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Che -Guevara

Man vs. Qabiil vs. SOL

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Originally posted by AYOUB:

quote:Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Madhi@aan and Salah Arabs also have representation in Puntland, ya qabilist che

is a hardly representation - even compared to what the "others" get from 4.5 formula the TFG uses. Perhaps all those who say THERE IS "representation" are qabiilistes.


Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Who is questioning Puntland’s authority on Goldogob and on what basis?

No challengers but just an implosion from within. This is how an MP put it;


“ Ra’yigayga maanta Puntland waxay maraysaa in ay isugu soo ururto Garoowe, oo ay shirar beeleedyo ka socdaan hareeraha caasimadda Puntland ee Garoowe, sida Buurowadal, Qardho iyo meelo kamid ah Gobolka Mudug, iyadoo
beelo ka mid ah Puntland ay ku biireen Maamulka Galmudug,
kuwa kalana ay hadda wada hadal leeyihiin iyaga oo tirsanaya in ay waayeen xaqqii ay ku lahaayeen Muwaadinimadooda sida Beesha Meheri (Carrab Saalax) oo laga qaaday kursigii Golaha Wakiilada ee Gobolka Nugaal iyo wasiirkii ay ku lahaan jireen Xukuumadihii hore ee soo maray Puntland, iyo beelo badan oo aan wax masab ah ka hayn Puntland, iyagoo ka mudan kuwo la siiyey kuraasi fara badan.” ~



PS Bal u fiirsada, hadduu Beeldaaje LST censorship bilaabi doona.
Ayyoub, Salah Arabs have lost a seat in Nugal, but kept one in Mudug ;) . It's a fact that M*dh*****s have representation in Puntland. That thier representation could be improved is neither her nor there awoowe.


Finally Abdiweli is a disgruntled politician and his argument that reer hebel waziir ma helin waa nonsense. Yaa reer walba waziir la gaara .


Waa waxa hadda Xamar ka dhacaya oo meelaha qaarkood looga mudaaharaadaayo


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Revenge and clan based anger cannot build a nation


by Hashim Goth

Monday, November 22, 2010


When Kulmiye political party was in the election campaign, we have seen President Silanyo playing the tribal card a number of times by evoking the memories of the Somali National Movement (SNM) and his role as the leader of the movement.


Despite his divisive political line, many of us gave him the benefit of the doubt and thought that he was using these issues to win the election but will not use them in government. Many of us entertained the hope that he would form a national government that would maintain the harmony and the unity of the people of Somaliland.


We had faith in him due to his long service as minister with Siad Barre government and also due to his political experience as head of the SNM.


However, his true color became more apparent when he formed his first cabinet. The new government was a mixed bag consisting of clan chauvinists, Islamists, In-laws of his sub-clan and a few individuals from Diaspora with high degrees who campaigned for him and who were away from the country over twenty years and have no experience or connection with the realty of the country.


What is worse than that is the key ministers in Silanyo’s cabinet such us: - The Ministers of Interior, Finance, Foreign Affairs, Planning, Public –works, Mining and Mineral Resource, Education and Health are all from one clan. In addition to that important positions such as : President of the supreme court country, The Governor of the central Bank, Commander of the Army force and the Spy Chief, were all given to SNM supporting clans and none of them came from Awdal, Sool and Sanag regions .


This is in violation of The Borama accord of 1993. The new government of Silanyo is in a nutshell a clan based administration and has left out the none middle regions of the country. This action has triggered a fierce feeling of anger in a number of regions such as Awdal-. The minor positions allocated to Awdalites would not persuade us to believe that we have a share of the pie because the information and the advice Mr. Silanyo is getting from little men in the Awdal region is misleading and to depend on the opinion of these people will not be helpful to maintain the peace and the Unity of the country.


Secondly, let me add to this, Awdal region is Somaliland historically, politically, and Socially and the Awdalite people are not divided on that issue. Mr. Silanyo may also be reminded that his dagger wielding advisor in the Presidency is unwelcome to that the vast majority of Somaliland people and particularly those of the Awdal region. The people are obviously watching how your lopsided Government is running the affairs of their country.


The ball is in your court and the situation needs to be rectified. Hashim Goth.

Editorial Awdalpress


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^ Some people could read and write way before Somali lingo was written down. Besides, Mr Good sounds a bit funny.


That's all a side issue, Che the man needs to come back to the thread and answer the question in the previous page. What does (your) clan mean to you? C'on now, you gotta come out and play.... smile.gif

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^I'm sure many did read and write.


Let's see what my clan means to me ? Well, everything in life starts with self-interest!! History is good teacher that's if you pay attention-the lessons I learned from the past twenty years led to me to the conclusion my clan is not what's cracked up to be. It offers no protection, social safety and economic development. In practical terms, it doesn't really mean much.


Now onto Mr.Goth concerns, where are the man's wasiiro, not fair that Habar Awal has more ministers than Awdal. That aside, Goths are hypocrites. They were content when Riyaale was in power!!

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how did i miss this post - (probably because qardho wasn't mentioned :D )


Good on you Che - with regards to original post - unfortunately i have not read on the responses - only the first page and last page - which leads me to the question - what is with all the qabiil names - is that against the rules of the site?

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loool@Sayid-when people talk about Qardho, you complain and when they leave it alone, you still complain icon_razz.gif


I apologize in advance to MMA for Qabiil. It was to make and not provoke any foul tit for tat.




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It offers no protection, social safety and economic development.

You don't need those from your clan in where you live. The government you pay tax to covers most of that and rest may be covered by your close family who are able to do so. Had you been in Qaloocan, you would be singing a different tone though, mise maaha?


Clan offers all the things you mentioned above in places where there is no alternative entity that can cover those needs.

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^Horta saaxiib, last I know, I'm from Burtinle. I don't know where Qaloocan came from. :D:D


Anyway, I view Qabiil as institution and I feel this institution has outlived its usefulness. There needs to be paradigm shift.In today's war-torn Somali context,qabiil might offer some protection but it offers nothing else. It can not be substitute for full functioning Somali state. Functioning Somali state can only be established when Somalis realize your own Qabiil is not sustainable entity.

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^Kuwa aan ku aqoon baa Burtinle ku geeyay, laakiin 2da taa jeclaatidba adaa iska leh :D


Qabiil is an institution and whether it has outlived it's usefulness is open for debate. I would hoped that most Somalis would agree with you on your opinion, but the fact on the ground states differently. Now, can qabiil substitute for functioning government? The answer is simply no as we have witnessed it for the past 20+ years. But can it be a building block to get us out of the quagmire that we are in? If it was problem(to begin with)that put us in where we are, shouldn't the solution be found in it too!!

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^There's possibility it might offer solutions if it's proper in the context. Qabiil in itself is not bad thing but it has been corrupted and abused by first colonial powers and then by Somali state, and lastly by the warlords.


It has become a tool for elite to abuse and it no longer benefits the general public,

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

^Horta saaxiib, last I know, I'm from Burtinle. I don't know where Qaloocan came from.

Well, it's your choice if you don't want to declare your cards but the archives will narrow you to Puntland no matter what you say in this thread. :D


As for Mr Goth, hypocrite or not, he has declared his cards and is out there to be judged. You on the other hand say qabiil means nothing but at the same time giving biased advice to certain clannish factions as to what they should/n't do, what gives? smile.gif

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