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Dr Farole Places Puntland On Lockdown

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Madaxweynaha Puntland: Magaalooyinka Halaga Xiro Wadooyinka, Dadkana hala Baaro


Published on: November 12,2009 Garowe Time 8:05 am


NAIROBI, (RBC Radio) Madaxweynaha maamulka Puntland C/raxmaan Maxamed Faroole ayaa ku baaqay in ciidamada amaanka ee Puntland ay gacanb adag ku qabtaan amaanka gobolka guud, ka dib dilalkii xaley loo geystey masuuliyiin sare.


Madaxweynaha Puntland C/raxmaan Faroole oo hadda ku sugan magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya ayaa si kulul u cambaareeyey dilkii xaley loo geystey gudoomiyihii maxkamada derejada koowaad ee gobolka Bari Sheekh Maxamed Cabdi Awaare iyo xildhibaan ka tirsan barlamanka Puntland.


Madaxweyne Faroole waxa uu sheegay in dilalkaasi labada ah ay yihiin weerar lagu soo qaaday xasiloonida Puntland sidaa darteedna deg deg looga hortago, isagoo ugu baaqay ciidamada inay xiran wadooyinka.


“Ciidamada waxaan fareynaa inay deg deg u hawlgalaan sidii gacanta loogu soo dhigi lahaa dembiilayaashi dilalka geystey, waana in magaalooyinka laga xiraa dhamaan wadooyinka….. oo baaritaan la sameeyo”, ayu yiri madaxweynaha Puntland.


Waxaa uu sidoo kale madaxweynaha Puntland dadka ugu baaqay inay ka shaqeeyaan amniga iyo nabadgelyada, waxaana uu dadweynaha ka codsaday inay ciidanka la shaqeeyaan.


c/raxmaan Faroole waxaa uu dhinaca kale tacsi u diray ehelada iyo qoysaska ay ka geeriyoodeen masuuliyiinta la dilay eek ala ah gudoomiyaha maxkamada gobolka Bari Sheekh Maxamed Cabdi Awaare oo xaley fiidkii lagu dilay magaalada Boosaaso iyo xildhibaan Ibraahim Cilmi Gaab oo isaguna isla xaley niman hubeysan ku dileen magaalada Garowe.


Dilalkaasi ayaan illaa hadda la ogeyn cidda geysatey mana jirto wax tafaasiil ah oo ka soo baxay hay’adaha amniga ee Puntland.

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I hope faroole takes it 1 step further and begins a civilian disarmament process to make sure that noone in the city has a gun.


I realize this is a massive task but it's better getting started now and in 4 years time we won't ever have to deal with this nonsense.


But it is positive step that he has locked down the cities and is beginning the investigation stage of finding the culprits.


Long-term solutions are needed farole, you can't just keep on applying martial law everyday for the next 4 years when an incident as this occurs. It is time you step up and provide long-term solutions.


This first initiave that he has taken of placing troops at each strategic city is positive step, but that is only half the job done. You need to finish the second half of the job which disarmament of civilians in major cities of Puntland.

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Taking weapons from civilians is impossible and pointless in addressing this current crime wave. If the civilians were going around fighing, robbing and other crimes I'd understand. But the killers that committed these murders used pistols and covered their face, they weren't civilians. Even if you took weapons from the real civilians it would not matter, because these criminals would still have their guns. President Faroole needs to get back a.s.a.p and organize a movement. Things are very serious and need to be addressed.

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