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Dowladda Federaalka iyo Maxkamadaha Islaamka oo kala sheeganaya guulo ay ka gaareen Dagaallo u dhaxeeya


Khamiis, December 21, 2006(HOL): Dagaallo xooggan oo khasaare geystay ayaa waxay ku dhexmarayaan deegaano ka tirsan Gobolka Bay Ciidamo ka amar qaata Maxkamadaha Islaamka iyo kuwa taabacsan Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, iyadoo labada dhinac ee dagaalka uu u dhaxeeyana ay kala sheeganayaan guulo ay dagaalka ka gaareen.


Golaha Maxkamadaha Islaamka ayaa sheegtay in ay dagaal xooggan oo saakay ka dhacay Deegaanada Idaale iyo Deynuunaay ay guulo ka soo hooyeen, isla markaana ay jab weyn u geysteen ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah oo ku soo duulay.


Xoghayaha Golaha Shuurada Maxkamadaha Islaamka Shiikh Maxamuud Shiikh Ibraahim Suuleey iyo Afhayeenka Maxkamadaha Islaamka Gobollada Jubbooyinka Shiikh Ibraahim Shukri oo shir jaraa'id ku wada qabtay Xarunta Villa Baydhabo ee Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in dagaallo saakay ka dhacay deegaanada Idaale iyo Deynuunaay ay ku soo qaadeen Ciidaamo Itoobiyaan ah, wuxuuna Shiikh Ibraahim Shukri uu sheegay in ay deegaanka Idaale ku dileen 70 nin iyo Sarkaalkii Hoggaaminayay oo Itoobiyaan ah, halka uu carrabka ku dhuftay in ay Maxkamadaha Islaamka halkaas ka soo gaareen 4 dhimasho ah iyo 13 dhaawac ah.


Shiikh Maxamuud Shiikh Ibraahim Suuleey ayaa sheegay in dagaalkan oo sida uu yiri ay ku soo qaadeen Ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah ay dowladda Itoobiya uga gol leedahay in aysan sal dhigan siyaasadda Soomaaliya oo uu sheegay in ay markeedii horena ka mid ahayd dowladda Itoobiya dowladihii wax ka bur buriyay Dowladdii Soomaaliyeed. Shiikh Maxamuud waxaa uu intaas ku daray in ay dagaalkan ku soo beegtay Dowladda Itoobiya xili uu dalka Soomaaliya ku soo jeeday Ergay ka socday Midowga Yurub oo dadaal ugu jira in xal loo helo dalka Soomaaliya.


this is what other side had to say....yeah bare with me,I know they will lie.

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^^ The dust will settle within the coming days and weeks. Until then, everyone has the luxury of comforting themselves with all sorts of delusions.

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Originally posted by Pi:

^^ The dust will settle within the coming days and weeks. Until then, everyone has the luxury of comforting themselves with all sorts of delusions.

Indeed..! There is no joy in here I guess from either parties. But those those who led innocent Somali youth to war on the perception of defending their religion but i reality was a cover to gain command and control would be held accountable , if not here in this wordly life but certainly Inshallah the hereafter.

Hundreds of untrained and clueless Sonali youths lost their lives yesterday, for what? And please dont give me that bull*hit excuse they were fighting for Islam. Cause Islam was never under any threat. But rather they were fighting cause Xassan Dahir Aweys could consolidate the power he gained through the barrel of the gun and not throug the will and support of Somali people.

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Ofcourse, between them Allah SWT. So go ahead send children for false purposes and then come here and talk about whether they are winning or not. Is that your bottom line Xoxagaal?

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As long as Caydid, Qanyare, Hiraale, Abdullahi Yusuf and the rest of who is who in killing somalis are holed in Baydhabo, the IUC war is one of Jihad.


remember what many of you were writing on SOL a few years ago. You were cursing, calling for the elimination of warlords from Muqdisho and praying to Allah to save Muqdisho.



What a bunch of worthless double standard fools! So, you wouldn't settle unless your next of kin descends the throne!!!!


No wonder somalia and somalis are the laughing stock of the world.

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juje i don't really care who wins unlike you who swiches side everyweek hmmm i don't like etho's you can't tell me they are camming to save our country


iga qalee macalin hadii beentadu so conways

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caaqil that is somalis.....what ever it takes to hold on power


now juje is confinving us we should go with the government who is recognize by the world dude the us did not recognize dump xxx peepz sitting in badio before the icu they knew that they are not good and the only reason they recogzining them is to do their job.......easy way out to fight al qaida

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Switching sides? And you categorise yourself as neutral how ironic? Xoxgaal it will take you light years to determine where my tenets lie. However our point of argument was, though you have tried in several times to change course, who is accountable for the many youths who lost their lives yesterday on the false perception that they were fighting for their 'Deen' while it was never under any threat at all.

Forget about where my allegiance lies, just amswer that questionm cause yesterday and as is news coming in today many Somali youths have and are loosing their lives cause of the Jihaadki uu iclamiyay Xassan Dahir Aweys, and to top all that he has left the country to a unknown destination. So sxb how much are the lives of those youths worth ?

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Juje, bro, suaal:


Do you know how many people, Abdullahi Yusuf, Qanyare, Caydid, Hiraale and the rest of the TFG have killed?


These are the same people who made us refugees, gypsies, who came to power as a result of their viciousness.


Hassan Dahir Aweys and the rest of IUC members who have committed crimes against somalis are worth every condemnation. I don't support him or any other person who is guilty. But, I have to give him the benefit of the doubt because as I heard he has repented and as muslims this is a virtue.


I have yet to see the thieves in Baydhabo reflect on their crimes.

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Originally posted by xox ogaal:

caaqil that is somalis.....what ever it takes to hold on power


now juje is confinving us we should go with the government who is recognize by the world dude the us did not recognize dump xxx peepz sitting in badio before the icu they knew that they are not good and the only reason they recogzining them is to do their job.......easy way out to fight al qaida

I still remember how geedi cried to American administration for not recognizing the government and instead having diplomatic relations with the warlords in muqdisho before the islamic courts entered the arena. Her i is some old sayings of gedi i found



"Ra`isul Wasaare Geedi waxa uu carabka ku dhajiyay in xukuumada Mareykanka aysan u qalmin in xiriir ay la soo sameeyso hogaamiyaal dagaal oo wiiqaya dadaaalada xukuumada ee ku aadan soo celinta nabada iyo kala dambeynta dalka."


Warbixita wargeyska waxa ay intaa ku dareysaa in Ra`isul Wasaaha Soomaaliya Cali Maxamed Geedi uu ku adkeeyay mas`uuliyiinta Mareykanka ee uu xariirka la sameeyay in la ixtiraamo jirataanka Xukuumada Soomaaliya ,arimaha Soomaaliyana aan lagala soo xiriirin cid kale.



"Sida wargeysku sheegayo wafdigii Mareykanka ahaa oo ka koobnaa 5xubnood oo uu ku jiray Dublamaasi reer Israa`iil ah ay magaalada Muqdisho kula kula qaateen Wasiirka Amniga Qaranka Maxamaed Qanyare Afrax iyo Wasiirka Ganacsiga Muuse Suudi Yalxoow."


March 31, 2006 Source


And now suddenly this same USA is supporting this Goverment why now. The answer is the islamic courts and not because they are concerned about the somali people.

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Originally posted by Caaqil:

Hassan Dahir Aweys and the rest of IUC members who have committed crimes against somalis are worth every condemnation. I don't support him or any other person who is guilty. But, I have to give him the benefit of the doubt because as I heard he has repented and as muslims this is a virtue.

I love this, indeed very much. Hassan Dahir categorised in the same category as the Warlords, a criminal, and yet the Jihaad he has called for is legal. You know what bro, I will give you the benefit of doubt and give you time to reflect on your statement and re-alter it. Cause it completely undermines the ICU motives and am sure the ICU lot in here will be on your back for that.

Hassan Dahir Aweys , criminal eh eh..! and he calls for a Jihaad.

War halke Salada iska qabsan la'adahey..? :D:D

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Originally posted by xox ogaal:

juje i don't really care who wins unlike you who swiches side everyweek hmmm

Well that is extremely peculiar and ture.

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Juje, I am not blinded by sick tribalism. There is no need to alter what I wrote. In some people's eyes, he has committed attrocities but he has repented. As long as there is a somali out there who associates him with warlordism, then he is not in the clear. Having said that the guy has repented (you did not cite that part of my statement) and as such islam is a faith that forgives.


You wouldn't see me drumming for baadil.


The jihaad is between evil (the TFG) and good (the IUC).


Where do you stand? Is it logical thinking, sheer tribalism?


The haters of the IUC are mainly driven by raw traiblism (you favour the warlords that belong to your clan)- and that is not a good think so ma aha????

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Abdi2005 Thanks to the news article sxb


The fact is everyon here knows the truth. Horn and rest members in sol are againts icu because their so called leader barre hiirle has no influence in kismayo anymore because of icu .


sxb wheres muse sudi , cato , and rest warlords .


but then again Afweyna has left terrible legacy on some of us in sol .


some of us beleive that once in yaya becomes the president we meaning the president kins men will be the kings again , we can go bomb any region thats threat our power , we can kill intellectuals and generals the legal way and get away with it . They are not blind from the truth but they see something greater then somalinimo .


It was year ago when abdiqadiid was calling shots in xammar and denoucing the TFG but today he is heroe to General duke and horn because he is fighting for their interest . When asked Abdulahi yusuf does abdiqadiid hold post in TFG by sweden Gov , abdulahi yusuf stated clear no and that abdiqadiid is a warlord , I wonder what change his mind today .


The only lost foks are resident of xaamar fighting for somaliweyn that does not want them .

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