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Jeremiah Wright speaks out -- at Obama's expense.

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I have a recommendation to make to the Abdillah's of this forum.


Grab one of Arianna Huffington's new book, out today;


"Right Is Wrong: How the Lunatic Fringe Hijacked America, Shredded the Constitution, and Made Us All Less Safe"


This book outlineS the fear that the media plants into the heart of the public.



As far as timing is concerned, it would not have mattered had the reverend spoke out a year later, they would still find a way to scrutinize him and squeeze the life out of the story for as long as possible, thats media for u.


I think it was good for Wright to come out and speak to the very same people that bad mouthed his "momma" as he so eloquently put it.


I am not saying this because of my support for the other candidate, but because its time that this media was hushed, I was getting sick and tired of tunning into the same story day in and day out.


I would like to see something besides AC 360 discussing Wright or campbell brown forever holding her war rumour to find out just how damaging the message was.


Once again, obama bought into the media pressure.


This man is a doll, he will be pushed around from one corner to another until he has nothing more to give, and this is what I am saying he needs to ghost.


No one can push Hilary, waa rageedii, she will not be weaken by the press. Her mix up with the bosnia bit, "she said listen, it was late, I said it, so what?", no story there to report, but this weak african american man they call a senator is being bullied all over.


How many times does obama have to tell us that he doesn't agree with the reverenD? How many times does he have to denounce the good reverend?


Reverend said it himself, so stop buying into this media pressure. The likes of Sean Hannity thinks you should "denounce the reverend" in another around, and what does obama do? He gives in by holding a press conference.


What sean hannity means is, please continue to allow me to bully you, so I can show my viewers just how easy it is to take you out of your game. If a host of a cable tv can get away with pushing obama around, what do you think iran and north korea can do the skinny senator? He would end up becoming their slave.



Give it up to the Sean hannity's of the media, waa ragiisa, please continue to call out obama, hillary sure has a better case to bring to the superdelegates now than ever.

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^^^I'm sorry that was a response in a hurry.


A soldier never knows his strength until he has been to a battle-this is a battle for Obama to show the Americans that he can stick to his principles even if he has to ditch his former pastor whom he called a confident for the last twenty years. Senator Obama has taken a superior judgment on Tuesday in denouncing in the strongest of terms against the pastors words of division. Any sane person would know that nothing can top the world of insanity than spreading rumors about the government spreading AIDS in the African community. Obviously the pastor was so arrogant and ignorant about the science behind the cause of spread of AIDS in the black community. To assume that everything the pastor is doing right now is to the advantage of Obama is, of course, absurd, as anyone with the slightest familiarity with politics in general knows.


An enormous suspicion about what Obama believes in private whirls around his campaign trail, after the pastor made a comment of passing Obama response as a “posturing” response. Obama lead in North Carolina has shrunk. Tell me if Wright self-centered media cruising has nothing to do with it?



To dismiss Obama response on Tuesday as a Pressure from the right wing hate radio like Sean Hanity is lame. To understand why Obama responded the way he did on Tuesday, we need to recognize that people need to know if Obama subscribe to the pastor’s erroneous factual judgment. Obama as a leader responded to the pastor on grounds of what is acceptable and prudence in our society today. To be a president of a nation one needs to base all his decisions about policies, whether personal or government related on ethical and moral judgment. It is striking that Obama came across as a responsive person in that question and answer press conference.

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lol@stoic, adiga maad sorry is dheheeso?


Stoic, you can't possibly believe waxa aad qoreyso eedo. Hilary knows how to stand on her two feet. She knows she can't be pushed around by anyone, especially the right wing media. Obama on the other hand has proven time in and time out that he is a weak candidate, but good luck, I am sure the 70 yr old opponent will have him for lunch in general election.



:Don't you love the Hillary Camp/Obama doubters of SOL?

Yes, aad iyo aad aan isku jecelahay aniga, not sure about anyone else. icon_razz.gif

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Lol@ Lazy...Yes I was responding to myself.I hate to write things without making it clear. I wrote those words in haste yesterday while watching television. I was begging for mercy when I finally recollected myself this morning.


I wonder when the time will ever come so that I can rejoice at Hillary loss, and I can guilefully laugh at you and Ngonge

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^No despair. Hillary's chances are diminishing by the day. She has lost a large block of the democratic voters, especially the blacks when she started doing the work of McWar.


Obama is known for turning the tide to his advantage. He's got twice as much superdelegate endorsement than her since Tuesday.

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