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Shukaansi Vs AlShabaab

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Originally posted by NinaNC:

^Qof khidad fahmaayo ma joogaa horta? dhallinyarada hadalka waa loo jilciyaa (according to a 2010 study on how to improve geeljire communication), ogsoonow intaas, u sii gudbina your colleagues aan ogeyn sheekadaas cusub oo casriyeysan.
good luck n good night


Nina: Ma igu soo kala firaysay smile.gif . Btw, waxaan isugu yeeray an urgent kulan for all Geeljire(GJ) who dwell in southern Cali. In there waxaanu kaga doodnay pressing issues including balse aan ku ekayn the demise of Geeljire’s good old and glory days.


Waxaan ku adkaystay in all beverages, kulayl iyo qabowba, be on me since that is Geeljire dhaqan. The barista of the Biibitada, quruxley with curves she was; not to mention neecawda waqtigaa dhacaysay coupled with the apparent serenity and tranquil of that ambience, the radiance of indhaheeda, dibnaheeda iyo her long qoor dhabtii raised my sunniyo. The Barista waxay dareentay the peculiarity of this Geeljire gathering dabadeed with modest waxay na waydiisay if there were western film shooting maanta considering, dabcan, the proximity of Hollywood and hab lebiskayaga. Geeljire maxaad ku taqaanaa! one in our midst uttered without la tashi; waa sidaase ma na soo daawanaysaa? :confused: thereafter, GJ2 asked war maxay that question noo weydiisay? mid kale responded voluntarily oo dhahay, as a geeljire our lifestyle waa the thing of the past ninyahow, swaggering, possessing a smart phone, hadal macaan with no substance u sheegid gabdhaha loo yaqaano Say wallaahi ee laga yaabee in Nina ka mid tahay ;) , thinking and ku kharash garayn more muuqaalkaaga than mustaqbalkaaga are the new trend ee lagu cabiro how modern, reer magaal and sophisticated someone is, war ma i garateen?. GJ3: Wuxuu soo jeediyey there must be middle ground taasoo ah we can preserve hab dhaqan wanaageena while aan la jaan qaadayno the changes in our surroundings. GJ4: asked goobjoogayaashii, su’aal ka baxsan the ongoing mawduuc and said: ma ogtihiin, in Al Shebaab dhimay the number of hours for shukaansi in Jalalaqsi, for the love of guurka, and seduction, what can we do about this mushkilad? GL5: Baa si caro forceful ahi ka maquuto u yiri, war ragga waa in legdin iyo sabbaaxad nafta lagaga qaadaa, the rest fall to the floor laughing iyaga oo la yaaban how war mooge this miskiin Geeljire was. This will continue and the next installment will be when Allah ordains.


Nina: The communication style of Geeljiraha haddaad faraha la gasho you are asking the better of them ee waxaad ka hesho waxba hayga siin :D sidaas iyo Jimce wanaagsan dhammaantiin.

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:D @ Starbucks dads. Waan ku caawinaayey dee, n you are welcome.


GJ3 wuu ka duuley geeljirenimada (I think he is a techie), maxaa yeeley logic buu use gareeyey oo maskaxdii buu ka shaqeysiiyey asagoon gabay tirin, maahmaahna soo xasuusan. Marka waxaan oran lahaa halugu daydo GJ3, kuwa kale waa allow sahal.


Loved your mini cantarabash though. Jimco wanaagsan all.

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