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ThE ScIeNtiFiC IniMiTaBiLiTy

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ALLAH has sent all the prophets to convey to humanity that He alone is the creator of everything. Many prophets were sent by Allah, each with a miracle to prove to their people the authenticity of their prophethood. The type of the miracle of each prophet matched the art or science that prevailed at the time of the prophet.


And Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sent to the whole humanity and was the seal of all prophets, Allah has made the Qu'ran contain miracles that can make every one submit to its truth.


In our modern times where science and technology are at the forefront of our lives; Allah has enabled us to make scientific discoveries which, when read about them in the Qu'ran, one has no choice but to submit tthat the Qu'ran is the true word of Allah.



DiFFiCulTy of ReSpiRaTioN at HigH AltiTuDeS


AIR PRESSURE DECREASES as we rise above the ground, and at the same time the amount of Oxygen decreases. This results in difficulty in breathing and tightening of the chest. As we continue to rise up, this condition worsen until breathing becomes impossible at a certain altitude. For us to survive, it is essential to have oxygen supply and special clothing.


This fact is stated by Allah in the Holy Qu'ran in Surah Al-Anaam:


" Those whom Allah will to guide, -He opens their breast to Islam. Those whom He will to leave straying, He makes their breast close and constricted as if they had to climb up to the skies. Thus does Allah lay abomination on those who refuse to believe" (S.6; verse 125)

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