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Buuhoodle defends Somali honor.

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1. Soomaalida xalaasha ah waxaan ka codsanayaa in ay u duceeyaan walaalahooda reer Buuhoodle oo u diriraya Xaqa.


2. Ethiopian mercenaries and secessionist militia attacked Buuhoodle.


3. The people of Buuhoodle have risen up in the light of this clear violation of Somali sovereignty, and have inflicted heavy losses against the aggressors.


4. 15 Ethiopian soldiers have been 'Bakhtified' and 8 have been captured, unspecified numbers of them have fled the scene of the fighting. (Numbers are sketchy, however the Ethiopians have suffered heavy losses.)


5. In the latest report (before Hargeysa based telecommunication companies cut the lines) the city was calm and in the hands of the local population. 9 local people have been martyred, 20 have been wounded. (Numbers are sketchy)


6. Reinforcements have been sent from Buuhoodle and have reached Widhwidh district where there are secessionist militia bogged down, these secessionist militia have also been receiving reinforcements. A clash is expected.


7. The people of Laas Caanood have risen up and have taken to the streets in support of their brothers and sisters in Buuhoodle.


8. The Hargeysa based telecommunication companies have cut the lines. They are in collusion with the secessionist administration. After the war these companies and those that have assisted the secessionist militia will be brought to court.


9. We all know how this will end, these scenarios have all been played out countless times and they always end in a Somali victory. The war in the Northern theatre will be long and bloody, but in the end, victory will be Somalia's.



Midnimo iyo Guul, Soomaalia Ha noolaato!

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Xildhibaan Caasha Cabdalla: Dagaalka Buuhoodle


May 21, 2010 – Xildhibaan Caasha Axmed Cabdalla oo ku sugan Abudhabi, UAE, ayaa saxaafadda kala hadashay dagaalka maanta ka dhacay magaalada Buuhoodle. Xildhibaanka oo ku hadlaysay magaca Golaha Baarlammaanka Badbaadinta Soomaaliyeed ayaa hadalladeeda waxa ka mid ahaa, “Dagaalka ciidammada Itoobiyaanku ku qaadeen Buuhoodle waa gardarro aan geed loogu soo gabban. Wiilasha yaryar ee calankii Soomaaliya wata ee leh annagu Soomaali baannu nahay, in lagu dilo mabda’oodu waddaninnimo waa xaq darro. Dagaalka Itoobiya iyo Somaliland ku qaadeen dadka reer Buuhoodle, raalli kama nihin, waxan ugu baaqaynaa inay Itoobiya iyo Somaliland ciidammadooda kala laabtaan Buuhoodle. Caalamka waxan la socodsiinaynaa in masuuliyiinta Itoobiya ay masuul ka yihiin wixii meesha ka dhacay, waxanna ka codsanaynaa ha’aydaha gargaarka in daryeel bani’aadiminnimo loo fidiyo dadkii ku tabaaloobay iska-hor-imaadka oo weli socda.” ayay tiri.


“Daahir Riyaale ma doonayo in doorashooyin ka dhacaan meeshuu joogo wuxuna rabaa inuu dadka ku mashquuliyo dagaal, waana sababta uu ciidammadiisa u geeyey Widhwidh iyo Buuhoodle. Waan la soconnaa siyaasadda gurracan ee ku salaysan iska-horkeenka iyo kala geynta,” ayay raacisay.


Waxa kale oo Xildhibaanaddu ka hadashay hadalkii Faysal Cali Waraabe uu saxaafadda siiyey ee ahaa, “Sool iyo Sanaag iyo Cayn annagay naga mid yihiin…” Hadalkaa ayay xildhibaanaddu ku sheegtay inuu yahay meel ka dhac, dadkuna yihiin beelo, sida fadaraalka u degganna gobol waliba iskii isu maammulo. “Faysal beel buu ka dhashay, beel kale ayuu rabaa inuu ku duulo, waana la is yaqaannaa, waxan leeyahay gardarrada qaawan looma dul qaadan doono, nabaddana dhankiinna ilaaliya ayaan u soo jeedinayaa.


Dagaalka Buuhoodle oo laba geesood lagu sheegay: Dhan ciidammada Itoobiyaanku kaga soo duuleen, iyo dhinaca kale oo Somaliland kaga soo duushey, ayaa la sheegayaa inuu ilaa hadda socdo. Dad fara badan ilaa dhawr iyo toban qof ayaa ku qudh baxday, oo labada dhinacba ah, dhaawucuna waa tira badan yahay. Dagaalka ayaa salka ku haya dadka degaanka Cayn oo diiday in waxaan Soomaalinnimo ahayn dalkooda la keeno


laasqoray Online News Desk

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Me, akhii, that was uncalled wallaahi, please nacalada ma fiicna ee ka reebnoow.



Sad story happening on that part of the world

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Che & Me are in their element again. :D


When you're done chest beating boys, can any of you shed some light on what exactly is going on in that part of the world and WHY? It'll make for a better discussion than this promised vengeance against phone companies and the like.

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Originally posted by Oodweyne:

Finally, yaa Che, you have unmasked yourself, particularly, after hiding behind, the ban-wagon of "bogus Islamist" argument for a long time, indeed...

For all your bravado and professed political ingenuity, you are reduced to doing Zenawi's bidding. The same fate as Yeey awaits you-pitiful to think you were tempered.

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We must support our brethrens both morally and financially, and the mustering of menpower if necessary.


No doubt the secessionists are directly or indirectly involved and Puntland is caught up with the ugly reality of the security dilemma of Somalia. However, As far as I'm told, the security situation in Buhotle is very delicate to say the least given our absence of central authority able to assume control of its borders. The Ethiopian border patrol and military bases are on as well stationed on the south of Buhotle as the town is divided into two sections: the south and the north, each claimed by Ethiopia and Somalia, respectively.

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nuune, me ii daaya, raganimo ka buuxda, xumaan ma wadee garashaa intaa ka keentay.


Haddana sidaydaanba u jeclahay, wallaahi. Marba meeshii dhiillo laga sheego buu qolada uu taagdarri ku tuhmayo taageeraa :D

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