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Somaliland: Police Officer Killed in Lasanod

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Taliyihii Jeelka Laascaanood Oo Ay Dablay Hubaysani Caawa Toogasho Ku Dileen


Hargeysa (HWN) Alle ha u naxariistii taliyihii jeelka laascaanood Marxuum Cabdi Ciise ayaa goor dhaweyd dil toogasho ah lagu dilay.


Marxuum ayaa la sheegay in dilkiisa ay ka danbeeyeen dad aan haybtooda la aqoonsan kuwaas oo ka dib dilka baxsaday, isla markaana ay ciidamada boolisku ku raad joogaan.


Ma jiro war rasmi ah oo ka soo baxay ciidamada boolis kaas oo ku saabsan cida ka danbaysay dilka taliyaha, balse warar ay shabakada caalamiga ah ee Hadhwanaagnews ka helayso magaalada Laascaanood ayaa sheegaya in ay ciidamadu heegan sare la geliyay isla markaana ay ku raad joogaan cidii ka danbaysay dilka taliyaha jeelka.


Alle ha u naxariistee Taliyaha Jeelka Magaalada Laascaanood ayaa noqonaya kii ugu horeeyay ee tan iyo intii ay xukuumada cusub xilka la wareegtay dalka ka dhaca.

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Taliyihii ciidanka Asluubta ee gobolka Sool Oo Caawa La Dilay


Hargysa,(Qaran news)-Taliyihii ciidanka Asluubta ee gobolka Sool , maruxuun Cabdi Ciise Nuur, ayaa caawa fiidkii koox hubeysani ay tacshiirad ku fureen gudaha magaalada Laascanood, halkaasi oo ay ku dileen halkaasi oo ay kooxdaasi ku dileen taliyihii ciidanka Asluubta ee gobolka Sool.


Sidoo kale waxa ay dhaawacyo soo gaadheen askarigii ilaalada u ahaa iyo darwalkii oo ay soo gaadheen dhaawacyo, taasi oo askarigii ilaalada u ahaa oo ay xaaladiisu aad u darantahay loola soo cararay cisbatalka Burco sida ay sheegayaan wararka aanu helaynaa.


Ilaa hada lama garanaayo cida dilkani iyo dhaawacanba gaystay, mana iraan ilaa hada cid sheegatay, hase ahaatee ma aha markii u horaysay ee dilal noocani ah laga fuliyo gudaha magaalada Laascanood, horena waxa dilal kala gadisan loogu gaystay madax dhowr ah oo ka hawl gala gobolkaasi

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How many more seccesionsts will die, before they realise that militry occupation in Las Anod will not work.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Terrorists will be dealt with sooner than later ,,,

Puntland is doing it's part in fighting terrorism against Atam...when will NW Somalia do the same?

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Originally posted by Thankful:

quote:Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Terrorists will be dealt with sooner than later ,,,

Puntland is doing it's part in fighting terrorism against Atam...when will NW Somalia do the same?
The report by the UN security council on Somlia recently, what did they say about the pirateland leaders?


Piraland (criminal enterprise) fighting with another?


Please explain sir.

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Of the whole government they mentioned only 3 people, one of which has been removed from his post. These people are not representitives of the entire state, rather they have been chosen for a 4 year term.


As terrible as piracy is, the threat terrorism poses is far worse. The amounts of deaths are proof of this, my question was simple, when will NW Somalia start doing something about Lascaanod?


P.S. The same UN Securtiy report on Somalia, detailed all regions including NW Somalia and it's admin!

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Originally posted by Thankful:

Of the whole government they mentioned only 3 people, one of which has been removed from his post.

Who were the mentioned 3 and whats their position? Who removed one of the 3 mentioned from his post?


Originally posted by Thankful:

These people are not representitives of the entire state, rather they have been chosen for a 4 year term.


LMAO, Say what? Who chose them? They represent those that chose them no?



Originally posted by Thankful:

P.S. The same UN Securtiy report on Somalia, detailed all regions including NW Somalia and it's admin!

What was said about them? We know very well about the piratland leaders

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Lol read the report. I am not going over the whole thing. Gen Abdullahi Saeed Samatar was also named but is no longer Security Minister.


Puntland, NW Somalia and Southern Somalia is not like many traditional State, lets be honest. How many States use elders and peacemakers to quell problems? Usually it is the law that determines punishments and the rights of the citizens.


In our country areas are dominated by certain groups and the central government doesn't have the power over the land as you would see in other Countries. That is why in your selection for president not all regions were able to get ballot boxes.


Anyways, a police officer was killed in Lascaanod (AUN), and my question is - if you guys control the area, when will you do something about those responsible?

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Thankful, are you pretending or something? those who have done the crime will hopefully be caught soon as possible as they fled the site the sameway those who bombed the Sland sarkaal a couple of months ago were caught and sentenced to life in prison in mandheera and some faced executions.

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Thankful: In Somaliland, you will only hear officer killed once in a year, but in Bugland its daily thing.


The whole constitution of pirateland is based on piracy curruption. The world calls Farole the pirate King, and his minister elke Jir is the pirate right hand man.


Without taking sides, I blieve S/land already have done something to secure thier cities. Bosaso is biggest city in Pirateland and the least peaceful place in Somalia after Mogadisho.


Anyways Allah yarham for the dead officer.

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