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Jeremiah Wright speaks out -- at Obama's expense.

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Poor Obama. He thought he's moved on. And here Jeremiah comes and gives the controversy a new lease of life. All of this after Hillary won Penn State. All of sudden Florida issue is back on news.


Who knows Hillary might pull this one off after all.


Any how, my fav PBS scored big by securing an interview with Jeremiah. Bill Moyer will have him on tomorrow night. Watch preview clip here

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This will be hardly a factor, and Obama will win the remaining States. I don't see him loosing Indiana, Oregon or the delegate rich North Caroline. Of course, the mainstream will run with the story for while and the Clintons will try to make a meal out of it, but it will fade away or simply relegated to the back pages as soon another story about any candidate surfaces.


P.S. Michigan and Florida are out of the question. I do admire the Clinton tenacity. They are true veterans!

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The Pastor needed to shut his pie-hole; this is not the time for the final denouement. His interviews will only transmit distractive vibration for Obama camp. There should be somewhere in his brain a cell-structure that tells him when to speak out and when to shut-up! I know he wants to defend his words, but the media will only sensationalize the statement about Obama responding to his speech as a politician, “"He's a politician, I'm a pastor. We speak to two different audiences. And he says what he has to say as a politician. I say what I have to say as a pastor. But they're two different worlds,” The astute pundits will cling to his words to plant some more doubt of Obama sincerity in his responds. This is not the time for the pastor to sing Kumbaya, “come into my tent, embrace my dogma, and I will give you a true a picture of what America stands for”. His views now will not even give a bird’s eye the view of his most important message of American injustice around the world. The pastor interview will only set Obama on the defensive and crippling his chances of convincing people about his ties with the trinity church.I will watch it tonight on PBS

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Has any1 seen the pastor's performance in Detroit last night? He's got some game I must say. Although the man has every right to clear his name and set the record straight, his interests at this juncture are diametrically opposed to that of Obama who wishes that the race issue to go away so that he can't get back on the stump -- "I am a different kind of politician". C'mon politician is the operative word here papa.


I'm still rooting for him though.

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The reverend impressed the living out of me at this morning's national press club address. I will say that I definitely misjudged him.


He was inspirational, he had humour and he was such a joy to watch.


My favourite part of his address was," I served six years in the Marine Corps and Navy, how many years has cheney serveD?


That cheney, he is everyone's butt of joke.

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^ :D


I saw clips of the speech and he seemed funny too when tried to educate his opponents. "Arabic is a language. Not religion." Stop scaring people as he chanted "Barack Hussein Obama" sixteen times. There are Arab speaking Christians.


I think it was a good move by odaga to clear his name and air his side of the story before the general election. It may not have been the best timing but I think it would help Obama come November now that the public has two Rev. Wrights, a YouTube hateful paster, and now a former marine and an iconic symbol in the NAACP & the African American religious leader.

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as someone who grow up in the US of A, who is black, that man, Jeremiah wright made a lot of sense to me! its about time those fake *** white people got the real deal. how do you spell ees? that had me laughing for days! no matter what they do, a black man will be president of the US of A next and there is nothing that beer guzzling former hippie hillary or that senile McCain can do!

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I wish Mr Wright said what he had said when Obama is fully a nominee for the democrat, if that was the case then all the democrat supporters would have rallied behind Obama and made easy for paster to clear his name, it would have also meant taugh for the republicans since the paster cleared his name and all democrat supporters are behind Obama. Now it's not the time for paster to speak out, it will make the democrats think twice and trice about Obama nominations not simply because they doubt his sincerity or patriotism but whether they can win with him during the main elections in November against the republicans and now that you this paster parking like a goat...


All in all, it makes Hillay's position and argument strong, that Obama cannot win in the general Elections...

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Can you imagine that the only chance for a Black President can be ruined is not by a white americans but by a black man.

This crazy Wright is on a one track mission to destroy Obama.

Can you imagine someone so egotistical and ******?


All he wants is the fame and forune so he can set himself up as the next Al Sharpton. Just another black hustler who uses these people for his own advantage.


These sorry crying black americans need to get over this race obsession they have. It's getting to sick.

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^Why are you so obssessed with the Arab race then... Doesn't Obama's middle name Hussein revoke hate for you, and what do you make of Mr Wrights praise for the Nations of Islam and Louis Farakhan.

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I dont know what you people heard but i heard some weird things like african americans minds work differently from whites , they use different parts of their brain and some other stuff that can in no way be viewed positively the man is intelligent and has a wealth of experience but other men have been fried for saying almost the same thing ... cant remember the details an old dude that was instrumental in researching DNA said Africans are inferior mentally and he was burned

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I personally think Reverend Wright tour de Media is doing disservice to Obama.The Pastor was charismatic, eloquent and even brilliantly effective in his ability to save his face in this media war attack on his character. The media though will only dramatize instead of highlight the pastors main points. However unfair the media has been to the pastor, such remarks of pastor Wright shows how deep the division of white America and black America has always been. Not surprisingly, many may think that Wright is only throwing Obama under the bus as he continues with his translation of black church diffuse concern over many issues.If any of you watched Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, you will see why the media is ready to pin Obama into the wall for Jeremia Wrights comments.Pastor ....Shut....up..........shut...up

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^It would be disservice if he would just shuts up and turn away. Besides, it is better to hear now than just before november. I just don't see how Obama would lose to Clinton in states like Indiana, Oragen and North Caroline. She might close the gap in Indiana, but that's it.


P.S. It is worthy noting another critical fundraiser has left her camp for Obama's though she is about to get an endorsement from North Caroline senator.

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Why would the bloody pastor come out now if he wants to help Obama. He could have held his fire up until this man is done.


I don't see anything but a hunger for the limelight and if he thinks that this is gonna bring him some status, he is bloody dreaming. He sealed his damn faith when he declared, "God damn America and US deserved the 911" in his sermons. Why the heck couldn't he be calculating and strike the right time. Why now? Damn it!


And this man was in Obama's life for sometime as a friend and religious figure. What a friend, eh?


America (some parts of it) is full of racists and these people are looking for an iota of alibi to take on Obama and what this fella has done is nothing but add a fuel to their fire.


However, if this is in Obama's destiny, he will overcome all this, but extremely doubtful. I think the furthest he will go, if he is lucky, would be securing the nomination.

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