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Daroor: fighting continues over 70 dead...

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Taako Man,


Ergooyin waa loo diray, waxkasta laseemee. Hadana marku dagaalku bilowdo, ergo iyo cid wax katari karta ayaa iska yar oo Ilaahay ahayn.


Labadan beelood waa laba beelood oo isku raas ah (sub clan). Horayna looma sheegin, inta ay waalidkay noolayeen reerkan oo isdilay. Waa wax layaab leh. Ilaahay ayuunbaa qaboojin kara fitnadan. Insha Allah waxaan Allah ka baryeynaa in uu si dhakhso ah udajiyo dirirtan.


Wixii dhintayna, Ilaahay ha usahlo, Xaalad xun ayey ku dhintaa, dagaal bilaa macno ah oo aan wax ujeedo aan lahayn.

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^ Thanks for the response saxiib. Labada belood waa reer waqooyi galbeed iyo laba mataan who are joint at the waist like simese twins, and I was wondering why they were fighting? I know of this kind of nonsense happens all the time. All over somali lands. In Galkayo members from the same sub sub clan fight amongst each other. In Galgaduud the same and in Hiraan and even recently in shabelle dheexe region.


Inshallah they shall stop this ASAP. I know the clan elders are somewhere but where exactly is the problem.

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Originally posted by Oodweyne:

Dear Gen. Duke


Although this is a very tragic case for all concern; particularly, for the nomads in that area of the Somali inhabited regions of Ethiopia; and although, it was not unexpected considering, that the Somali Nomadic propensity to settled their differences in the old fashion way of blood and revenge-taking.


But, all that be so, as things stand, by-the-by; I thought you were going to entertained us, as you usually do, with your drivel of shameless cheerleading and other charlatanry-rich mendacity; particularly in the sense of telling us, as to how that retained stooge of a obsequiously-minded gentleman by the name of
Col. Yey
is faring in that business of being the
for the Ethiopian’s agenda of subjugating the poor folks of


Now, tell us, dear lad some more of your nonsense-on-stilts, such as the sort of breathtaking inanities that alludes your conduct, which is essentially that of saying, we – i.e.,
the TFG Collaborationist
– have never smelled any passing air in our entire existence that is more of a
jasmine-smelling fragrance
than that of the
Ethiopian’s fart


Tell us more; in your own words, particularly the dignity that a retained man, tell himself that he has, in the small hours of the night; particularly, when the ghost of the
angel of dishonor
visits him
in-order to disturb his conscious-stricken soul.


Tell us, lad; in your inimitable way of being the prized and shameless cheerleader of our
from; particularly when it comes to the
politics of dishonor
, in which your
Uncle Yey
seemed to be wallowing as we speak at the moment.


Specifically, as to how far of an anal-retentive double-bent, must a
collaborationist clique should be
, in-terms of winning the small crumbs that fall from the table of those, in whose their intimate pleasure, such clique of wretched and shameless
are so suitably exposed for.


Tell us, lad; the latest lie about
Uncle Yey
meeting the
Queen Elizabeth The II of England
as if she really would disturb herself from the choir of feeding her Corgis dogs, so that she can just meet another third-rate
Collaborationist stooge
, who has betrayed all that, in which his country could of stood for, for mere baubles from the table of another gentlemen, who so retained him, politically, till the day he goes six-feet under


I am sure of it, that it never did occurred to the folks that pays your daily shilling in-order to blind-side us, with yet another concoction about the
politics of dishonor
that your
Uncle Yey
is involved in at the moment; that
Queen of England
, does not entertained any political meeting of any kind.


Unless it’s the kind of
“State Visits”
, in which I am sure of it, that you would agree that
Uncle Yey
will receive an invitation of
State Visits
sort from the Her majesty government to visit the
herself in her residence of
Buckingham palace
, just before sun goes down for the last time in eternity.


Or perhaps he will receive his particular invitation to visit the
in her residence; the day we in
Uncle Yey
saying that he has finally told
Mr. Meles Zenawi
where to get off.


Which means, which ever of those two eventualities(i.e.,
Lucky Days
) that we may be fortunate to observed first; is a matter of great deal of probabilistic uncertainty as things stand at the moment.


Tell us, lad; the new fiction that
of the
have asked of you to deliver to us in here of
; in-terms of
Uncle Yey
meeting in
10 Downing Street
with Prime-Minister
Mr. Blair
; and I sure of it, that we can wait to hear from you, as to what these two men have the privilege to discuss.


Let us know all; and by all account, do not go shy on us, and start telling us, that you do not know whether your
Uncle Yey
will meet; ever likely to meet; have ever met; or for that matter is ever will get the chance to meet this sort of people, in the first place.


Over to you now, dear lad, and do not let us down, OK...




The old man is still dwelling in his "cantarabaqash" decorated round-table.


As far as the clash of the Daroor people is concerned, I pray for them that Allah may subside the momentum of the hostility...and let us remember that peace can only be achieved when both parties involved willing to cease the moment

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Originally posted by Mansa Munsa:

quote:Originally posted by Oodweyne:

Dear Gen. Duke,


Although this is a very tragic case for all concern; particularly, for the nomads in that area of the Somali inhabited regions of Ethiopia; and although, it was not unexpected considering, that the Somali Nomadic propensity to settled their differences in the old fashion way of blood and revenge-taking.


But, all that be so, as things stand, by-the-by; I thought you were going to entertained us, as you usually do, with your drivel of shameless cheerleading and other charlatanry-rich mendacity; particularly in the sense of telling us, as to how that retained stooge of a obsequiously-minded gentleman by the name of
Col. Yey
is faring in that business of being the
for the Ethiopian’s agenda of subjugating the poor folks of


Now, tell us, dear lad some more of your nonsense-on-stilts, such as the sort of breathtaking inanities that alludes your conduct, which is essentially that of saying, we – i.e.,
the TFG Collaborationist
– have never smelled any passing air in our entire existence that is more of a
jasmine-smelling fragrance
than that of the
Ethiopian’s fart


Tell us more; in your own words, particularly the dignity that a retained man, tell himself that he has, in the small hours of the night; particularly, when the ghost of the
angel of dishonor
visits him
in-order to disturb his conscious-stricken soul.


Tell us, lad; in your inimitable way of being the prized and shameless cheerleader of our
from; particularly when it comes to the
politics of dishonor
, in which your
Uncle Yey
seemed to be wallowing as we speak at the moment.


Specifically, as to how far of an anal-retentive double-bent, must a
collaborationist clique should be
, in-terms of winning the small crumbs that fall from the table of those, in whose their intimate pleasure, such clique of wretched and shameless
are so suitably exposed for.


Tell us, lad; the latest lie about
Uncle Yey
meeting the
Queen Elizabeth The II of England
as if she really would disturb herself from the choir of feeding her Corgis dogs, so that she can just meet another third-rate
Collaborationist stooge
, who has betrayed all that, in which his country could of stood for, for mere baubles from the table of another gentlemen, who so retained him, politically, till the day he goes six-feet under


I am sure of it, that it never did occurred to the folks that pays your daily shilling in-order to blind-side us, with yet another concoction about the
politics of dishonor
that your
Uncle Yey
is involved in at the moment; that
Queen of England
, does not entertained any political meeting of any kind.


Unless it’s the kind of
“State Visits”
, in which I am sure of it, that you would agree that
Uncle Yey
will receive an invitation of
State Visits
sort from the Her majesty government to visit the
herself in her residence of
Buckingham palace
, just before sun goes down for the last time in eternity.


Or perhaps he will receive his particular invitation to visit the
in her residence; the day we in
Uncle Yey
saying that he has finally told
Mr. Meles Zenawi
where to get off.


Which means, which ever of those two eventualities(i.e.,
Lucky Days
) that we may be fortunate to observed first; is a matter of great deal of probabilistic uncertainty as things stand at the moment.


Tell us, lad; the new fiction that
of the
have asked of you to deliver to us in here of
; in-terms of
Uncle Yey
meeting in
10 Downing Street
with Prime-Minister
Mr. Blair
; and I sure of it, that we can wait to hear from you, as to what these two men have the privilege to discuss.


Let us know all; and by all account, do not go shy on us, and start telling us, that you do not know whether your
Uncle Yey
will meet; ever likely to meet; have ever met; or for that matter is ever will get the chance to meet this sort of people, in the first place.


Over to you now, dear lad, and do not let us down, OK...




The old man is still dwelling in his "cantarabaqash" decorated round-table.


As far as the clash of the Daroor people is concerned, I pray for them that Allah may subside the momentum of the hostility...and let us remember that peace can only be achieved when both parties involved willing to cease the moment

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Guddiga Ammaanka Qaranka oo Digniino Culus u Jeediyey Cid Kasta oo isku Dayda Hurinta Colaadda Darroor




Guddiga Ammaanka Qaranka Somaliland, ayaa go’aamo iyo digniino culus ka soo saaray cid kasta oo isku-dayda hurinta colaadda sokeeye ee hadda ka taagan degaanka Darroor ee Ismaamulka Soomaalida Itoobiya.



Guddiga Nabadgelyada Qaranka oo xalay ku kulmay xarunta Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha, ayaa warbaahinta uga warramay khatarta dagaalka Darroor oo ay ku tilmaameen mid ayaan-darro ah, halistiisuna aad iyo aad u ba’an tahay, “Sidaa darteedna,” ayey yidhaahdeen; “loo baahan yahay in deg-deg loo soo afjaro.”



Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha, Md. Cabdillaahi Ismaaciil Cali (Cirro) oo ugu horreynba ka hadlayey dagaalka iyo waxa laga qaban karayo, ayaa yidhi; “Kulankan aannu caawa [xalay] isugu nimi waa mid lagaga hadlayo ammaanka guud ee dalka dagaalka Darroor ka socda ee nasiib-darrada ah oo dhexmaraya labada beelood ee wallaalaha ah sidii wax looga qaban lahaa iyo saamaynta uu ku yeelanayo guud ahaan dalka, gaar ahaanna magaalooyinka waaweyn iyo tuulooyinka la wada deggan yahay.”



Md. Cirro waxa kale oo uu ka hadlay nooca ay doonayaan tallaabooyinka iyo ciqaabaha laga qaadayo cidda u hoggaansami wayda go’aamada uu xalay soo saaray Guddiga Ammaanka Qaranka, isla markaana lagu qabto waxyaabaha sii shidaya dagaalka dhexmaraya dadka wallaalaha ah, kuwaas oo kala ah sidan:



1-In qofkii lagu arko kicin, afxumo, abaabul iyo taakulayn laga qaadi doono tallaabo adag oo sharciga waafaqsan.



2-In gaadiidka lagu qabto taakulayn sida shidaal, rasaas iyo wixii kale ee la mid ah lala wareegi doono, iyada oo la waafajinayo sharciga.



3-In salaadiinta iyo cuqaasha labada beelood ay gurmadka galaan, iyada oo ay xaaraan tahay in ay magaalooyinka joogaan, balse ay tahay in ay u gurmadaan dadkooda is-laynaya, si deg-deg ahna wax uga qabtaan.



4-In la adkeeyo lana sugo xuduudka ku aaddan aagga uu dagaalka sokeeye ka socdo. In wacyigelin guud laga sameeyo masaajidada iyo dhammaan warbaahinta kala duwan ee dalka sida telefishannada, wargeysyada, Radio Hargeysa iyo mareegaha internet-ka.



5-In dhammaan bahda warbaahinta looga digo in ay fidno abuuraan, waana in ay ka fogaadaan wax kasta oo dagaalka sii shida karaya sida borobogaandada [dacaayadaha], balse waxa laga codsanayaa in ay sheegaan xumaanta dagaalka, dadkana ay ka waaniyaan, kana wacyigeliyaan.



Wasiirka Maaliyadda, Xuseen Cali Ducaale (Cawil) oo xubin ka ah Guddiga Ammaanka Qaranka oo isna hadal kooban dardaaran ah u jeediyey warbaahinta, ayaa suxufiyiinta kula taliyey in ay tallaabo ka qaadaan qofkii ay ku arkaan falalka gacan ka geysan karan shiditaanka colaadda, isaga oo yidhi; “Warar badan baad heshaan, meelo badan baad tagtaan waa in aad wixii khaldan joojisaan oo ninkii colaad samayna aad dawladda u soo sheegtaan. Waa nin waddani ah ninka dawladda u soo sheega qof colaad hurinaya, basaasidna maaha.”



Md. Cawil, waxa uu dhinacyada dirirtu ka dhexayso ka codsaday in ay joojiyaan dhimashada iyo geeriyo-mag-la’aanta ah iyo dadka macno la’aanta ku dhimanaya, “Dadkii ciidanka inoo ahaa ee kaydka inoo noqon lahaa, ee aynu cadowga iskaga celin lahayn ayaa geeriyo-mag-la’aan ku dhimanaya,” ayuu yidhi Wasiir Cawil oo sheegay, in uu Somaliland ku xeeran yahay cadaawe, dhinac kastana khatari ka xigto, “Sidaa daraadeed, aanay meesha qaban,” ayuu yidhi; “in aynu isku soo hoos noqono.”



Guddiga Ammaanka Qaranka ee kulanka xalay ka qaybgalay, waxa xubno ka ahaa; Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha, Md. Cabdillaahi Ismaaciil Cali (Cirro), Wasiirka Maaliyadda, Xuseen Cali Ducaale (Cawil), Taliyaha Ciidanka Qaranka, Nuux Ismaaciil Taani, Taliyaha Booliska, Maxamed Saqadhi Dubbad, Taliyaha Ciidanka Asluubta, Cabdi Suldaan Guray iyo qaar kale.

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Originally posted by Oodweyne:

And what an
Age we seemed to have in here with the sort of character that you and the rest of the
crowd are….




Mr. Oodweyne, come and get your sense back and please do some revision on my posts, have I ever on the chronicle of TFG tenure sided with them whenever they were wrong?. In that sense I was more into the ICU’s short-lived endeavor, and I was counting on them (ICU), telling to myself this is it. In that manner I belong to the defeated lot. With that said, I believe there will never be a peace in Somalia until our country is invaded by foreign troops, namely Ethiopian troops therefore if the TFG's president happened to be my uncle and I disagree how he is handling the situation, am I still liable to be labeled a die-hard supporter of the TFG?, it is also newsworthy to mention that Ethiopia controls your administration, SL, in a subtle way. At any rate, I personally support any Somali political entity when I think they are doing a genuine, holistic approach to a relevant problem. However, I think "Baroortu orgiga ka weyn" because there is a fundamental problem that you and the likes have and are suffering from it. You can't put things into perspective, and you guys entertain yourselves in an elusive political scenario.


Finally, can we get alone? I ask. :(

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I heard some people were leaving Hargeysa and Burco to join the fight, is there any truth to that?


If so, have they been stopped?


Taako man,


To kinda explain the situation. I personally don't know who is behind it and what not.


But this whole thing started over water well and who would dig a well somewhere in supposedly in the middle of one sub clan's (they are the same clan offcourse) 'land'.


a man was killed in that act. That was back in 2006. In that battle, more than 30 people lost their lives and many were injured.


The more recent violence was just a follow up of what happened back than. After many revenge acts against one another in recent month, this came.


Many Suldaans, caaqil, religiou folk, members of SL parliament and house of elders left to try to put an to it, but thus far they have been unsuccessful as it's hard to do so when both parties aren't willing to negotiate.


At this moment, calmness has return and Insha Allah, things will come to normal, the way they were before.


Unlike other qabiil conflicts with history, this one has no history, as these two sub sub clans from teh same sub clan have never fought a battle against one another.


Insha Allah, ilaahay ha qaboojiyo.


So far, of the dead, I can safely say more than 30 were relatives of mind, counting the previous battles as well. bilaa macni ayey ku dhinteen.

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This is no laughing matter. Something must be done. Either Ethiopia must commit to get this thing resolved or they must allow the Somaliland authority to get involved.


Odayadu didn’t do their job last year and I have no confidence in them this time around either. Some times THEY become part of the problem.

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^ I agree, the tension still stood from teh last time. They got there, stopped it momentarily, but not enough to avoid it from coming again in the long term. Sure enough it is back again to claim lives of hundreds of peoople.



speaking of having no confidence, I have no confidence in Ethiopia, therefore, it's up to us to do something about it.


P.S both so called Suldans of both sub clans were reported to take part in litting the flame. If that is the case, shame on them.

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^^Yeah, I heard that too.


Of course not. Xabashis don't give a f.uck about two Somalis murdering each other for Hal iyo barkad la qodo however, Somaliland authority can't cross the border without permission. These guys are heavily armed and some kind of military interference is necessary while the dialog between these two groups continues simultaneously.

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The nomadic lifestyle needs to be eradicated, this lifestyle should not exist in the 21st century, it's obsolete.

City dwellers never start a war based on wells, this crap has happend before through out all somali nomadic hangouts, and will for sure happen again if we don't combat the nomadic dangerous and meaningless lifestyle.

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