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surah AL-ADIYAT - The Chargers

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Originally posted by Shams-ud-Din:


The commentary
clearly says the Suurah is Madinan, and that makes all the difference to their interpertations of historical settings!

The commentary does say that the Surah was revealed in Medina but it states that there are otehrs who believe it was revealed in Mecca. They also state the reasons why they believe it was revealed in Medina. Do you find the reasons presented to be unreasonable? Please post a commentary that explains this Surah better from another source where also the issue of horses is discussed. I was looking for commentary of the Qur'an online and this was the best site I came across, if you know of any other sites that offer comprehensive commentary, please give me the links so that I too can benefit from them. I intend to purchase volumes of commentary in the near future InshaAllah but I have to settle for what I can get online at the moment. All your help (in finding a similar online comprehensive commentary) is appreciated.



Originally posted by Shams-ud-Din:

You are still trying to make the issue personal, but may Allah be my witness, to me it's all about supporting the Xaqq!!

Akhi, you made the issue personal the first time you adressed me by referring to me as a LIAR and EVIL. I was merely trying to get you to show proof as to why you thought I was all evil. If you are supporting Haqq then you have to be careful about your approach because (in Islam) the end doesn't justify the means.




Originally posted by Shams-ud-Din:

I have to go now, but in the mean time be my guest and start a constuctive conversation, since I'm clearly unable to behave as civilised as you are, and I promise to be softer with my approach next time I get the opportunity to post.

You are not "unable to start a constructive conversation", you just need to be give people the benefit of the doubt and refrain from attacking them for no apparent reason.

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The reason we are having such difficulties in our communication I think, is mainly due to your "cocktail" approach to the discussion. You are failing to distinguish the source and the topic, the issue and the subject, and on top of that, you are mixing your private feelings in what is a serious matter!


If we don't take the responsibility to create a logic structure, in which we can present our views, then I'm afraid that we could remain dancing in circles around a very dangerous fire forever!


If I may go back to this specific thread, the reason I raised my objections were based on the fact that you posted a link, which you yourself would NOT deny, that contains some falsehoods.


You have a choice, to either agree or disagree with me. If you disagree with me, then fine, we'll present our respective cases.


If you wish to clear up some other unsolved grievances in previous threads, then it's fine too, let's go back to that particular thread and deal with it.


And by the way you have repeated the Liar and Evil case scenario so many times in your posts, that I'm willing to put forward to you this suggestion:


Make it your signature, so it may not directly distract us from the issues at had, and we both can be happy.

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The reason we are having such difficulties in our communication I think, is mainly due to your "cocktail" approach to the discussion. You are failing to distinguish the source and the topic, the issue and the subject, and on top of that, you are mixing your private feelings in what is a serious matter!

Akhi, the link is a Shi'a and I found the commentary pages to be useful. What do you mean I am failing to distinguish between the issue and the subject? The subject was Surah Adiyat and the commentary, that is until you came in the picture.


My private feelings were a result of your approach, you were hostile and called me names. All this would have been avoided if you acted in a civil manner to begin with. The dialogue would be something like this...


Shams-ud-din: Hello bro, are you Shi'a?


Viking: No sxb.


Shams-ud-din: Then why are you reading their materials?


Viking: I read materials from all Muslims. Plus, I was looking for a good Qur'an commentary and this was the best (and only one) I found that explained verses of the Qur'an in depth.


Shams-ud-din: It is dangerous to read their work because there are some "dangerous" ideology that contains falsehoods.


Viking: I understand your concerns bro but I'm not naive and know what I'm doing. There are many divisions among Muslims and there is a lot of criticism of each others intepretations. Don't worry about me.


Do me a favour sxb, please keep your suspicions about me to yourself...the moment you see me saying anything that contradicts the Qur'an of the Sunnah, be a good Muslims and point it out in the right manner.


LOOOL @ make it your signature, that's a good one. What IS the issue at hand here? Please please let us discuss these "issues".


PS: Do you have a link where I can find good Qur'an commentary?

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What IS the issue at hand here? Please please let us discuss these "issues".

Now we are getting somewhere!


Well, the issue at hand here is as follows:


1) Viking is not naïve, in fact he is wise enough to recognise the truth from falsehood (assumption; he belongs to ahlus-sunnah wal-jamaacah).


2) I on the other hand, am too ignorant and naïve to be able to distinguish truth from falsehood.


3) Viking posts a link containing contaminating (that is to my caqiidah) materials, he does not advice me or warn me about some of its disastrous contents (a neglect of duty towards your fellow Muslim brother).


4) Viking is nice man and I trust his judgement, so I jump head first into that link and before I realise, I am too deep into the s.h.i.t.


Therefore, the issue at hand here is not about me or you, but some other nothing suspecting fellow Muslim brothers and sister, who enjoy a duty upon us, as we to them, to advice the good by showing the truth and warn them about the evils of falsehood.


If you put aside my approach for once, I think you'll recognise that issue too!


As for a good commentary on the Qur'aan, I would advice you to purchase Ibn Katheer. I know the volumes are too numerous and also quite expensive, but trust me when I say to you; they are worth every penny.

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1) Viking is not naïve, in fact he is wise enough to recognise the truth from falsehood (assumption; he belongs to ahlus-sunnah wal-jamaacah).


I'm simply a Muslim (even the Shi'a claim to be the REAL Ahlu Sunnah wal Jamaacah). I do not consider myself as being "wise" but I'm NOT misguided as you erroneously concluded.


2) I on the other hand, am too ignorant and naïve to be able to distinguish truth from falsehood.


If you say so. But I think you are being too harsh on yourself.


3) Viking posts a link containing contaminating (that is to my caqiidah) materials, he does not advice me or warn me about some of its disastrous contents (a neglect of duty towards your fellow Muslim brother).


"Contaminating" is a rather strong word to use on Muslims who believe in Allah SWT and the Prophet SAWS. I understand that their views might not be in accordance to what you have been taught and might seem offensive. I should've said that it was a Shi'a site but (at the time) I didn't see a point to do so as the issue at hand was commentary of verses of the Qur'an (and not some indoctrinating material).


I apologise to anyone who found the material (on the link) offensive and happy for those who found it enlightenning.



4) Viking is nice man and I trust his judgement, so I jump head first into that link and before I realise, I am too deep into the s.h.i.t.


One man's meat is another man's poison! But keep in mind that my intentions were not to sinister for I was merely answering WoL who asked for the source.



Therefore, the issue at hand here is not about me or you, but some other nothing suspecting fellow Muslim brothers and sister, who enjoy a duty upon us, as we to them, to advice the good by showing the truth and warn them about the evils of falsehood.

If you put aside my approach for once, I think you'll recognise that issue too!

You do learn a lot of things from reading what others write, even if you don't agree with everything they write. My intentions were to help ENLIGHTEN and NOT to decieve unsuspecting readers.



As for a good commentary on the Qur'aan, I would advice you to purchase Ibn Katheer. I know the volumes are too numerous and also quite expensive, but trust me when I say to you; they are worth every penny.

Tafsir ibn Kathir is one of the most popular commentaries. I do intend to buy all the volumes available of the better commentaries inshaAllah. But that was not what I asked you bro...I was asking for an online version (for the moment), if you know of any that is.

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Dear Viking,

Ahaa, I see you enjoy answering hypothetical questions out of context! I’ll keep in mind to inform you next time, before I post any analogical case scenario. Now, do me a favour and replace “Viking†with Mr A, replace “I†with Mr B, replace “ahlus-sunnah wal-jamaacah†with the followers of the Allah’s Qur’aan and His Prophet’s Sunnah and comment on the issue I brought forward to you once again, please.


If you seriously wish to study the meaning of the Qur’aan and are willing to make the time, I would once again advice you to buy Ibn Katheer, after which you would not need other commentaries, as the best commentary on the Qur’aan is the Sunnah of our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). I would also advice you to make a serious effort to master the Arabic language. I’m repeating and reinforcing my previous advice, because judging by some of your statements like:


"Contaminating" is a rather strong word to use on Muslims who believe in Allah SWT and the Prophet SAWS. I understand that their views might not be in accordance to what you have been taught and might seem offensive. I should've said that it was a Shi'a site but (at the time) I didn't see a point to do so as the issue at hand was commentary of verses of the Qur'an (and not some indoctrinating material).â€

Is clear that you are missing some important wisdoms from the Qur’aan, and you’ll not gain that by visiting the websites of innovators. In fact, the reason you’re so hungry for extensive commentaries has to do with all the conflicting dogma’s you’ve been encountering in those sites, despite all your best intentions, has created many doubds in your mind, that you are now incapable to find a focus point which could direct you to Allah’s Straight Path. My final advice to you is; stay away from all materials from those who deviated from the Qur’aan and the Sunnah.


As for an online commentary, no, I’m afraid I cannot help you with that, other than, which I have already suggested to you. If you don’t mind listening the tafsiir of the Qur’aan and its commentary online, this is good one: LINK

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Originally posted by Shams-ud-Din:

Now we are getting somewhere!

Well, the issue at hand here is as follows:


I didn't realise that the issues to be discussed turned into hypothetic analogies, I'm not very bright you see. Thanks for your advice bro.

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You have an amazing ability to turn everything into conspiratory insults on your person. I'm dissapointed for the fact that you decided not to comment on my simplified example, but I'm glad you appriciated the advice.

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