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Originally posted by Pi:

Miskiin, I know it might strain your brain a little bit, but try to start threads a little more advanced than what a grade schooler would say. He's ugly and he smells just doesn't cut it with the grownups.


Xoogsade, I try not to ever address you seriously because I know you have a highly emotional/disturbed state of mind. It's possible that some of your relatives were killed in the current or previous wars, so your greivances might have some justifications. Anyhow, I think Miskiin can provide some intellectual basis for his criticism. Afterall, he's the moderator. He should be starting thought-provoking threads, not grade-school insults.

Lets see..


Two different posters,one similar respond: The first one is an uninteligent grown man behaving like a child & the other is an emotionally disturbed fella who needs not to be taken seriously?



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Originally posted by Tone:



LOL @ Zenawi soldiers coming out of the gate swinging.


Shariff Hassan is Muslim no?

If it isn't the one who said HY stood for High York :D . No I could careless about Zenawi, but he's a moderator. If I created a Shariif Hassan looks like say a.... monkey. He would edit me with a quickness never before seen in moderatorship. Which is total and utter hypocrisy. If not clannism.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

Come on, girls. Calm down now. It was a light hearted thread and was meant in such a way.


This has nothing to do with the moderator status of the author and it’s a bit unmanly to try to strangle him with that weak argument every time you see something you disagree with.




Zenawi does have a presidential aura about him. Something that none of the so-called Somali leaders have. Neither Riyaale, Yusuf, Geedi nor the Puntland ‘president’ look at all presidential.

LOL, who among these posters in this thread is a girl? I am confused by these coded usernames like Pi, Tone and etc. I don't hang out in the women's section anymore so I appreciate if NGONGE keeps me updated of who is who. if I wasn't afraid to offend smart Brown, I would ask who is behind the username as well.


Taako-Man waa obvious :D

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I think this is very childish, the N word is very offensive to a lot of people and I don't think it should be on here. Secondly, talk about the mans actions and what he has done instead of how he looks like, unless you're willing to put your picture up here and be judged. No?



Lastly, I have seen you personally attack quite of few people on here, practice what you preach or give up your Mod position to somebody more noteworthy.

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