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Mogadishu: Al Shabaab 'is buying govt weapons'

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Somalia: Al Shabaab 'is buying govt weapons'

11 Aug 11, 2009 - 9:40:06 AM


MOGADIHSU, Somalia Aug 11 (Garowe Online) – The business of selling arms at Mogadishu's Cirtoogte ("Sky Shooter") market is brisk.


The weapons that the U.S. government donated to the Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government (TFG) is being sold in the market, according to one trader who asked Garowe Online to be quoted anonymously.


"The TFG weapons on sale are light weapons. We bought the weapons from officers of the TFG at very steep price, and we sell them at higher price because anti-TFG forces such Al Shabaab buy the weapons," says the Cirtoogte market trader.


In July, the U.S. government gave the struggling TFG arms to defend itself against Al Shabaab and Hizbul Islam insurgent forces. A spokesman for the U.S. State Department stated the his government had given the TFG "40 tons of arms."


Traders at Cirtoogte market told Garowe Online that the new weapons on sale at the market are from the Villa Somalia presidential palace.


The TFG has not so far commented on allegations that government weapons are on sale at Mogadishu's Cirtoogte gun market.


Allegations that government weapons were being bought by the insurgents could not be independently verified.


Last week, the U.S. government reiterated its strong support for the TFG in a meeting between Somali President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed and the U.S. Secretary of State, Ms. Hillary Clinton, in neighboring Kenya.


The talks were aimed at shoring up support for the struggling TFG, which is at risk of being toppled by insurgents.



Source: Garowe Online

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Muqdisho: Hubka oo qeymihii ugu sareeyey ka gaaray Suuqyada Muqdisho.

10. august 2009


Muqdisho(AllPuntland )- Qeymaha lugu kala Iibsado hubka ayaa ka gaaray caasumada Soomaaliya qeymihii ugu sareeyey, markii magaaladaas ay ku soo siyaadeen xiisado dagaal oo ay wadaan dhinacyo kala gedisan.


Hubka ayaa gaaray meeshii ugu sareysay, waxaana Suuqa Cirtoogtaha loo yaqaano ee lugu Iibiyo hubku uu noqdo mid mashquul badan oo ay dhinacyadu wax ku kala Iibsanayaan.


Dowladda Soomaaliya oo dhawaan heshay kaalmo Milateri oo ay ka heshay dowladda Mareykanka ayaa kaalmadaasi qaarkeed ay gashay Suuqyada caasumada Soomaaliya ee dhinaca hubka ah, ayadoo Suuqa Cirtoogtaha la geeyey hub badan oo Casri ah oo aysan dadku horay ugu arag Soomaaliya.


AK-47 qoriga la yiraahdo oo ah kuwa ugu badan ee ay isticmaalaan dadka Soomaaliyeed, ee dagaalamaya ayaa aad ugu soo badanaya gudaha Caasumada Soomaaliya, waxaana ay yihiin kuwa casri ah oo markii ugu horeysay qaarkood lugu arkay dalka.


DF ayaa beenisay in ay ciidamadeedu ay hubkaasi galiyeen Suuqyada caasumada Soomaaliya, waxa ayna sheegtay in aysan waxba ka jirin wararkaas oo ay hubkaasi magaaladaasi soo galiyeen dhinacyo kala gedisan.


Mucaaradka iyo Muxaafidka dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa bilaabay dadaalo ay ku doonayaan in ay ku huriyaan dagaal culus oo ka qarxa gudaha dalka Soomaaliya, gaar ahaana deegaanada ay dhinacyadan isku hayaan oo kuyaala Waqooyiga Caasumada.


F. C. Maxamed


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