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The situation today is just a continuation of the cycle that gripped Muqdisho for a long time. The brief ICU rule was but a rest bite laakin they showed us all that peace can be attained through adhering to Islamic values. Not perfect but a lot better than warlordism and the power of the gun. Circa 365 days and Somalia is back in a state of anarchy with players extracted from warlordism and into politics. The violence continues. Ethiopians roam the streets, massacres have occurred, resistance fighters are killing their own people, people are going missing, aid is not getting through where needed the most, maryoole are charging for tree shelter, fighting has occurred between tribes and there is still a fundamental fact being ignored by the TFG camp. This is all due to the occupying forces!


Take the damned blinkers off!

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Somalia troops take extortion money from bus drivers


Aweys Osman Yusuf

Mogadishu 03, July.07 ( Sh.M.Network) - Mogadishu bus drivers have been complaining lately that they are forced to give extortion money to some of Somalia government soldiers stationed at the bus terminals.


Muhidin Jilibeey, a 35 year-old bus driver, said he has to pay 10 thousand Somali shillings (less than 1 U.S.D) to the soldiers to be able to function in the road linking Florence intersection to Bakara, Mogadishu’s biggest bazaar.


“We, as bus drivers, have to give money to the government soldiers on the roads. In fact it is similar to extortion money we used to give to the armed thugs on the roads in the old days,” he said.


He said if they did not pay the money, they will face problems from the soldiers, indicating that military troops were to blame for taking the extortion money.


Mayor of Mogadishu, Mohammed Dheere, ordered the deployment of hundreds of government police forces to the streets of the capital after similar complaints against Somalia military forces were reported by ordinary civilians and bus drivers.


Nonetheless the troops could still be visible in the streets.


On Monday, some of the government’s police forces around Mogadishu’s Bakara market forcefully took cell phones and money from pedestrians, according to witnesses in the area.


“I was one of the people who got lined up and robbed by the police. They took my mobile phone and some money I had,” said a man who only gave his name as Ali.


He said a group of government police stopped people entering Bakara market and searching their and taking all valuable items they had.



Shabelle Media Network Somalia

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