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Xabashis Disarm TFG Militia Torture Them in Public

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Waxaa maanta wadada dheer ee isku xirta Afgooye iyo magaalada muqdisho ka dhacay in Ciidamo Ethiopian ah ayaa Hub Ka Dhigis iyo ciqaab ku sameeyey Ciidamadii dowlada KMG ahaa ee u Joogay Xarunta Siinka dheer taasoo ay qoraxda wada seexiyeen iyagoo la feero qaawiyey halka qaarkoodna ay baxsadeen halka qaar kii kalena Hubkiina laga wada Tirsaday qaarna la dhaawacay .



Ciidamadan Ethiopianka ah oo socod dheer ku marayey wadada dheer ee isku xirta afgooye iyo Muqdisho ayaa si lama filaan ah Ula wareegay xarunta siinka dheer oo ay ciidamo ka tirsan dowlada KMG ah lacagta baada ah kaga qaadi jireen gawaarida isaga kala Goosha gobolada koonfureed iyo magaalada muqdisho islamrkaana ay ciqaab u gaysteen Guud ahaan Ciidamadii Dowlada ka tirsanaa ee joogay wadada dheer halkaasoo oo ay Qaarkood feero qaawiyeen qaar kalena ay garaaceen oo ay qoraxda wada seexiyeen iyagoo dhaawacyo la sheegay inay gaarayaan 5-askarina gaystay



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^ let me try to guess what the lapdogs will say .... "A master may once in a while mistreat his pet."


they cant seem to understand they dont give a F!@#$ tfg or not somali ma arki karaan ... i wonder where the 'they are here to help us' folk are hiding today :D

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Waryahee J,a,c,a,y,l,b,a,r,o,

Horta Ma ogtahay in Tigreega Gudaha iyo Kuwa baananku Hadda ay bilaabeen Abtirsiin Cusub!. Waaba yaab Lakiin Somali falinkasi Waa ay Garteen

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Maya maya maya, mush macquul kida! :D War maxaa tiri? Things have got so bad the Xabashis are torturing/raiding the offices of the Puntland troops, their allies, the people they are helping? War iga daa iga daa! The marriage of the uskag Xabashi and the TFG looks headed for the rocks, miyaa? Wayooo way, alloow maxaa looga digay.. :D

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Lol, this is an interesting strategy. Instead of the typical war crimes fabrications against the civilians, they are now saying Puntland troops are being subjected to it. Is this suppose to get the Puntland Population furious?


Stories Stories Stories....first the president being slapped, now this...can't wait until the next one. It better be good!!!!

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...If he didn't get it already! But I am afraid he wouldn't mind, he is used to it. The old man wuxuu ka xanaaqaa uun Somalida dhibteeda!!Gaar ahaan rer-Muqdisho! redface.gif

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JB, it's funny how you are so concerned about the innocent people in Somalia, and you must post every negative article you can find...never ever one single positive one. But now that there were riots in hargeysa, people are furious around the world and in your enclave towards your presidents policies and unbelievable undemocratic term extension, you haven't posted one article that is negative towards your tribal enclave. Why aren't you concerned? You act as if nothing is going on there, what's with the bias? Keep sweeping all your dirt under the carpet and think you are fool everyone.

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