana xarunta Madaxtooyada kulan kula qaatay Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr. Cabdiraxman Maxamad Maxamud "Farole."


Kulanka labadaan mas'uul ayaa u badnaa arrimha Somalia iyo Puntland iyadoo shirku ahaa mid albaabadu u xirnaa oo aan saxaafada loo ogoleyn markii hore.


Markii uu soo gabagabooyay kulankii Madaxweynaha uu la yeeshay u qabilsanaha Qaramada Midoobay Arimaha Somaliya ayaa qolka shirarka Madaxtoyada Garowe waxaa golaha Wasiirada warbixin ka siiyey qodobadii laga hadley Mud. Faroole iyadoo markii dambe saxafada la siieyey warbixin kooban.


Ugu dambeyn waxaa warfidiyeenka warbixin ka siiyey qodobadii kulanka labada dhinac Madaxweynha Puntland Mud.Cabdiraxman Farole oo sheegey in ay tahay markii u horeysay oo Ambassador Augustine Mahinga yimaado Puntland isagoo xusey in maamul ahaan ay aad ugu faraxsanyihiin imaanshaha uu soo booqday Puntland.


Mud. Faroole ayaa sheegey in ergiga isla soo qaadeen arimaha Somaliya iyo sidii nabad waarta loogu soo dabaali lahaa.


Madaxweynaha ayaa intaas kadib shaaca ka qaaday in Augustine Mahinga uu qiray in Puntland tahay deegaan nabadeed layskuna halayn karo, waxa sidoo kale uu cadeeyay in Puntland wax wayn ka qabatay mushaakiladka ka jira Somaliya sida burcadbadedka, dagalkii dhawaan lagaga guulaysatay kooxdii uu hogaaminayey ninka la yiraahdo Atam kasoo ku dhuumaalaysanayay buuralayda Galgala.


Ambassador Mahinga ayaa sidoo kale qiray in Puntland ay si wayn u dhiiri galiso arimaha ganacsiga guud ahaana si wayn uga shaqaysay horumarinta amniga .


Dhinaca kale hadalka Madaxweynaha kadib ayay saxafadu su'alo waydiisay Mahinga, iyadoo su'aasha ugu haboonayd ahayd inuu ka warbixiyo safarka uu ku yimi Puntland ambassador Augustine Mahinga oo wajigiisa laga dareemi karay farxad ayaa ugu horeyn sheegay in uu aad ugu farax sanyahay imaanshaha uu ku yimid Puntland, waxana uu carabka ku dhuftay in uu la kulmay madax oo uu ugu horeeyo Madaxweyne Farole islana soo qaadeen qodobo muhiim ah, waxa uu sidoo kale sheegay in Puntland u yimaadeen in ay makhraanti ka noqdaan horumarka ay ku talaabsatay dhan kasta oo ay ka mid tahay arimaha amniga iyo tan ganacsiga .


Ugu dambayntii Amb. Mahinga ayaa sheegey in Puntland ka furan donaan xafiiskii siyaasada ee guud ahaan Somalia kaas oo ay joogi doonaan shaqaale ajnabi ah isagoo shaqsi ahaan xusey inuu fariisan doono halkaas.


Puntland ayaa waxa horey uga furnaa xafiis kooban iyadoo halkaas uu ku madax ka ahaa wakiil u dhashay dalka Somalia.


Ambassador Augustine Mahinga oo ah 65 sano jir ayaa noqonaysa markii ugu horeysay ee uu ku yimaado Somalia iyadoo horey garoonka diyaaradaha kula kulmey Madaxweynaha Somalia sheekh Shariif.


Waxaan idiin soo gudbin doonaa codad iyo sawiro saacdaha soo socda.



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Very positive development for the state.


The secret service personnel are quite impressive indeed! No more fatigues wearing men in the compound. Good stuff

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Somalia: U.N. Special Envoy Praises Peace in Puntland, Pledges Support

10 Nov 10, 2010 - 10:58:51 AM




PRESS RELEASE| The U.N. Secretary-General's Special Representative to Somalia (SRSG) and Head of the United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS), Ambassador Anthony P. Mahiga led a four-member U.N. delegation on his first official visit to Puntland State of Somalia.



Ambassador Mahiga's delegation was received at Garowe International Airport on Wednesday morning by Puntland presidential staff, Cabinet ministers, and U.N. staff based in Garowe, the state capital of Puntland.


The delegation of the U.N. Special Envoy includes: Ms. Nene Bah, the Special Assistant of the UN SRSG; Mr. Fredrick Maliya, the regional coordinator for UNPOS; and Mr. Asido Yellow-Duke, the Military Adviser for UNPOS, all based in Nairobi, Kenya.


Mr. Abdi-aziz Mohamed, the National Political Officer for UNPOS, led the visiting delegation on a tour of key properties such as a new IDP settlement camp under construction, as well as the U.N. compound in Garowe.


After the tour, Ambassador Mahiga's delegation was received at the State House in Garowe by the President of Puntland, His Excellency Abdirahman Mohamed Mohamud (Farole).


The Puntland President and the U.N. Special Envoy held a closed-door meeting at the State House in Garowe.


The two officials emerged from the President's office and held a joint discussion forum at the Conference Room in the presence of Cabinet officials, where President Farole summarized the key points of their discussion.


"We discussed issues regarding peace, stability and development in Somalia, as well as strategies for achieving sustainable peace across Somalia," President Abdirahman Farole said.


The Government of Puntland presented exclusive coverage of the Galgala Conflict between Puntland government forces and rebels linked to Al Shabaab terror group. Puntland's government declared military victory after seizing control of all terrorist hideouts and training camps in Galgala a mountainous zone, southwest of Bossaso in Puntland's Bari region.


The U.N. delegation was awed as they were shown various photographs from the three-month Puntland military offensive in Galgala area that concluded last month.


The photographs included: pictures of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs); an assortment of firearms, mortars, and ammunition; as well as the rugged hilly terrain where Puntland government forces conducted military operations targeting fighters responsible for bombings and assassinations inside Puntland and led by Mohamed Said Atom, who is on a U.N. security watch-list.


Addressing the conference room, Ambassador Mahiga said he was delighted to visit Puntland for the first time since his appointment as U.N. Special Envoy to Somalia last June.


"I have been longing to come and meet the people, make friends, and explain why I am here as your partner for peace," Ambassador Mahiga said. "I have been longing to come and see the viability of Puntland State."


He commended Puntland for "fighting international terrorism" and urged leaders to consolidate peace and security with economic development and opportunities for youth.


Ambassador Mahiga said he is a witness to the presence of a government in Puntland and acknowledged Puntland's capacity to strengthen the peace using various strategies, including the last resort of military force as demonstrated during the Galgala Conflict.


He stated that the success of Puntland is "an example for the rest of Somalia."


Ambassador Mahiga concluded: "There is heightened interest in Puntland because you have proven your capacity to work alone. I acknowledge and appreciate the great role you have played in combating piracy."


He pledged international recognition and assistance for Puntland's tough anti-piracy campaign: "A land based strategy to combat piracy is important and Puntland is an outstanding partner. We shall flag the world to help you."





Communications Office

The Puntland Presidency



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"I have been longing to come and meet the people, make friends, and explain why I am here as your partner for peace," Ambassador Mahiga said. "I have been longing to come
and see the viability of Puntland State."

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Ambassador Mahiga said he is a witness to the presence of a government in Puntland and acknowledged Puntland's capacity to strengthen the peace using various strategies, including the last resort of military force as demonstrated during the Galgala Conflict.

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Ambassador Mahiga concluded: "There is heightened interest in Puntland because you have proven your capacity to work alone. I acknowledge and appreciate the great role you have played in combating piracy."

He pledged international recognition and assistance for Puntland's tough anti-piracy campaign: "A land based strategy to combat piracy is important and Puntland is an outstanding partner. We shall flag the world to help you."

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The U.N. delegation was awed as they were shown various photographs from the three-month Puntland military offensive in Galgala area that concluded last month.

The photographs included: pictures of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs); an assortment of firearms, mortars, and ammunition; as well as the rugged hilly terrain where Puntland government forces conducted military operations targeting fighters responsible for bombings and assassinations inside Puntland and led by Mohamed Said Atom, who is on a U.N. security watch-list.

He commended Puntland for "fighting international terrorism" and urged leaders to consolidate peace and security with economic development and opportunities for youth.

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