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Puntland Oil and Natural Gas Reserves Should Remain In Puntland

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This is serious topic that puntlander's need to discuss, why do we need to spread our resources to other regions? We need to spend our resources on building infrastructure, services, education, and financial markets in our region.


What is the benefit of having the federal government interfere with our resources? Do you want to see some usc guy having mansion from our blessed oil rich land. I know i don't and i don't know what other ppl from the north-east think but i believe our resources should stay in our lands and benefit our people only.


When did the south agriculture ever benefit US? we had to benefit ourselves by moving into mogadishu and kismayo towns and setting up our own businesses, political parties, education, and so forth to benefit ourself. They never gave us nothing yet we are supposed to share with these ppl?


We need to know farole plan regarding this, we know cade muse was going to only keep the resources for puntland, however as oppositition farole was opposed to this and wanted all somalis to benefit from it..which i am totally against..the question is has he changed that policy and if not what is his policy regarding this?


We already helped the federal government and sheikh dalxis by setting up the brussel conference and getting his incompetent butt $250 million. Without brussell's conference he wouldn't be buying all these new military toy's which he just purchased. I think puntland put's way to much resources into this federal government and other clans are not carrying weight.


However the point of my case is, let sheikh dalxis keep the $250 million which puntland got for him as long as he make sure's to give puntland it's required slice from that. And as for our region's natural resources it should be used to benefit only us and noone else is what i say...I don't care if anyone agree's but i am looking at this from what in the world have these other guy's done for us. They never done nothing for us...we are the one's always havin this tfg going and getting it funded..


Im sick of it, i truly i am and to add insult to injury if farole stick's to that policy of sharing puntland resources with other regions of somalia dagaal baa naa kala dhexayso...

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hi osman,


given the way you think with your "protectionist" measures, don't think that Puntland aughta emerge from its "semi-autonomous" and declares itself a sovereign country?, just like Somaliland?


i mean why claim to be part of Somalia when you regard everything else outside of Puntland's quarters as "foreign" and hostile if i may add.

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Strawberry..It's not about being hostile, it is about state interests. And puntland doesn't want to indepedent country we support the federal policy of a somali FEDERAL republic.


What that mean is like the UK system..of four regional administrations england, scotland, northern ireland, and wales under 1 sovereignity the UK...that is policy that puntland adheres to and will continue to promote for future somali federal republic.

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Juje, that is exactly what i fear will occur and the only way to stop that from happening is to ascertain ownership of our resources in our region and following the federal policy for somalia.


The federal policy will definitely make sure the oil is used for our state only as we will have the administration over it.

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