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Abdi-qaybdiid: Mogadishu clans take old territories after Ethiopia's departure

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Muqdisho: Jeneraal Cabdi Qeydiid oo ku sheegay la wareegitaanka Xarumihii ay ka baxeen ciidamada Itoobiya, mid Qabaa'il dantiis lugu difaacayo.

16. januar 2009



Muqdisho(AllPuntland)- Taliyaha ciidanka Booliska Soomaaliyeed Jeneraal Cabdi Xasan Cawaale (Qeydiid) oo ka hadlayay Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ka digay talaabada Kooxaha kala duwan ee ku sugan Muqdisho ay kula wareegayaan Xarumihii ay baneeyeen ciidamadii dawladda Itoobiya.


Cabdi Xasan Cawaale ayaa sheegay in Kooxaha ka soo horjeeda dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya, ay goobihii ay ka baxeen ciidamada Itoobiya ay degeen una muuqdaan kuwa Sidii qabaa'ilkii uqabsanaya meelahaasi.


Jeneraalku wuxuu ka digay dagaalo ka dhaca Magaalada Muqdisho, kuwasoo lamid noqon kara dagaaladii Soomaaliya ka dhacay 1991-dii, wuxuuna sheegay in looga baahan yahay dadka ku dhaqan Magaalada iyo Hareeraheeda in ay ka hortagaan falalkaasi.


" Sida muuqata goobaha ay hada qabsadeen Kooxaha ka dagaalamaya Muqdisho, waxa ay uqabsadeen Qabaa'il, qabaa'il, taasna waa mid keeni karta dagaaladii Sokeeye oo soo laabta" Ayuu si caro leh ku yiri Taliyaha ciidanka Booliska Soomaaliyeed Cabdi Xasan Cawaale (Qeydiid).


Jenenku wuxuu tilmaamay in hadii ay baxeen ciidamadii dawladda Itoobiya, loo baahan yahay in dalka nabad lugu soo dabaalo, maadaama horay dagaaladu usocdey lugu macneeyey kuwa looga soo horjeeday joogitaankii ciidamadii dawladda Itoobiya ee gudaha dalka Soomaaliya, inkastoo uu sheegay in aysan arintaasi waxba ka jirin ee la doonayey in dagaaladaasi lugu burburiyo dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya.


Warkan ka soo yeeray Taliyaha ciidanka Booliska Soomaaliyeed Jen. Cabdi Xasan Cawaale ayaa ku soo aadaya xili Magaalada Muqdisho, laga dareemayo in Maleeshiyaadka kala duwan ee ku sugan ay kala dageen xarumo kala duwan oo ay muuqato in Qabaa'il ahaan meel walba ay qolo udagtay.


F. C. Geylan


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What's happening in Mogadishu, where is the TFG and Sheikh Shariif's ARS... Mogadishu is returning to its old fashion, Dayniile and its Airstrip is for Qanyare's subclan, Madaxtooyda is for Abdiqaybdiid's, Ceel-Macaan port and most of the North is for Shariif's and Indhacade's clan have taken most of the South strategic places, all the while Alshabaab are raoming on the streets of Mogadishu... We hope for a change this time round but it seems things are getting much more complicated...

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^I know, its sad too see Mogadishu going back to the clan days. We hoped, waited for and expected a government of national unity, and the return of the glory days of Mogadishu...


This is what qaybdiid had to say: " Sida muuqata goobaha ay hada qabsadeen Kooxaha ka dagaalamaya Muqdisho, waxa ay uqabsadeen Qabaa'il, qabaa'il, taasna waa mid keeni karta dagaaladii Sokeeye oo soo laabta" Ayuu si caro leh ku yiri Taliyaha ciidanka Booliska Soomaaliyeed Cabdi Xasan Cawaale (Qeydiid).

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First of all, Qeybdiid along with other warlords should be trialed.




What happened in Mogadishu is just the complete takeover of the city by the Union of Islamic Courts. If you remember well, the Union of Islamic Courts evolved through cooperation of different Islamic courts that operated in the different sections of the city.


Now the Ethiopian occupation is defeated, it is logical for the Islamic courts to assume control of the city in which the different Islamic courts all take their pre-2006/7 locations.


What is negative about this development?


Mogadishu is inhabited by a couple of powerfull groups that are sometimes diametrically opposed to each other, and have been engageed in fierce competition over power and resources. Ever since 1991, the groups witnessed constant warfare which eventually brought about a natural eqilibrium in which every group lived in its own section, and found a way to coexist next to each other without kicking any group out of the city or without one group gaining hegemony. This eventually led to the emergence of organisations which could rise above the clan interests and unite for the collective interets of the inhabitants of Mogadishu city. ICU is an example of such organisations.


Kismaanyo which is smaller and less important then Mogadishu can already not be controlled by the different groups that live there, and one group has to have dominance over the others. Mogadishu on the contrary achieved to bring about natural equilibrium, which can function as a fertile environment for organisations that have the intention to rise above clan boundaries, to arise.

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Sad to see Ethiopians (who brought nothing but death and distruction to Mogdishu) leave and the rightful owners take control???? Ah, yaa 'wadani'!

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^^^If one group takes over it will fine and dandy, the problem is if there are competing forces with different interests with heavily armed militias then it can be a recipe for disaster.


Al Shabaab & Ras Kamboni might wage a war on say the AMISOM forces. This might suck in those groups who are for the process in Djibouti, say Sharif Ahmed’s group, and in Somalia the clan issue is never far away hence IndaCade and his group might side with Sharif Ahmed or might side with Al Shabaab, they might be a third force fighting under the banner of Ahlu Sunna[Clan].


Thus what Qaybdeed and others are saying is we are in dangerous waters because clans and armed groups who are politically opposed to each other are taking positions.

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Twisted_Logic, your logic is indeed very much twisted, now you are pro-clan bases and areas of control, while we are waiting for a government of national unity, the peaceful capital of Somalia that's open for all the Somalis, adiguna sidaa ayaa fiican oo clans-ka iskuma xad gudbaayaan ayayba kaa joogtaa, adeer waa sidee the days of looting and Isbaaro miyaa soo carfaysa :D

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Lool @ Blessed and the term rightful owners :D


Mogadishu is my capital dear, it is as mine as theirs (whoever they may be) or every Somali person... If you think the days of the clan animosity and territorial bases within the capital should long continue, then thats your personal view and that of most secessionists, you think the misfortune of your brother is good to prolong a case. In simple, and clear words, I am against the clan bases or system of my capital.

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^ :D:D . I meant Somaalis, you joker. I’m not surprised you read it as a tribal statement though, not at all surprised. ;)




Ethiopian presence in Muqdisho was the main point of contention between the Somali groups, their presence was the reason for the renewed conflict. Now that they're out of the picture, it will first translate to less violence in the streets and secondly it’s one less the obstacle to the peace process. I personally believe that Shariif is a man who would make compromises to ensure that peace prevails.

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Emp, waryee waa maxay baladaad saadinaysaa adeer?


Mogadishu is in a festive mood. Give it 3 weeks, and then will for certain find out if the bad, old days are coming back to hount the city again.

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^I hoping for the better brother, balo masaadinaayo, Magaalo madax aan kunoqdo oo nabad ah ayaan rabaa, but all the signs and the activities that's been happening for the past 24 hours since Ethiopia vocated lead to the report of the topic. Qayb-diid ayaaba yaabaye, war halaga joogo :D


Blessed, if it is within that context, and I mean with that dodgy half-statement half-question context :D , then one will have a reason to make all sort of interpratation, Lol... and I am extremely suprised that of all people, that has to come from Blessed :D

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Blessed, no one has any intention to wish for war in Mogadishu any such calamity will only benefit a few tough guys to make money, all other Somali’s would be losers.


As for the topic, one must be worried if all these groups are just taking over areas without a coordinated effort.

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Originally posted by Emperor:

Twisted_Logic, your logic is indeed very much twisted, now you are pro-clan bases and areas of control, while we are waiting for a government of national unity, the peaceful capital of Somalia that's open for all the Somalis, adiguna sidaa ayaa fiican oo clans-ka iskuma xad gudbaayaan ayayba kaa joogtaa, adeer waa sidee the days of looting and Isbaaro miyaa soo carfaysa

You must have been on Mars the last 17 years!


Somalia since 1991 has been divided along clan boundaries. Mogadishu city is just one of the cities which resemble the divisions. Burao, Hargeisa, Bosaso, Garowe and other notable cities in Somalia are been settled along clan boundaries with most in certain neighbourhoods.


Even before 1991, there were certain neighbourhoods in Mogadishu which were mostly settled by particular groups.


Also, isn't Puntland a clan entity? Ever since the SOOl-Sanaag people have become disillusioned it has become a one-clan show.


Now, you may hate on Mogadishu people which becomes visible in your words of ''looting and isbaaro'', but the fact is Mogadishu people found a way to coexist. Now the warlord era is gone, Union of Islamic Courts will build on the natural equilibrium of power balance in the city, and slowly but steadily improve the lives of the inhabitants. Only when the immediate problems facing the inhabitants of Mogadishu, who have withstood 2 years of brutal Ethiopian occupation and 17 years of warlordism, are solved, can we talk about ideals of Mogadishu city returning to its pre-1991 or making it better then that era!

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^^Duke, give it few weeks. I am confident Indhacadde’s type will be dealt severely. Alshabaab will be an obstacle but theirs is an ideological obstacle, not a clan hegemony type like Indhacadde’s. Also you have to understand Ethiopians are not withdrawing to their original bases. They have setup ad-hoc bases along the southern border. Sharif and co is being very careful in maneuvering these dangerous waters. The Asmara group seems to be open to the possibility of participating in a national unity. Don’t get surprised if Jabbuuti conference gets postponed to accommodate them. All in all things are not as bad as biased reporters like Callasow of Waagacusub are reporting it to be.

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