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General Duke

President Yusuf arrives in Baidoa.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

The TFG has the support of the people 99% of them, but lacks the support of the 1% that wanted to live of the loot that group acquired during the early 1990s.

Are you kidding? 99%?

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Faarax lives in his own simple and naive world so please folks don't disturb him by bringing him to the real world.


Peace keepers will not be brought to bring stability and security to Mogadishu but you wouldn't know that ofcourse even if you lived for another 100 years or so. We need them for another reason which I will not share with you.


Politics is about deceptions and often the perceptions given out are not in tune with logic. Why would the government pursue African peace keeping troops so much, do they really need them and what can 8000 ill-equipped and starving africans do for you what 45.000+ combined Ethiopian and Somali troops couldn't do or achieve for you?


Ofcourse a simpleton would ask himself that question but not a well informed and analytical and political mind would ever do that, to the contrary who could see from the outlook what is here pursued without even asking or raising a question.


You have to realise the objectives and tackle the deceptions and subsequent wrong percieved perceptions only then can you acknowledge the objectives behind certain actions.


'Often in politics you labour more for the things you don't need rather the things you actually need because the thing that you don't need will serve you as a cover for the things you really need and want to achieve and that's why for you in order for the way to be paved you remove the obsticles on the way by subsequently employing your cover and thus pursuing then your real political objectives' Political thesis by the great MKA.


Write the above somewhere down Faarax as it is really valuable saying by MKA. Real wisdom but I fear that you will not be able to comprehend it.

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^^^no kidding 99%, is a good figure, for example no single clan elder has come against the goverbment and in support of the clan courts or other groups. No single district is gainst the TFG. All you have is the same scrap merchants changing shirts and making a whole lott of noise.

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The TFG has the support of the people 99% of them,

You are correct Duke. He has 99.99% support from his clan members.


Younis, I refuse to deal with an uncouth bonker like you.

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Faarax lives in his own simple and naive world so please folks don't disturb him by bringing him to the real world.

One will tread carefully with this fellow then. :D

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^Sure Duke, from now on we have to be very careful with this fellow otherwise we will awake him into this rude world and he will start cursing us all. Everytime he gets disturbed by reality and us actually waking him up seems to be the problem here.


General Duke and Taako Man do you like to be awaken rudely whilst you're enjoying a nice dream and sleeping really tight? I would guess the answer is a simple 'no', nobody likes that.


Faarax always gets irritable when we weak him up to often so from now on the rule should be 'don't wake him up at all costs' let him be in his simple world and dwell naively in his utopian paradise.


To Faarax ofcourse you would and I don't blame you because MKA is better avoided than to be challenged as it would burn you down without a question.


Ps. One word in your latest post doesn't existed so please correct that word inshallah.

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What are you doing here. Are you done convincing Ngonge $ is a 1 billion dollar?


I don't think he got it.

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^Weak and very poor to say the least. What does it matter where Yoonis is? :D


BTW from your false depiction of a billion I can see that you too didn't go to school, so print out my lectures and study and learn from them really hard as they might benefit you one day inshallah.


Ps. Are you perhaps suffering from a learning disability? I truly feel disgusted how you depicted that amount/sum, really horrible and there are too many zeros in there as well and don't even mention the two alone standing zeros in the front (there have to be three zeros after the dot as decimal digests have to be grouped into threes and not only two as there have to be three places to be counted after the dot and only after the decimal separtor in this case a comma can you add two last zeros but not in the front as you have done), are you handicapped perhaps or what?


I cannot even laugh I feel horrible and disgusted. What a simple moron. I told him a year ago 'That he had difficulties comprehending things at the best of times and that it would be made even worse by unsocial or late ours, so I guess it is the time for you to relax your brain and switch all its lights off completely.


I can see there is still one light remaining on and that light is only on to help you navigate your way to the fridge and other places that you know partially from routine and help you to plug the computer cable out of the socket in order to 'darken' and switch off the computer over the night and also help you find your way to your 'bed'.


Apart from that I guess it is completely shut so don't make a moron further out of yourselves and have a tight sleep as well inshallah.


Good night Jimcaale and come back tommorrow in the morning as you will be able to make a bit more sense. So I shall see you inshallah tommorrow so don't be late inshallah.

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Originally posted by MKA Yoonis:

BTW from your false depiction of a billion I can see that you too didn't go to school, so print out my lectures and study and learn from them really hard as they might benefit you one day inshallah.


Ps. Are you perhaps suffering from a learning disability? I truly feel disgusted how you depicted that amount/sum, really horrible and there are too many zeros in there as well and don't even mention the two alone standing zeros in the front, are you handicapped perhaps or what?


I cannot even laugh I feel horrible and disgusted. What a simple moron. I told him a year ago 'That he had difficulties comprehending things at the best of times and that it would be made even worse by unsocial or late ours, so I guess it is the time for you to relax your brain and switch all its lights off completely.

Man, you’re really funny. You got me rolling on the floor. I see lots of hostility and animosity. What have I done to deserve all this? Just a simple question and all this?


I didn’t know it was that much fun picking on you. :D:D


Waryee Ngonge inaad ii sheegtidey aheyd kol hore. Ibtilo. Mid dhago xiran baan la hadlayaa ileen.

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^Actually I edited my post so go back to it inshallah and re-read it one more time as you might get new insights and facts out of it.


Jimcaale on the other hand it's true that you cannot comprehend things at the best of the time and I told you that a year ago, surely you don't want me to dig up the thread? Do you?


There's no animosity or hostility you're talking about but I know what I'm talking about as I have had the pleasure to debate with you on different issues on many occasions.


P.s. On the other hand how come today that you managed to come to a thread on your own without ofcourse being a Xiin viewpoint enforcer? Didn't I tell you that you're wherever Xiin is? I guess it is you who is compelled to try to bring irrelevant issues into here but certainly not me.


That shows that you were intended on something else, so don't get carried away when I too bring something entirely different and irrelevant to you.


You simply tried a poor attempt to divert the issue here but it backfired and MKA put you on your way Jimcaale, so what say you?


On the other hand I saw you coming to the rescue of Xiin many times but how come that Xiin never comes to your rescue? :D


Well I'm going to leave it there inshallah. Have a nice and tight sleep.

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^I like your insights and I admire your sincerity but I highly recommend you get some anger management counseling. Don’t take it personal. I’m just a fellow country man concerned for your well being. You sound so brilliant and clever and God forbid we don’t want to lose you to some psychiatric unit. If you don’t take it seriously, I’m afraid such behavior and uncontrollable anger may lead to some serious healthy risks such as blood pressure or worst heart attack. If you can’t afford to seek professional help, please don’t hesitate to ask for help. Leave me for the task to get Puntlanders for the fundraising. :D I'm sure SOLers including xiinfaniin will generously donate.


A mind is a terrible thing to waste, as they say it. :D:D

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^What is it with you? You're questioning my sanity? The courts supporters have now suddenly turned into professional health-care practisoners over night as well? Tommorrow why not become a professional lawyer as well? Anyhow thanks for your 'concern' but I had to deal with many things in here once I was threatened with arrest and others put their insane death threats to me as well. I await further declarations from your sight maybe next time you can give me a 'speeding ticket'?


Adeer give it up I don't have no anger issues and the perfect example is that unlike others I know this to be nothing more than politics, I tell them to not go far with their animosities because tommorrow it will look bad upon them if they say 'oh we erred' or 'we were lead by frustration so forgive us we really don't hate anyone'.


I never take things personally as well and always I stay objective and try to discuss politics without trying to discredit my opponents too much ofcourse. I'm real, honest and on top of that well-informed.


I say things which many would not agree with and many dislike me for simply supporting what I support with principle and total integrity. But I will not try to take to much what they say as something they actually mean and the reason being that they're emotionally disturbed because of the traumas and defeats they suffered lately not themselves but the clan courts they supported whilst others feel threatened by their existence.


MKA is never the one who will take things out of propotions nor will I attack anyone because they hold different views to I as I believe that in a healthy society people have to take different viewpoints but if I highlight its shortcomings, one should not hate/dislike MKA because he did not intend to embarrass or ridicule anyone but that he simply wants to put things into the right perspectives.


Somalis have generally speaking problems of differenciating politics from lets say a persons viewpoint. I might have a different viewpoint then your but that should not prevent us from discussing issues in a civilised and constractive manner nor should it prevent us from joking with another or sharing our common nationality and Somaliness.


I've heard people say in here that the 'Ethiopian-lovers' should not be 'considered' as follow Somalis and that they should not be spoken to and often I look and think to myself 'Are this people mentally alright' and then I remember that they're mentally alright but that they're emotionally disturbed because of the trauma and late defeat they suffered.


Their bubble bursted and all they do is express their anger daily on us, it is you who have anger issues but certainly not me brother as I try to get out of my way from the daily insults that are flying around left, right and center from all kind of people.


They tell us that they hate our guts, our regions, our tribes, our clans and that they wished some big evil would befall us? What do I tell them?


I tell them, that dispate their fake hopes and evil execrations that our country will be pacified inshallah and that it is in their own interest for our country to be stabilised for once and all inshallah.


I remind them of their wrong and that's why they cannot stand me but I said this many times if it is perceived as wrong for supporting the right thing, I shall be indeed the most unpopular of folks in here for as I couldn't care less.


So please don't try to divert issues here or portray me as something I'm not. I defend myself with my god-given intellect, good judgement and the understanding my creator gave me to distinguish what benefits my people or not. I agree the situation is not ideal but our problems are really complex and I shall not go further now to show or argue why the TFG is the best option right now and why we do not have another viable and realistic options and sometimes your mistakes is that you blind yourself from that reality.


I say let's respect one another and let's be brothers in faith, brothers in worship, brothers in prayers, brothers in Somalinimo and brothers in love for the sake of our creator.


I like I did earlier will again extend my olive-brances for every understanding, intelligent, not hating and envious person that wants what is good for our country.


Somalia belongs to Somalis and we only differ on how best to bring peace to our country and that's why we pursue different avenues but the objective and aim is one and that is to see our country return to its former and glory past for once and all and to put behind us this dreadful past of civil war, civil strife, civil genocide, civil looting and civil dismantling of the institutions of our country.


All I want is peace for Somalia and I hope you do want the same as well although we might differ on how to achieve that reality.


So again I will leave with that and wish you a tight sleep inshallah.

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Am I the only one questioning your sanity? :D


I’m neither a lawyer nor mental health worker but I feel you’re trying too hard to get your point across. I wasn’t expecting a self-congratulatory remark and I see you’ve been reading too much of self-improvement books. Let me get to the real issue at hand.


Somalia needed peace long before the Tigrayans bombed the airports of the nation, long before Baydhabo decided to host hostile enemy of the country, long before Ina Yusuf get the presidency seat in corrupted election with Meles behind the scene. Somalia lies in our heart and neither of us are more Somali than the other but some of us like to entertain themselves with what resembles peace delivered in the worst way possible. Somalia is a lot different than the old days where military rule was possible. It needs geneinue peace and public reconciliation. Running out of time. Be back later.

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To Faarax ofcourse you would and I don't blame you because MKA is better avoided than to be challenged as it would burn you down without a question

You are absolutely correct. A deranged mentally disturbed person should be avoided @ all costs.


You can bellow all you want Younis & Co. But one thing is a fact: The TFG, led by the President & his Prime Minister, Could not come to Xamar and face the IUC head on.


They used an army belonging to another country [ oo nin rag ah uu dhistay ]to come to their own capital city. They could not do it on their own,that shows weakness. Only the weak and unmanly girlie men use other men to fight their wars.


And that is the legacy of this Gov't . Period.

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