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Old Beder vs New Beder

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Lets see the comparisson between the great Islamic war of Beder and the new so called Beder war in Muqdisho.


1) Old Beder was fought wih clear principles, guidlines, and vision.


New Beder has no vision, no strategy, no clear principles.


2) in Old Beder muslims fought the kufars with their faces not covered, and were stearing the enemy eyeball to eyeball, thats what I call bravery.


New Beder men fight their enemies while their faces covered their identity hidden, faceless, aimless.


3) in Old Beder men went outside the town to face their enemies.


New Beder they hide between women and children, they hit then run like a duck.


4) Old Beder was led by the best leader the world ever seen, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).


New Beder are led by the likes of Godane, and Aweys.


5) Old Beder there was a clear winner and a loser.


New Beder has no winners but lots of losers.

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You're making a huge religious mistake in that comparison!


Dad xaraan ku xasuuqaya innocent muslims ayaad aga dhigaysaa dagaal gaalo lagula dagaalamayay.

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