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General Duke

Al Shabaab Clan Courts on verge of war?? utter failure

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Mucaaradka oo dagaal qarka u saaran

4 Oct 4, 2008 - 9:10:20 AM


Ilo wareedyo lagu kalsoon yahay oo ay Garowe Online heshay ayaa sheegaya in khilaaf u dhexeeya Midowga Maxkamadaha iyo ururka mayalka adag ee Al-shabaab uu gaaray meel xun.


Ilahaan xog-ogaalka ah ayaa waxay sheegayaan in labada dhinac uu khilaafkoodu xoogeystay tan iyo markii ay Al-shabaab ku dhawaaqeen inuu xiran yahay garoonka caalamiga ee Muqdisho [Adan Adde International Airport].


"Khilaafku wuxuu qarka u saaran yahay in la dagaalamo, waayo xal kale oo muuqda ma jiro" sidaa waxaa inoo sheegay mas'uul ka tirsan Maxkamadaha oo magaciisa qariyay, wuxuuna intaas ku daray:


"Arinta aan aadka u dhibsanayno waa xirnaashaha garoonka Muqdisho iyo in laga shaqeeyo dhibaateynta shacabka; nabada oo la ishortaagana waa ka mid waxa khilaafka sii huriyay".


Sidoo kale Mas'uul ka tirsan Al-shabaab oo isaguna codsaday inaan magaciisa shaacin ayaa sheegay in Midowga Maxkamaduhu ay damacsan yihiin in halgalkii lasoo galay ay afka ciidda loo daraan, taasoo aan aad uga horjeedno.


"Go'aankeenu waa inaan awoodeena oo dhan isugu geyno sidii uu hirgal ku noqon lahaa hadafkeena oo ah inaan dalkaan madax ka noqono, mana dhacayso inaan qaadano mid la mid ah fikirka Maxkamadaha" ayuu yiri mas'uulkaan ka tirsan Al-shabaab.


Labada dhinac ayaa qarka u saaran inay rasaas ka dhex-qaraxdo; iyadoo ururka hubeysan ee Al-shabaab uu ahaa garabkii Milateri ee Maxkamadaha, balse uu ka go'ay markii laga itaal roonaaday mucaaradka horaantii 2007.


Ururka Al-shabaab ayaa ku amaray xoogaga Maxkamaduhu inay isaga baxaan Gobolada Jubooyinka, iyadoo taas badalkeed Al-shabaab laga saaray suuqa weyn ee Bakaaraha oo mucaaradku uu ku awood badan yahay.


Xiisadaha u dhexeeya labada qaybood ayaa ku baahay hacabka Muqdisho, waxaana dagaal dhexmara uu noqon karaan mid aan mudo badan qaadan, sida laga soo xigtay ilo lagu kalsoon yahay.

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Somalia: Islamic Courts, al Shabaab 'on verge of war'

4 Oct 4, 2008 - 4:41:20 PM


MOGADISHU, Somalia Oct 4 (Garowe Online) - Reliable sources in Somalia's capital Mogadishu confidentially tell Garowe Online that insurgent groups waging war against the country's foreign-backed interim government are "on the verge" of open hostilities.


Relations between Islamic Courts fighters and al Shabaab gunmen worsened following al Shabaab's September threat to shoot down airplanes landing at Mogadishu's Aden Adde International Airport. [ READ: 5 killed in Mogadishu as airport bombed]


"The dispute is on the verge of war because there is no other visible solution," said an Islamic Courts source in Mogadishu who did not want to be named.



The source indicated that the biggest problem is al Shabaab's "opposition to peace" and the mortar raids on Mogadishu airport whenever a military or civilian airliner attempts to land.


Since September 16, when al Shabaab issued the threat, the airport has been targeted with mortars at least four times, leading to the government and its foreign allies' heavy shelling of civilian areas like Bakara Market in response.


However, a member of al Shabaab in Mogadishu accused the Islamic Courts of "wanting to destroy the [armed] struggle's successes."


"We will never accept the [islamic] Courts' idea…our decision is to unite our strength so our goal of becoming the leaders of this country [somalia] can be attained," said the al Shabaab source, who wished to remain anonymous due to the sensitivity of the matter.


Other Islamist sources in Mogadishu and Kismayo tell Garowe Online that the two insurgent groups – Islamic Courts and al Shabaab – have already taken steps to divide up the fighting ranks.


Al Shabaab reportedly expelled Islamic Courts fighters from the Jubba regions, including the port city of Kismayo, as the internal dispute worsened.


In response, the Islamic Courts "barred" al Shabaab from using Mogadishu's Bakara Market, which the Somali government has long accused of being a major base for insurgents.


Islamic Courts leaders, including Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and Eritrea-based Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, have publicly called on al Shabaab to stop the airport attacks.


Sheikh Sharif inked a peace deal with the Somali government in June, but Sheikh Aweys has opposed the agreement on grounds it provides no timetable for the withdrawal of Ethiopian forces.


Al Shabaab, however, has altogether rejected the peace deal and refused to recognize the exiled opposition group, which includes Sheikh Sharif and Sheikh Aweys as leaders.


In June 2006, when the Islamic Courts Union captured Mogadishu from U.S.-backed warlords, al Shabaab formed the core of the Islamists' fighting force.


The Ethiopian invasion later that year dislodged the Islamists from power, breaking up their ranks into small fighting units largely responsible for an ongoing insurgency.


In March this year, the U.S. government officially designated al Shabaab a terrorist organization and by May 1, al Shabaab's most well-known leader, Sheikh Aden Hashi Ayrow, was killed in an American air strike in central Somalia.


Source: Garowe Online

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This is the funny part....


Al Shabaab reportedly expelled Islamic Courts fighters from the Jubba regions, including the port city of Kismayo, as the internal dispute worsened.


In response, the Islamic Courts "barred" al Shabaab from using Mogadishu's Bakara Market, which the Somali government has long accused of being a major base for insurgents.


Barred from the Bakara, thus its trrue the mortars come from there?


Comedians and utter ******..

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Originally posted by General Duke:

This is the funny part....



Al Shabaab reportedly expelled Islamic Courts fighters from the Jubba regions, including the port city of Kismayo, as the internal dispute worsened.


In response, the Islamic Courts "barred" al Shabaab from using Mogadishu's Bakara Market, which the Somali government has long accused of being a major base for insurgents.


Barred from the Bakara, thus its trrue the mortars come from there?


Comedians and utter ******..
So why still shelling the market if they are not there ??

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JB: The opposition are in the Bakar amarket sending mortars, the forces are defending themselves.


Its Al Shabaab thats the problem adeer, now even Ahmed Diriye agrees.


As for worse scenario, these clowns have over stepped their mark soon the clan will hunt them down. Its simple adeer who is dying, who's air port is closed and who;s children are being used.


Iknow its not Berbera, hargaysa, Bossaso or even Kismayu.. This issue has turned.


Oh Hassan the clown supporter, go make peace between Abu Mansuur and SharIf Ahmed. :D

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The airport is not closed, its a threat to close it that has cost many civilain lives and business.


The Al Shabaab are now at war with various clans that helped them before..

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