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Ethiopian troops to invade another central town

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Mareeg: Ethiopian troops to invade another central town


BELEDWEYNE (Mareeg)—Hundreds of Ethiopian troops with fifteen armoured trucks have left Beledweyne on Monday heading to Bulobarde town in Hiraan region, sources said on Monday.



Unconfirmed reports say the Ethiopian troops are planning to drive al Shabaab rebels out of the town, where the rebels resisted attacks from government soldiers last week.



Somali government officials vowed on Sunday they will launch heavy attack on Bulobarde and crash the Islamist rebels in the town.



Residnets in Beledweyne, the regional capital of Hiiraan region said they saw the Ethiopian troops pulling out from bases in the western part of the town early on Sunday.



This month alone, several central and southern Somali towns have changed hands between insurgents groups and forces loyal to fragile UN-backed transition government.



Ethiopian troops completely withdrew from Somalia in early this year after two years of military occupation. However, Addis Ababa amassed its troops at the border where they frequently crossed the border in what Ethiopia says is “small reconnaissance missions”.



Mareeg Online

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