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Abdi-qaybdiid: Mogadishu clans take old territories after Ethiopia's departure

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Since I have no credible intelligence on the situation in Northern Somalia, we need to wait for the other party to confirm it.


But your claim is registered adeer, if there are no counter-claims, the region belongs to your paper administration.

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^^^lool. Adeer you are not the first to make such claims, Puntland has moved on regardless of what puny individuals think of it.

Do you even know the size of the state of Puntland? :D

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Lol@Gen. qaybdiid. As if he has say in this. He along with others will be brought to face justice for the crimes they have commited against the somali people. I'm not at all suprised that warlords and traitors are feeling the heat as a result of liberation.

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Originally posted by Emperor:



Originally posted by Blessed:

Emp. No, I just thought it odd that a person who is wadani would be sad at the departure of foreign troops that were unwanted by his people.

Then I was right in my earlier interpretation my dear, you actually got it wrong for the second time and to make things clear for you so you don't come back again with the same line, I am happy that Ethiopia have departed the land and my capital, what I am angry with and was against is militias taking over places along the clan lines, its what kept our capital in hostage for the past 17 years, that's the message the topic conveys and the main reason I posted but you seem to be fine with this lawless and unruly clan militias and called them the 'rightful owners' over moi..


Ma Indha'ade ayaa iga xiga Mugadisho? How? Because that's what you said and is there for all to see...
What? Huuno, ma jin baa kuu heesa?



For love of geel, man. I wrote the following:

Sad to see Ethiopians (who brought nothing but death and distruction to Mogdishu) leave and the rightful owners take control???? Ah, yaa 'wadani'!

Key words:




Rightful owners

Take control.


Ethiopians left. Somalis clans took their stations, names of clans matter not here because I don't even know the exact groups that are involved, I understand Muqdisho to be a city of many and all clans. Do you want a drawing to go with that?


Ethiopia leaving and Somali clans taking over are the ONLY two facts stated in the article. The rest is just the opinion and the fears of Qabdiid. In other words, BS and unnecessary scaremongering.


The Ethiopians did not leave a power vacuum, they did not maintain law and order in Muqdisho. The article and your commentary was giving them too much credit and hinting that there was some benefit in their stay. They messed Xamar up and now left with their fitnah. I don't understand how you don't see this as your victory and that was my gripe.


This is no doubt a victory of Somalis, most of all those who advocate nationalism, hence 'ah, ya waddani'. My question had nothing to do with your background but the message in the article you posted and your comments on it.


That you insist on bringing my clan, yours and Indo Caddes into the equation is both narrow minded and quiet boring but like I said, I'm not surprised that you read everything as an attack on your qabiil, it's what you do. Everything boils down to qabiil for you. :rolleyes:


Maca Salaamah.

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^Habo you are running around beating drums and going in circles, no need really and you don't have to speculate or presume things about me, I have said it clear and load bear time, I rejoice the departure of Ethiopia.


However, the other fact that was presented in the article as you said, is clan militias taking positions along the 17 year old rivarly bases, sort of border line and territory in which no one should transgress otherwise will triger a full blown out war between the clans. Let me make clear to you again, this is what I was against and you were for it, I am suprised as to why you should be happy about it. Please let's not go back to the claim of 'you are angry because Ethiopia left' :D , I made my point about that and is on record, so shall we for a second leave Ethiopia out of the equation.


One question for you, would you be happy as much as you are in Mogadishu, if Hargeisa is divided into four or more and were said that the Habar of Siilaanyo control the Airport, and Habar of Waraabe control the main Market while Habar of Egaal control Madaxtooyada and all the small Habro control few streets and one Hotel. Come back and let us now, sometimes I like the way you make yourself to sound so innocent and claim to not know clans or whatever thats happening in Mogadishu while on the other hand making wild statements such as the 'rightful owners', hopping and clapping for clan rivalry in Mogadishu and coming across as an expert in those issues.


If you don't know then take a step back listen and only observe till you get to understand, or otherwise, If you know go ahead and make your statements, you can't have both.

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so shall we for a second leave Ethiopia out of the equation.


No emperor we shall never leave it, every statement you make, every opinion you express, every topic you start and every single comma and apostrophe you use will be weighed by your support for the Ethiopian occupation and subjugation of southern Somalia.

You will never have the respect of your peers here in SOL nor the deference or benefit of the doubt accorded to those who have proven themselves to be honest and wadani on this boards over the last few years.


Why all of these topics on mogadishu by some from puntland?

Why is it that the fair honor of the maiden is now being protected by so many??

Truly although some have been ascertained to be pathetic, and murderous connivers, every day the rank hypocrisy of some twists the stomach anew. we get it after supporting a man who had nothing going for him but your family connection, through all the abysmal actions he took in the name of "pacifying" mogadishu, as ethiopian troops defecated, and tortured, and raped, and killed and bombarded there way to peace in mogadishu, you now point with affected concern to "your" capital and what is/might be happening all in a twisted attempt to prove to others who consider your opinion null and void by original sin that you were right in the first place.


We see and understand your motivations, but although a person might be habituated to the odors of a garbage dump every once in a while he must stand up to close the windows and spray air freshener around.


As for Mogadishu I think what some fail to grasp is the seismic shift that has occurred in the perceptions of those on the ground, rer-muqdishu tired of the war and the warlords along time ago, they looked to history and other Somali regions with longing, longing turned into acttion for 6 months in 2006, but was brutally betrayed by jackals in suits who not only dealt with the devil, but performed fellatio amid the murder and mayhem of a two year occupation when "Our" capital was turned into a ghost town.


Here in SOL and among certain Somali groups all of this was applauded and approbation was poured forth in articles like:


Criminal gangs kicked out of Mogadishu

Mogadishu Pacified

Mogadishu- 10,000 police trained


When the reality was absolutely no where even with the aid of rose tinted glasses no where near this.


After that experience not only are rer-mogadishu ready for peace, but they will to a man support completely the group that gets the upper hand.

This period is a resetting of agendas and re-alignment with new realities but things change and they have in Mogadishu.




No body here cares about what goes on in puntland, apart from some "bugland" posts from jacaylbaro, who cares? and when others comment it is generally positive and constructive, but you people are equivalent to cavemen, cavemen who suffer from erectile dysfunction at that, who distract with vehement language what they lack in performance, sitting around a fire regaling each other about "massive support base" "40% of the land" and oil exploration activities that last and last like a Mexican soap opera with all the twists and turns and non of the substance.

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^Adeer, I wasn't talking to you. Gabadhaan qoute-kaas markay igu waashay Ethiopia this or that after I made myself load and clear about the departuer of Ethiopia, hadaad macno kale haysid la imoow hadii kale igala tag cantabaqashka....

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This is a forum read by many, where what people say in the form of "posts" can be answered/replied/or referred to by all those who have access to a computer and internet access and are members or registered as members on the forum, if you wanted to interact with the lady only, there is a function on internet boards known as pm short for personal messaging

To avoid any misconception




The arrow points to the figure like you pointing to blessed.


And I have made myself crystal clear, why feign misunderstanding now or is it only now that you make it clear that you have always misunderstood?

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