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Hizbul Islam take control the strategic Airstrip of Cisaley r about to El'man port

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Xoogagga Xisbul-Islaam oo la wareegay Gacan ku haynta Garoonka Macmalka ah ee Cisaley.

Muqdisho,13,May,2009 ,Arboco,( ) Xoogag daacad u ah Kooxda Xisbul Islaam ayaa la sheegay in ay la wareegeen gacan ku haynta Garoonka Macmalka ah ee Cisaleey oo ku yaalla duleedka Muqdisho, Kooxo ku hubaysan Gawaarida Dagaalka ayaa Garoonka macmalka ah ee Cisaley oo ay ka dulaan kana soo degaan Diyuuradaha Hay'adaha Q.Midoobe Gacanta ku dhigay Kooxahaasoo hoos yimaada Xoogagga Xisbul-Islaam ee 5tii Maalmood ee la soo dhaafay Dagaallo kulajiray Xoogagga Maxaakiimta ee taageersan Dowladda.


Sarkaal ka tirsan Kooxda Xisbul Islaam ayaa Warbaahinta u xaqiijiyay in Ciidankoodu ay gaareen deegaannada ku teedsan Dekadda Macmalka ah ee Ceel-Macaan.


Dhinaca Dowladda ma jiraan wax ka hadlay Arrinkaas weli, Waxase Maalmihii ugu dambeeyay Xoogagga Xisbul-Islaam iyo Alshabaab ay isku fidinayeen Goobo ay Gacanta ku hayeen Maxaakiimta Dowladda taageersan.

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Abubakar Omad Adaan is playing double game like Indha Adde.


He formally gave his support to Sh.Shariif but undercover is siding with the other side.

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^Well, isn't this the same case as Indha'ade hubki wuu wareejiyay, it seems that Sheikh hotel has completely lost it, Alshabaab and Hizbul Islam are taking the last remainder of the city!

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Abukar Cadaan is a crazy old man he wants to get the port back, but the Al Shabaab will get rid of him too.

That is the tragedy. Most of the fighting in North Mogadishu is rooted in business competition.

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