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Puntland Flag Anthem. Video

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This is puntland official state anthem. It is not to be confused with puntland ku dayo which is patriotic song about all the states that make up puntland. This is the official anthem at the state-level


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Abwaan Cali Xassan Warsame's new song dedicated to Puntland is truly a very nice song. However I wouldn't go as far as calling it Puntland's "State Anthem" or for that matter, anybody else.


Our one true National Anthem is this one I have transcribed below and the one we share with all Somalis all over the world...So learn it, love it and live it!



Soomaaliyeey toosoo

Toosoo isku tiirsada ee

Hadba kiina taagdaranee

Taageera waligiinee


Idinkaysu tookhaayoo

Idinkaysu taamaayee

Aadamuhu tacliin barayoo

Waddankiisa taamyeeloo


Sharcigaa isku kiin tolayoo

Luuqadaa tuwaaxid ahoo

Arligiina taaka ahoo

Kuma kala tegeysaan oo


Tiro ari ah oo dhaxalaa

Sideed laydin soo tubayoo

Ninba toban la meel marayoo

Cadowgiin idiin talin oo


Tuldo geel ah oo dhacan baad

Toogasho u badheedhanee

Ma dhulkaas dhanee tegeybaan

Ninna dhagax u tuurayn


Quaran aan hubkuu tumayo

Tooreyda dhaafayn

Oo aan taar samayn karin

Uur kutaallo weynaa


Hadba waxaan la taahaayoo

Togagga uga qaylshaa

Nin dalkiisii cadow taaboo

U tol waayey baan ahayee


Hadba waxaan laa ooyaayoo

Oo ilmadu iiga qubaneysaa

Iqtiyaar nin loo diidoo

La addoon sadaan ahayee



Cowke, a.k.a Mr King, I think you might find this superbly remixed version far more palatable.... :D


Enjoy! (Make sure to watch the whole video :D )

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