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Xabsade[speaking for A/Qasin] blames a whole clan

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Cabdiqaasim seems to have turned his 'behind-the-scene sabotaging' of the TFG a notch or two.



From L-R: Qanyare, Moorgan, Xaabsade, Bootaan, Hiiraale and Yalaxow.



Even the old geezer Jees joined the party.



Xaabsade oo adimaya, or so it seems.



When these criminals show how much they fear the TFG like that, it can only be seen as good news.

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Cry Me.... Cry Me ......Abdiqasim!! is the Bogeyman..I wonder why?



Yeey’s hopes are dwindling and his clannish aspiration is being challenged by all, now the loyalists and cheerleaders have the misery of disappointment and are littering unfounded rubbish everywhere. They can’t tackle the hurdles in front of them in their hope to ascend into some kind of aristocracy. Yeey’s coterie, hired shameless liars and spin masters have to find a bogeyman to blame for their failures, and it is no wonder A/Qasim has become their first victim nemesis, the man who benevolently handed the baton of clannish armor (the seat of presidency ) to Yeey in Nairobi. But there is an underlying rationale for this and it has to do with an innate antagonism these wakcy clannish cheerleaders have for A/Qasim's immediate clan, an influential and prevailing faction that they see as an obstruction to their ambition.


This is what tells apart the lions from the cattle! As for us, we do not depend on Uncle Yeey for bread and future therefore, we are able to see the sheer hypocrisy of defeatist old hags who don’t see the “writing on the wall†Somalis are tired of this clannish blame game and are now engaging each other with “unorthodox†argument of how to eliminate this clannish mentality.

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Jamac Cali Jamac, Barre Hiiraale, Morgan, Cumar Jees, Jiniboqor etc. They were all sitting there when Xaabsade dissed their whole clan! LOL The irony is that Jamac Cali Jamac (out of all people) was the only man who stood up and protested against Xaabsade's blatant tribalism.


Anyways, this below might be true or more cheap propaganda in the ongoing all-Somali media war:


Sarkaal ka tirsan Taageerayaasha Maxamed Ibraahim Xaabsade oo ku dhawaaqay in xildhibaanka aysan mar dambe la shaqeyn doonin.


BAYDHABO:- (PP) – Maxamed ***** Xasan (Carro-case) oo ka mid ah saraakiisha ciidammada uu horkacyo Xildhibaan Maxamed Ibraahim Xaabsade oo ku sugan Baydhabo ayaa ku dhawaaqay inaysan mar dambe taageerayn lana shaqeyn doonin xildhibaan Maxamed Ibraahim Xaabsade oo uu ku eedeeyay inuusan la socodsiin aadiddiisii Magaalada Muqdisho, wuxuuna sarkaalkaas sheegay in goobihii uu Xaabsade gacanta ku hayay oo dhan uu haatan isaga gacanta ku hayo.


Carro-case ayaa sheegay in Maxamed Ibraahim Xaabsade uu yahay nin kelitaliye ah isla markaana aysan wada shaqeyn Karin, isagoo sheegay in Xaabsade iyo isagu ay ahaayeen laba xubnood oo wada shaqeynayay muddo dheer, sidaa daraadeedna uu ogaaday in Xaabsade uu doonayo inuu ku amar ku taagleeyo maamulka Gobolka Bay taasina ay tahay mid aysan aqbalayn isaga iyo xubnaha kale ee la shaqeeya Xaabsade.


Xildhibaan Xaabsade ayaa soo gaaray magaalada Muqdisho gellinkii dambe ee Maalintii Jimcaha, isagoo sheegay inuu Magaalada Muqdisho u yimid sidii uu uga qaybgeli lahaa kulan la doonayo in lagu qabto magaalada Balcad, kaasoo boorka loo jafayo isbahaysigii uu ka tirsanaan jiray ee Samatobixinta, isla markaana lagu dhisi doono isbahaysi cusub oo ay yeesheen xubnihii shirka ku soo yeeshay Baraawe iyo iyaga.


Hadalkaan ka soo yeeray Carro-case ayaa wuxuu maanta buuq weyn ka abuuray gudaha magaalada Baydhabo, waxayna dadku isla dhex marayaan sida ay Puntlandpost ku soo gaarayaan wararka ka imaanaya Magaalada Baydhabo hadal haynta ah waxa uu keeni karo hadalka Mas’uulkaan iyo marka uu dib ugu soo laabto Xaabsade magaalada Baydhabo waxa dhici kara.


Sarkaalkaan ayaa sheegay in haddii uu xaabsade yimaado Magaalada Baydhabo aysan wax dhibaato ah gaarsiin doonin, balse aysan mar dambe la shaqeynayn, wuxuuna sarkaalkaan sheegay in arrinta khilaafkooda ay ka soo bilaabatay dhaqaalaha haddanna ay marayso siyaasadda iyo maamulka gobolka Bay.


Xildhibaan Xaabsade ayaan isagu wax war ah ka dhihin hadalkaan ka soo yeeray sarkaalkaas ka mid ahaa taageerayaashiisa.


Maxamed Xuseen Jimcaale(Jantiile)

Wakiilka Puntlandpost -Muqdisho,Soomaaliya


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^^^ I think it was a joke and only poor Jama did not get it. Jinni, Morgan and Hiiraal all streetwise figured out their friend was talking about Pres Yusuf and not their can...


As for Olol Afarwaki, Abdiqasin is trying to save his clans possesions. I liked how Amin Camir depicted the alliance between the JVA, if you look at the cartoon, you see Hiiraale with his hands bloody and Abdiqasin is a suit...Go figure..

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If you look at this picture closely, you will see Sheikh Yusuf Indhacade standing in the back. Isn't he a big and powerful enough warlord to be standing in the front? Masaakiin. icon_rofl.gif

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Originally posted by Young Jeezy:



If you look at this picture closely, you will see Sheikh Yusuf Indhacade standing in the back. Isn't he a big and powerful enough warlord to be standing in the front? Masaakiin.

He is actually the most powerful in this group. Most of this men rule few streets and have small army. And Barre hiirale wouldn't exist with out Indha cadde and morgan was defeated by Indha cadde as he himself admitted. And i think he is the smartest in this group, i like when he says Amxaaro-somali (referring to A/yusuf and his co)

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What do you expect from an uneducated qabqable. Perhaps Xaabsade should know dadkii gobolka Baay champions u keeni jiray in the national tournaments oo u ciyaari jiray the official soccer team. Dadkii the city he now iron fist rules ku caansanaa, like the likes of Beynax, Shidane, Uureey, Cali Shaambo iyo baandadii kale.


And the reason only Jaamac Cali Jaamac protested was because he was the only person who understood clearly, I guess. Xaabsade was speaking in af Maay, and Jaamac, I believe, being from Marka, might have understood what he was babbling right there.

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