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How about this for an ultimate success...?

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Assl All Wr Wb


This, in anyone's measure of success, is the ultimate of all successes.


Authentic about the reward of the martyr in the life hereafter.


Allah SW has prepared six special distinctions for the martyr:


1. He will be forgiven upon the first outpouring of his blood

2. He will see his place in Paradise

3. He will be protected from the torment of the grave and from the horrors of Faz'ul Akbar [the great terror].

4. He will be decorated with adornment of faith

5. He will be wedded to the women of Paradise

6. He will be allowed to intercede on behalf of seventy [70] relatives.



-----and, the grace of God doesn't stop there, as an ultimate measure of respect, it is generally agreed upon that the earth doesnt consume the corpse of a martyr, just like the prophets.


How about that, Nomads, for a


May Allah make us those that die on the path of raising his Almighty Word [Kalimatul-Aclaa].

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