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Home To Roost: Geedi meets his kin

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Things must really be bad for Geedi,the donkey doctor turned Stooge has now met with his clan members & apologised for the atrocities comitted by the Ethiopians[That he brought to his homeland].


What has changed? Will they embrace him? Why did Yey go to Baidoa,when was the last time he went to Baidoa?


Geedi & his folks bonding

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“Waan dareemi karnaa in Askar aan lahayn tababar ku filan, anshax iyo dhaqan wanaagsan oo weliba lagu sii daray Dad Dharka Ciidamada Suuqa ka iibsaday in ay dhibaatooyin geysanayaan, hayeeshee waan ka tacsiyeynayaa dhibaatadii lagu geystay magaca Dowladda”ayuu yiri Ra’iisal Wasaare Geeddi

Really? Mhmmm,warka isii Geediyow? Who are these soldiers? Which govt do they serve? Yours or some other Ghost govt?


What about those who were fully trained that came with tanks & bombarded those same ppl you are now sympathising with? What about the 1000s who were displaced by your soldiers? and what about those highly trained pilots of the US Airforce who sprayed bullets on innocent civilians in Ras kamboni & Northern Kenya? :mad:

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LOL@Geedi and his folks bonding.....That just cracked me up.....bonding...lool.


Just one more reason why clan 'elders' should not and will not have any say in the future of Somalia.


Look at them as they welcome the 'prodigal son' with open arms. The same son who presided over the two Massacres of Mogadisho in March and April of this year. Look at them as they stand their grinning like villiage id.iots. Why grin ye greedy bas.tards ? You have in ur midst a bona-fide war criminal who is directly responsible for the deaths of thousands and the displacements of hundreds of thousands...........and you smile ? Hold hands ? Yaaaaayyyyyyy!!!!!! Walaa is cafiyay miyaa ? Cafi iyo masaamax aa ka dhacthay meesha and now, you are ready to be baptized as newly-ordained dhabo-dhilifs. Nice. I like that.


They're done. No longer will clannist Ugaases, Garaads, Suldaans, and Gudoomiyes have any say in Somali affairs on the national level. From their sniveling silence when bold leadership is required, to their spirit of submission and surrender, to their lack of any guiding principles, the clan elders have closed the book on themselves.


It's a new age in Somalia. A time for disciplined men of honour who actually posses this wierd thing called principles and this even wierder thing called values .


Clan elders....You're fired. Queen Elizabeth camal aa naliga dhigaa. Dress in colourful 'traditional' clothes and get paraded like exotic animals during Independence Day celebrations and what not. Go around schools and give talks to 3rd graders about Somali history(conviently forgetting your shameful criminal role in it)


That's all ur good for. Enjoy the last of ur rotten old days.


And um, Eid Mubarak, Ugaas :D


P.S. Forgot to point out that not all clan elders are rotten anachronism that need to be gotten rid of. Some do play a strong, principled role and step up to the plate when duty calls. Like that brave elder from Puntland(from Barqaal, I think) who gave a interview to the BBC during the run-up to war this past Decemeber, and announced his full support for the Islamic Courts and that he and his clan too would be implementing Sharia in their reigon. A direct challenge and slap to the face of Cade ' Xabashi Protectorate' Muse.


So there are notable and honourable exceptions. But sadly, they are a rare and scarce species. As a whole, the 'Clan Elder' instituiton has gosta go. Gotta go yacni gotta go. No place for them in the New Somalia.

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Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn:

Why did Yey go to Baidoa,when was the last time he went to Baidoa?


Because the vote of confidence is expected to take place. Gheedi himself has departed for Baidoa.

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