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Handling the Quran..

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3. There are many sound hadiths related to this, such as the hadith of Hakim ibn Hizam (Allah be pleased with him), in which the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said,


�Do not touch the Qur�an unless you are in a state of purity.� [Related by Imam Malik in his Muwatta, and deemed sound by early and late hadith authorities, such as Imam Nawawi in his Majmu`]

After showering, you are in a pure state right? so you can pray without having to perform ablution.

But if you break your ablution by farting or touchin the opposite sex (non mahram), etc etc, you can't pray without wuduu, however you are still in a state of tahara right? So my question is can I still pick up the quran and read it without performing wuduu?


Doesn't 'Tahata' mean being clean?

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Urban bro.


Tahaara in the Arabic language means Purity and cleanliness.


Tahaara in the legal ( Sharc) means

Washing off by water , or removing it by sand any ( Najaasa) impurity, filth that is not acceptable with the worship rituals such as prayers, tawaf, and touching or holding the Holy Quraan.


There are two types of human Impurity:


1. Major Impurity; ( Ghusl) Menstruation, and Intercourse.

2. Minor Impurity: ( Wudoo) after call of nature.


After the cleansening fom above two categories, a Muslim is said to be in a state of purity to worship ( TAHAARA).


There are Nine impurities by orgin:


A. Man: Urine, feces, male pre-and post ejacultion secretions.

B. Animal: Dog, Pig, dead animals.

C: Combined: Live Spilled Blood,

D. Wine/Beer/ Whisky etc.


The reading of the Holy Quran requires cleanliness from najaasa (impurity) only, but wuduu is recommended ( mustaxab) if you can read verses from memory, but touching or holding the Holy Quran requires Wudoo, or complete Tahaara.


Wallahu aclam.




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Juwairiyah sis.


This issue is mildly controversial, ( Khilaafi) scholars have differed on it, although the heavy weight scholars are all leaning for its permission, here is what Sheikh Ibnu Taimiya has to say in His Fataawa:


1. Its permissible for the Xaa'idh ( woman in her periods) to read Quraan without touching: This opinion is held by the school of Abu Hanifa and most known fatwas of Imama Shaafici, and Imaam Axmad ibn Xambal.


2. Its said that reading Quraan is NOT permissible for the JUNUB ( After intercourse) but permissible for the Xaa'idh ( periods), either absolutely, or in case she is afraid forgetting the memorization of Quran (which in forbidden), According to Imaam Malik's opinion and some aspect of Axmed Ibn Xambal's opinion.


3. The Only well known Hadeeth that restricts the reading of the Quraan for the Xaa'idh (woman in her periods) was reported by Ismaaciil bin Cayaah is weak category (Daciiful Jaamic # 6364).


4. During the Prophets time there is incident that the Prophet SAWS prohibited them to read the Quraan during their periods. Neither did he prohibit them from the other religious rituals like the Dhiker and Duaa or, were ordered to go join the public in Eid to celebrate Takbeer of Eid and all pilgrimmage rituals except the Tawaf at the Holy Kaaba, all the while making duaa and dhiker of Allah and His praise from memory. Thuus its concluded that an impurity due a women's periods is not in the same category of the impurity after a session of intercourse, (the latter being by choice and short, while the first is natural occurance and takes a longer period) so the Shaaric ( Allah ) did not prohibit ( worhsip rituals ) for the woman in periods, likewise, the reading of Quraan.


( Majmuuc al Fataawaa Sheikh Ibn Taymiyah, Vol 21 Page 459)


2008 eNuri SOL Fiqh Service

Courtesy of eNuri Transemantics

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