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General Duke

President Yusuf arrives in Baidoa.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Madaxweynaha ayaa warbixin gaaban oo uu siiyay xubnaha dowladda ee soo dhoweyay iyo saxaafadda waxaa uu ku sheegay in socdaalkiisa uu guul uu ku soo dhamaaday, isla markaana caafimaadkiisa uu aad u wanaagsan yahay.


Maryan Saylac


SBC Baydhabo

Looool......guul maxaa la dhahaa? markii meel kasta looga mudaaharaaday?


Soomaalida UK xitaa wuu kala qaybin sida soo socota waayo wuxuu ku yiri is ruufiyaama, taasoo ah dhaqan aan hore meeshaan u oollin oo runtii iga yaabisay, ciddii dood ka qabtana ha dhegeysto warkiisa.

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Jimcaale genuine peace will be achieved inshallah. A reconcilition conference will be held on the 16th of April inshallah and your hero the Shariif will attened that peace conference like all the high-ranking ICU officials in Yemen and Sudan will attened it.


Also 3000 delegates from around the country, every region, village and city will also attened that peace conference to be held a month from now on in the capital.


So what is the military rule that you're talking about? You see this government is moving towards full reconciliation, peace and development.


Shariif will attened the conference so will Caddow and all the other high-ranking ICU officials that lean towards the Muslim brotherhood.


What say you? If that is not real reconciliation then what is?


To Faarax nobody is sacred of anyone but the TFG was well aware of its capacities, the reason to why they didn't first come to Somalia was precisely that they didn't have any troops as the country was in a post civil war situation where all the national security institutions were non-existent, so the government had to train and recruit new soldiers and call upon the old members of the armed forces pre civil war.


We're a poor country on top of that, that's why our friends Yemen and Ethiopia were providing us with much support like logisitics, military hardware and military trainers.


Then the ICU started threating not only the TFG but our neighbours and allies as well, that's when we invited our allies and friends to help us to squash the maniacs that wanted to go all the way to Dire Dawa and beyond.


We defeated them with the help of our friends in a war that lasted seven days, the war was essentially over in three days but the rest of the days we were pursuiding the enemy.


The government was very patient and tried to avoid a war at all costs but the hardliners of the ICU wouldn't have it and their threats came coming and they were defeated, simple.


However you live in your own world and for you the ICU was perfectly capable of defeating Ethiopia on its own, right?


That's what you used to spew in here, remember how you used to brag that you will capture Addis? Adeer this is not a game that is played by little children and you know what I mean. Our country has been in shatters and now we want to rebuild it. We're recruiting many soldiers right now and we're going to train them in order for them to provide the security of our country and till then our Ethiopian friends and African peace keepers will stay in the country, understand?


We're not seeflabood nor do we exaggerate our own capabilities that's why we're so realistic and that's why you live in a utopian paradise, understand? The reason to why the ICU failed was precisely because they overestimated to what they could do, we're not we simpl stay true and real to ourselves. We don't believe that we can become the new imperial power of the horn nor do we threaten the globe.


We know what we're capable of and that's why we try to achieve our objectives by first delivering the basics. But how can you go into something advance when you do not have the basics? Exactly the ICU wanted to move mountains and that's why they have been defeated my friend.


We will deliver and achieve our aims and goals by working gradually towards them and not by over estimating our capabilities and stretching them like the maniancs of the ICU did, understand? Now who's the most reasoniable of us two? The one that over estimates his capabilities and thinks he can move mountains anf fly or the one that wants to work gradually for his goals and objectives by first setting up the basics and then progressing further. I will leave that call to you inshallah.

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