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United States Supports Functioning Government in Somalia

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United States Supports Functioning Government in Somalia



Deputy secretary of state for African affairs has met with Somali leaders



Deputy Secretary of State for African Affairs Donald Yamamoto

The United States continues to maintain informal contacts with entities in Somalia, according to a fact sheet issued September 20 by the Department of State.


Deputy Secretary of State for African Affairs Donald Yamamoto met with leaders from Somalia to underscore U.S. support for the establishment of a functioning government.


Following is the text of the fact sheet:


(begin fact sheet)


U.S. Department of State

Fact Sheet

[september 20, 2005]


U.S. Support for Functioning Government in Somalia


The United States is continuing to maintain informal contacts with entities in Somalia. Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Donald Yamamoto recently met with leaders from Somalia to underscore U.S. support for the establishment of a functioning government in Somalia and the need for consensus within the Somali Transitional Federal Institutions in order to begin the process of establishing governance.


Deputy Assistant Secretary Yamamoto welcomed the Speaker of the Transitional Federal Assembly of Somalia, Shariff Hassan Sheikh Adan, to the State Department on September 14, 2005. He underscored this U.S. support and urged the Speaker to continue his efforts towards finding a peaceful solution to current disagreements between Somali leaders.


During the UN General Assembly in New York City on September 16, 2005, Deputy Assistant Secretary Yamamoto met with Somali Transitional President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed. He again underscored the above U.S. support and urged President Yusuf to take immediate steps to reduce tension and engage in a constructive dialogue with other members of the Transitional Federal Institutions to find a peaceful solution to current disagreements.


(end fact sheet)


Source: USINFO, Sept. 21, 2005

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I thought they were saying that since yonks. :confused:


Everybody[*_*] here on Earth supports a just and functioning government for Somalia. A just and functioning government is one which has the support of its people.


The problem with Somalia is internal and not external.

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Deputy Assistant Secretary Yamamoto welcomed the Speaker of the Transitional Federal Assembly of Somalia, Shariff Hassan Sheikh Adan, to the State Department on September 14, 2005. He underscored this U.S. support and urged the Speaker to continue his efforts towards finding a peaceful solution to current disagreements between Somali leaders.


During the UN General Assembly in New York City on September 16, 2005, Deputy Assistant Secretary Yamamoto met with Somali Transitional President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed. He again underscored the above U.S. support and urged President Yusuf to take immediate steps to reduce tension and engage in a constructive dialogue with other members of the Transitional Federal Institutions to find a peaceful solution to current disagreements.



They asked Shariifka to continue his efforts of bringing peace and urged Yeey to reduce tension and engage in dialogue.


What does this tell you? If you are well versed in diplomatic lingo, you will easily decipher from this statement how the State Department is skeptical of Yeey. You will also come to recognize the confidence the US officials have on speaker of Parliament. Diplomats can without difficulty discern who is serious about peace and who is not.

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Originally posted by OLOL:

Deputy Assistant Secretary Yamamoto welcomed the Speaker of the Transitional Federal Assembly of Somalia, Shariff Hassan Sheikh Adan, to the State Department on September 14, 2005. He underscored this U.S. support and
urged the Speaker to continue his efforts towards finding a peaceful solution to current disagreements between Somali leaders.


During the UN General Assembly in New York City on September 16, 2005, Deputy Assistant Secretary Yamamoto met with Somali Transitional President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed. He again underscored the above U.S. support and
urged President Yusuf to take immediate steps to reduce tension and engage in a constructive dialogue with other members of the Transitional Federal Institutions to find a peaceful solution to current disagreements.



They asked Shariifka to continue his efforts of bringing peace and urged Yeey to reduce tension and engage in dialogue.


What does this tell you? If you are well versed in diplomatic lingo, you will easily decipher from this statement how the State Department is skeptical of Yeey. You will also come to recognize the confidence the US officials have on speaker of Parliament. Diplomats can without difficulty discern who is serious about peace and who is not.

It's really the same thing the President is ask to take immediate steps to reduce tension Because he is the President he is in a higher level than the Speaker. But the Main idea was peaceful solution Which was said to both of them.

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